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About 27 Shockwaves

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Status Updates posted by About 27 Shockwaves

  1. Thanks you Lozi!!! :D

    My day will be :awesome:, don't you worry!!! :dance:

  2. Damn child, you're hyper tonight xD Umm I would go on aim, but I just got a new netbook with NOTHING on it yet o.o I gotta load all my stuff back on. And yes. I love the word epic. EPIC!!!!


    Oh, and tell the one explaining her problems that I understand, but she just can't go around violating people's Jell-O! I gotta go be a ninja, soooooo goodnight ^-^

  3. Pancakes!!! Here, have an emotionally scarring pancake related picture!!!


  4. HEY :D I'm... uhhh... decent I guess! Haha, why so hyper xD

  5. Hi :D er sorry for being so late, I had to run to the store with my dad.

  6. Ummm nothing much really. Assassin's Creed 2. Quite the beasty game :D

  7. ummmm ok. I'm gonna watch American Idol and lay down after you do, cuz I'm not feeling to hot today :supersad:

  8. Oh. Soooooooo, it's bad I'm talking to you? :(

  9. Ohs nos, why'd she get mad? :O

  10. 'Tis because I'm a ninja :ninja: and why?

  11. I totally just accepted your friend request :dance:

  12. Ah, so you are quite the messenger :LOL: I am afraid of the "or else" part, but you know... ninja time is over at 9:30 :supersad: .... But these are still really good cookies *slowly eats cookie*


    lol at all the insiders btw xD

  13. Hi! Ah I miss you too ... Everything's all good up here, in fact I just got a 90 average on my algebra mid-term exam :D highest grade in the class! I bet it was because I got to listen to Muse during the exam :LOL:


    So how have you been? :happy:

  14. Epic, I just got done playing my bass. But I gotta go study for my algebra mid-term now :supersad: I guess I'll be on later tonight.... CURSE MATH AND ITS EVIL ACTS OF ANTI-MUSERS!!!

  15. Hi Lozi!! :D It's all good over here. How are you?

    (sorry for being so late, I was at my grandma's. baking cookies.)

  16. *deep breath*


    :dance::party:HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :party::dance:

  17. lawl I'm only a ninja until 9:30 :LOL: I'm gone after that. In fact right before you posted that, I logged off. Sorry 'bout that.



    But you never know :ninja:......... *dun dun DUN*

  18. Google can be your best friend... or it can make you wish you deleted your browsing history before letting someone else use the computer :LOL:

  19. Googling that may have brought you to some random foreign p0rn site.. Weird indeed :LOL:

  20. What she said :eyebrows:(when Doris crashed, I almost wanted to tweet "Whatever you do..DON'T GOOGLE IT!!!!")





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