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About 27 Shockwaves

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Status Updates posted by About 27 Shockwaves

  1. Just gray :chuckle: Well, actually it's sort of black with little wavy bits of gray here and there, but that might just be the plastic. I know the actual vinyl had art on it, someone posted a pic of theirs in the thread. And whatever you want to do is fine, but it's totally unnecessary to pay me.

  2. Not at all! :D the guy at the record store was real cool, gave me 4 leftover copies for $11 each cos nobody else was taking them. So no, I don't need to be paid back.

  3. Would you like one? I had quite the adventure down at the record store today ;)

  4. Hey, did you manage to get a copy of Exo? :awesome:

  5. Hey!! I've been great, how are you doing? :happy:

  6. :LOL: I've gotten the thick string comments before, but I've never backed it up with that witty response! I've always just been like "...... :shifty: ..... *hits with bass* Now whaddaya think of my strings?! NOT SO RETARDED NOW, ARE THEY?"


    But that's clever, I like that :awesome:

  7. Hey, awesome, bassists unite! :D Yeah doesn't it get annoying after a while, "O hai why's ur guitar only have 4 strings, is it broken lol roflmao??" I used to do it to my brother all the time, so I guess it's only fair. And happy Easter, if you celebrate it!

  8. Awesome. Well you have to wait a little longer because I have to go eat dinner now, so I'll be sure to let you know when It's done :happy: later!

  9. I'd call bass, but I think Katie wanted to do it. I dunno, I'll ask her when the time comes :D

    Right now, I'm working on TSP, and it sounds epic behind your guitar track.

  10. I think someone did at one point when everything was less organized and it was just one huge thread. After a few songs are done (because a lot of us have more than 10 things to record), I would totally suggest it. I have to get used to that sort of galloping tempo I have to keep up for the KOC bass.

  11. Nah, it's great ;) I have issues recording too, I freak out a little bit and end up skipping parts or changing the tempo. That's why I have to do like a thousand takes sometimes :facepalm::LOL:I'm so picky...

  12. I love it, you're one heck of a guitar player :happy: I really hope I get to do the bass track for it.

  13. 'TIS DONE :awesome: Linky's in the group thread.

  14. Stupid me, I forgot to plug in my laptop and it died while I was away. Let's try that again, shall we :chuckle:

  15. Hey, sorry I had company and had to leave my computer :facepalm: sorry, sorry, sorry :supersad: gimme one minute!

  16. Oh ok! (sorry for being so late on a reply-- I was listening to the epic adventures of Kirby's gig last night :D) and a lot of my pics of Chris from last Saturday were all blured because he NEVER STOPS HEADBANGING! :LOL: I was literally 5 feet away from him which made it worse... So you're lucky, you're going to another gig :p

  17. *gasp* are you going to Wembley? :awesome: If so, you need to take as many pics as humanly possible!! And in such a big place we're gonna need someone to look after the Glitterati :shifty: So go, go, go, get the barrier!!! :LOL:

  18. Hello, just stopping by to say hey :D And I happened to see the Glitterilluminati is quite a hit since I last visited the thread. Glad you're keeping it alive! I wanted to show you my shot of the Glitterati at the gig in Boston I was at (other than when he was tossing it across the stage). From the barrier, I must say... it's much more sexy in person, especially right as he makes passionate love to it in your face :eyebrows:



  19. And I was like :eyebrows:

    :chuckle: you know what, you go ahead and do that! Have so much damn fun, your little heart explodes!


    And no doubt they will, especially since the queue is outside! And I have to go now (gotta wake up early for stupid state testing tomorrow :indiff:) sooooo I'll talk to you tomorrow, while you waaaaaaaaait paaaaaaaatiently for the gig :D

  20. :D and I was all like "OMG I just happen to have enough cash on me for another room for two people! And since we all agree on liking it firm...." :shifty:


    Coloring books are your best friend!!! Yeah, but they'll probably do wristbands-- they have for most of the gigs, if not all I think...

  21. :LOL:and I called up Chris and said, "Chris can you hear me?... I think it's nice quite firm!"


    They better do wristbands. If not, bring the crosswords, and...


    Dinosaur themed coloring books :ninja:

  22. :chuckle:That's also what Matt said before he quite liked it firm.


    Haha, I'm not kidding! :LOL: you better have something REALLY good to do before the gig to pass the time!

  23. :LOL: Well you're gonna have to wait!! But I will say-- the day of the concert... you will be waiting longer that it ever felt for the past weeks combined. *dun dun DUNNNNN* it will be torture :ninja:
  24. You want to what...? satisfy his undisclosed desires? :eyebrows:


    :LOL::LOL: And yeah, if you have barrier next to a camera guy/roadie, just hint that you want it (or ask, whatever works), because yeah, that's (your post) pretty much what I did. Though slightly more like:


    Me: *stares intently at setlist*

    Roadie: *looks at me* .... *follows gaze to setlist*

    Me: *stares at setlist and roadie*

    Roadie: *has setlist in hand*

    Me: :supersad:

    Roadie: :shifty: Here ya go, shortie!! :D *hands setlist*

    Me: THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! *thumbs up* :awesome:

    Roadie: :LOL:

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