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Status Updates posted by Cate_Fernandes

  1. Pois, também acho que não é o mesmo. É impossível nós sabermos ao que o rapaz se estava a referir quando me chamou Diamantina visto que nem ele próprio sabe ao que se estava a referir :LOL:

    Já fiz o meu teste de Português. Correu bem, tirando uma pergunta que eu devia ter desenvolvido mais e que não desenvolvi porque eu já não me lembrava mesmo como se respondia aquela pergunta. Mas tirando isto correu bem. Acho que pelo menos positiva tenho. Por curiosidade, que parte da História você estudou nessa matéria que fez? Obrigada por esperares que eu deseje o meu sonho :D Também espero poder realizá-lo. Uma das melhores coisas que me podiam acontecer era eu conseguir tornar-me arqueóloga :D

  2. Por acaso eu conheço uma cidade brasileira chamada Diamantina porque há 2 anos eu conheci um rapaz e ele começou a chamar-me Diamantina e eu não sei porque e ele também não sabe porque :LOL: Agora Diamantina é uma das minhas alcunhas :)

    Ainda bem que vai tudo bem com a faculdade :D Pois, eu sei o que é estar cansada por ter muitas coisas para estudar :( Amanhã tenho teste de Português e tenho um pressentimento de que este teste não me vai correr muito bem :( Sociologia e Ciência Política parecem ser 2 áreas bastante interessantes :) Ainda bem que conseguiu entender como o sistema educacional funciona em Portugal. Eu quero ser arqueóloga. História sempre foi a minha disciplina favorita portanto eu quero seguir esta profissão.

  3. Really? That's cool :D

    I like that site

  4. Schools here in Portugal are like that too. We have a lot of subjects and the tests are very difficult and we need to memorise a lot of things.

    And thanks :) Yes, good luck to both of us.

    As they are going to Korea and Japan maybe they will come to Hong Kong too :)

  5. Seems to me that we have a taste in common - the literature :) At school I study Portuguese Literature.

    I hope that too. My dream is to be an archaeologist and I'm going to fight for it but it's complicated because everyone around me tells me that it's a job with no future and it will not yield anything :( I think that's a job with a big future and it will give me not money but happiness for doing what I really like to do. With this job I can learn so much. I can discover the past, present and future. I can learn so much about the people that exist and what allowing us to be what we are today :D

    As I said before, in my school there are lots of problems with drugs and I don't want to be a victim of a rumor related to drugs. For you can see how serious are the problems with drugs on my school I'm going to tell you what happened today in my Portuguese class: two classmates of mine were with their eyes very red and my teacher asked them why their eyes were so red and they responded that they just didn't sleep very well. The truth is that they taked drugs before the class and this was in the morning. As you can see, the situation is very serious and worrying.

    Yes, I heard the song that you talked to me. The song is very beautiful and I love it :D

    Well, I can't stop listening Muse and I have to listen Muse everyday so I don't have any particulary song that I can't stop listening, but recently I started listening to Kasabian and I start to like of 2 songs "Where did all the love go" and "Underdog". Do you know this band or this songs? I think that they are a really good and awesome band :D

  6. Sim, e contigo?

    Fizeste anos ontem? Então parabéns :D , embora atrasados.

  7. So nice to meet you too :)

    Well, I don't remember how I found you.

    Yes, I love horror movies. They are definitely my favourites :D

    My favourites are all the movies of the "Saw" saga. I also like "Death Tunnel" :)

  8. So, how were the classes with the teachers who didn't know a word of Spanish?

    Well, if you ever visit it you won't regret it. Yeah, the weather here in Portugal in the Summer is really hot and sunny and sometimes I even feel sick because of the heat.

    Despite the weather being so rainy and cloudy there in England, it's a country that I really want to visit. Actually my class is thinking about going to England in our senior trip next year. I'm really excited about it :D

    Unfortunately, no, but there are 2 instruments that I wish I could play, guitar and piano. In the city where I live, there aren't music schools around and I don't know anyone who teaches playing any musical instruments. I wish I can be able to, in the future, learn how to play, at least, guitar. And what about you, do you play any instrument?

  9. Sorry about my late reply.

    Are you talking about my birthday day? :)

  10. Sorry about my late reply.

    Don't worry, they're just 2 exams. Do you know the grades that you had on them?

    Oh, that's awesome :D I finished school too. I'm oficially in my Summer holidays :D

    You're welcome :)

    Well, I already know the grades of all my exams and I didn't have negatives, I only had good grades :) In relation to the last period, my grades have improved a lot and that means that my average is going up and that's great :D

  11. Sorry about my late reply.

    Hola :D Yo estoy muy bien, y tu?

    Muito obrigada!! :D:D

    Really? That's seems to be really cool and interesting :)

    That's cool. I'm glad you like fado because it's music originally portuguese. You know, my father is a really good singer and he loves fado, and sometimes he combines a lunch with some friends and in that meetings with his friends he always sings some songs, and he sings mostly fado :)

    I think you should listen Xutos e Pontapés, they're the greatest portuguese rock band, they're really awesome. On Rock in Rio in 2008 and also in 2010 they played on the same day as Muse. Check out this video of Xutos e Pontapés on Rock in Rio 2008:

    They were the first band playing and Muse, who were the headliners of that day, were the last band playing. On Rock in Rio in 2010 this happened too, they're were the first band playing and then Muse, the headliners, were the last band playing.

    It's not an obligation. On the secondary we have the obrigatory subjects and then we have to choose 2 ones that don't are. The options are Geography, MACS, Spanish and Portuguese Literature. I choosed Spanish and Portuguese Literature.

    I was here thinking, I can write a whole answer in portuguese, maybe my next answer, but I don't know if it's too soon for that. If you want I can do that, I'm sure it'll help you. I you accept, I promise that I'll use easy words and simple phrase.

    Adeus, beijos :D

  12. Sorry about my late reply.

    Oh, thanks :) No, we didn't get caught. 2 persons passed by while we were in the playground and in the time that they were passing they didn't stop to look at us. They might had thought "Wtf are that girls doing? Are they crazy? Are they drunk or on drugs?" :LOL:

    I'm sure that your stories are not boring and there's no problem if they're very long. Come on, I want to know your stories :)

    I've been thinking in that too. Kate Hudson is not compatible with Matt. He's a rock star and she's an Hollywood actress. They are not made for each other. Their relationship has no future, don't you agree with me? And about call our alien friends from Cydonia to take her to Cydonia and keep her there? Or we can build a giant sock and arrest her inside of it and send it to the middle of the Artic ocean so that she can be a droplet in the ocean? What do you think?

  13. Sorry about my late reply.

    Thank you so much buddy Muser and evil accomplice!! :D:D

    I'm gonna answer to the other message now :)

  14. Sorry about my late reply.

    That's right, when we see pics and videos of the stadium gigs, we think "I was so fond of being there" and "I wish I could be there" and it's a pain in the ass we want to be there and we just can't. Sometimes it's hard to endure this pain because I often see comments of people who went to the gigs saying that they are very happy for had gone and that the concert was amazing. In one side I stay very happy for this persons but in other side I stay very sad because I didn't go. Do you understand what I mean?

    I didn't go to RiR because my parents didn't allow me to go. They said that I'm too young to go but the good news are that if Muse come to RiR in 2012 I can go to see them because in that time I'm gonna have 17 almost 18 years old so I'm gonna be older and so that I can go without any problem. I don't live far from Lisbon. To go to Lisbon I spend +/- 1 hour by the highway.

    Omg, you're so lucky! You are gonna attending to 3 Muse gigs. Congratulations for that :) I'm very happy for you. So, you think that you can get money for the travelling expenses and also get permission to go from your parents? I hope so.

    Don't worry, there are lots of people older than you that still live with their parents.

  15. Sorry about my late reply.

    Yes, I voted for my Muse songs. But it was hard for me because I love all the songs and I can't choose 3 favorites .. so I voted in all songs for RiR :D But then I realized that I only can vote in 3 songs per gig so I voted 3 different songs per gig :D So, I could vote in all the songs just like I wanted :D

    And you?

  16. Sorry for the late reply.

    Yes, I hope that too. I will try to go to Rock in Rio May 27.

  17. Também acho isso do Dom :)

    Sabes, eu tenho uma coisa em comum com o Matt, a aracnofobia.

  18. Tens razão visto que estamos sempre a falar em inglês com outras pessoas. Desde que me inscrevi no Muse Forum o meu inglês melhorou bastante e o meu vocabulário aumentou :)

    Eu sou Rio Maior que é uma cidade perto de Santarém e sou estudante do 10.º ano de Línguas e Humanidades. E tu, de que lugar do Brasil és e o que fazes?

    Have a nice weekend too :D

  19. Thank you so much (again)

    You were very helpful :)

  20. Thanks :D I'm glad you liked of my ideas and I'm also glad that you nearly died laughing because that's a good sign :LOL:

    Now that you spoke about what happened to Gaia Polloni I'm gonna tell you a little story that I have about it. So, my best friend is not a Muser but I use to talk with her about Muse. This happened some months ago, when Matt was still dating Gaia. Me and my best friend were at school and then I told her that Matt was dating with an italian girl. Our conversation was: Me - "Look, Matt has an italian girlfriend"; My best friend "And is she called Renova?"; Me "Wtf, why Renova? Her name is Gaia Polloni". I'm gonna explain why she said Renova, she associated Renova (the paper's brand) to a possible female italian name. I think that it was like a shooting because she remembered of this in the moment that we were talking but it was a funny shooting :LOL: Some weeks later I had a school trip to Lisbon. I have a girl in my class called Patrícia and she's a Muser too. So, we were in the bus to Lisbon and I was sitting at the foot of my best friend and in the front seat was Patrícia with another girl of my class that is my friend too. Patrícia and the other girl are my friends so I told to them the Renova and Gaia story. So, we were in the bus and we were almost in Lisbon and suddenly a Renova's truck passed by our bus and Patrícia and the other started laughing and then they told me to look for the window to see what was passing and that was when I saw the truck. I started laughing so much that my stomach started hurting :LOL: Then we started to talk about that and suddenly I invented a story that I'm gonna tell you now: I said that I phoned to some guys to kidnap Gaia and then transport her in a Renova's truck to a landfill and kill and bury her there. So, what happened to Gaia is that she's dead and buried in a landfill somewhere in Portugal :LOL: But attencion, this was just a story that I invented and I have nothing against Gaia and I hope everything's good with her.

    Oh, and in that day we had lunch in a mall called "Vasco da Gama" and guess what? That mall stays next to Pavilhão Atlântico, that was where Muse did a gig in the last November. I stayed a lot of time looking at Pavilhão Atlântico and I my thoughts were "OMG, Muse did a gig there! OMG, Muse were there!". That day was a day full of Muse stuff: first was the day that I bought 4 Muse Cd's and second was the day that I saw Pavilhão Atlântico, where Muse did a gig :D

    Ok, I'm gonna choose wisely evil accomplice but I want to listen all the stories and I can't choose one. Let's see, you can start by the beggining, so I choose the opcion a.

    "you were probably having way too much fun sneaking into forbidden playgrounds to notice!" - :LOL:

  21. Thanks :)

    I'll be honest. Was through Twilight. When I heard "Supermassive Black Hole " I just loved song and then I discovered the band and with time I become a big Muse fan.

    And about you?

  22. Thanks again for helping me.

    You are a good friend :)

  23. Thanks for the advices :) I'm going to see on Amazon just like you said.

    I agree with you .. Muse crazy fans are the best :D:D

  24. Thanks, I think that's a praise :)

    Omg, I can imagine you in the middle of the class laughing. And don't worry about the persons that were looking weird at you. You were having fun and that's all that matters :D

    Yes, you're right: I and Matt would get along just fine. That's so cool :)

    Oh, yes. I have to ask Matt if he wants to join my evil society :LOL: Btw, I sent a comment to Matt's profile here in the forum with the conversation (just my part of it) that I said in my last comment to you. So, I can send another one to ask him if he wants to join my evil society. And probably he will never answer me and that's sad :(

    The ideia of using his super-sonic screeches against my enemies sounds great :) Thanks for the idea.

  25. Thanks, I will :D Oh, working during the holidays, that's not cool. So, you'll have a job during the summer? What job it is? It's a cool and funny job or is a boring one?

    So there where you live the weather improved? Do you have finally sunny days? :D

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