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Status Updates posted by Glorious.

  1. We missed the presale for Sept so God knows how we did get the tickets :LOL:

    Yea, what I dont like now is how they release the tickets before the lineup normally, its not fair because what if you dont like anything thats on, or miss something that you love. But they're still great.

    Yea, pulling out is awful. Oh I dont know! I cant think, but I remember somebody doing it...

    The rest do, I only have one :LOL:

    Yea, it does help that we live very close to them :happy: My friends brother caught him coming out of Tescos humming to Fire :chuckle:

    It was okay, I would never go again though. It was mostly crap pop acts but Dizzee Rascal and Example, and Plan B were bonus' It was £37 i think,so not too expensive.

    Im obsessed with them :facepalm: It should be fantastic yeaa, Im low on funds too, the only reason Ive managed to get away with it is the really expensive ones like Gorillaz im getting for Christmas :LOL: I need to save now, Ive said Im only going to gigs next year for my absolute favourites. But saying this ill go to loads still knowing me :LOL:

    Bumping into them really would be great. But it would be awful if you didnt have anything on you to document it. I would hate myself forever.

  2. Presale ftw! ;)

    I hate waiting for things, you just wana know who's on. .

    I only have one friend who loves muse like me, shes on here :LOL: Yea, some people just have it, whereas I dont. I know people who have seen so many people just walking around, like Tom from Kasabian. So unfair. Ive only ever been to t4 on the beach :facepalm: we just wanted to go to get the atmosphere of that type of thing.

    Again Libertines :supersad::LOL: Yea, I get to see Gorillaz next month which I am so excited for :awesome: and Im seeing Biffy.

    No please dont! :LOL:

  3. I know :happy:

    Yea it would be good, but it would be so hard to get tickets :LOL:

    I think it will be a good lineup, I bet itll be someone nobody is expecting.

    I would do that too, If I wanted to see the headliners that badly, whoever was on in the day I would see too, camp out there. :p


    Ahh, see Im on my last year of GCSE's so Ive got quite a few coming up. If I cant go I just hope the line up is crap, so I dont miss anything :LOL: Then Id go next year instead <3 fingers crossed yea ;)

  4. Yes its good now that the o2 academy is now open in Leicester, saves all that travelling :p

    Ahh the closes Muse will ever get to me is Brimmy, the nearest place with arenas :LOL:

    I dont know anybody rumored actually. Ohh it will be good if they do, that will be a good fest Muse and Courteeners ;) But I think Muse may do V Fest next year as well, gotta feeling.

    It would be awesome, id be barrier for sure :LOL:

    Yea i just hope nothing collides with my exams, crossed fingers!



  5. Good point :LOL: Sugababes arn't the best in the business ;)

    I seen them in Birmingham in March, such a good birthday present. This time im seeing them in Leicester. :D

    Aww yea, we wana go to the isle of wight fest this year but we need to get our timetable before we actually decide. It may be too close.

    It would have been fantastic, I was watching it back with tears:LOL: Im so happy they're returning. Hoping for a tour so much. Well I hope you do get tickets.


    Hello Olivia/Liv :chuckle:

  6. :happy:


    It actually is, I love Sycophant too. You'll have to listen it's such a good cover, better than the original :)

    Is isnt it? So excited :awesome: they were brilliant last time. I'm from Leicestershire. You? :D

    Aah, Leeds is always one I've wanted to go to. It would be great if they do. I wanted to go this year for the Libertines :supersad: Fantastic reunion.


    Im Shannon by the way :)

  7. He is a boss for quotes. And I love how he targets fans


    What took you so long has to be my all time favourite of theirs :happy:

    But at the minute I love their cover of About You Now, the sugababes song.

    I get to see them for the second in December so excited. :awesome:

  8. I think we could be friends :p


    I love them, Liam is a legend.

    Your fave? :happy:

  9. You like the courteeners? :awesome:

  10. Oh I dont mind not having to do that :LOL: Im dreading that stage.

    Im the baby of the group though :LOL: everyones birthdays are this side of the year, whereas mine is next year. Dont like that.

  11. Very good thanks. Very niice, ages till I turn 16. :supersad:

    I dont think Ill ever stop being immature, it just comes naturally to me :LOL:

  12. Hello Peter, long time no speak :LOL:


    How're you?

  13. :eyebrows: Will you eh?


    There needs to be a PARKLIFE in there somewhere as well :LOL:



    RIGHT DO IT WITH MEEEE! :awesome:

    <3 Shane is such a legend :stunned:


    I think you should do it! Lewis Wright as Shane.

  15. lyrics-background_l7.jpg



  16. Thats brilliant :LOL::lol:


    I love it.

  17. Yep, this is my last GCSE year though, but there is gonna be alot of them :LOL:

    Good, yeaa me too. :happy:

  18. Tough shit I got one :cool:


    You love me really :awesome:


    ..please? :supersad:

  19. The jimmy carr laugh just comes out for nothing then ;)


    Dont be silly. Alex Lowe has got her bitchezz around ;) watch out, Dippy is coming ffor you. 'I want to save the extinct animals'


    Me Alex Sam Paige Fazz Ryan :LOL: I was thinking of ways to kill him... I was getting to into it.

  20. Im a funny person, what can I say ;)

    He is, he cant help it. GORGAAA.


    Personality swap :LOL: you - quiet THATS THE MOST STUPID THING I EVER HEARD :LOL: Dutton needs to change to the ugly one ;)

    In business today we were all expressing our hate for a certain person *ellis*

  21. Oohh bit tight budget, but as long as he gets a new one :LOL: ILL BUY IT HIM IF I HAVE TOO.

    Aww bless! I didnt know that was why he was wearing trainers. :LOL: maybe I shouldnt have shouted about them earlier then... ;)


    Oh god, hell probably cry if he doesnt get his way.

  22. He actually is, how he hits that space bar :eyebrows:


    Well then, he needs a new brand, that shit aint working. mmmhhmm.


    Ive heard :LOL: apparently its 'you can only drink if you bring some' so it means Dutton cant drink. I think you should go f' lulzz.

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