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Everything posted by Soljanka

  1. :LOL: Awesome!


    zyatme.jpgA sign could help, too.. :awesome:


  2. Hehe that's great. But looking for a pet there? :D

    Though I'm sure she won't mind that pic. :chuckle:

    How about that next?

    51pj6a.jpg Hmm maybe I should text my friends and ask them where to get one..


  3. Hmmm... "Matt has his keytar, Chris has..? (don't know xD)... I want something to cuddle with too... " *sighs*

    and then he start's looking for one... I'm trying to find pics for that right now

  4. True... the only somehat sad pic of him is this one -> http://i49.tinypic.com/69nacg.png

    Maybe we could start with that?

  5. A leopard, that's a good idea! :happy: Perfect for Dom. Now, how do we start with the story? Maybe with a lonely Dom who wants to have a pet to cuddle with? The pictures could show his emotions during his search...:D

  6. Ah yes I know! We have to put something together very quick! I already miss her in there! So any idea on what pet we should choose for Dom? (of course we could be mean and made a picspam with doggy-hair + dog, but that'd be too mean :chuckle::LOL: )

  7. Hey, have you listened to all the Itchy Poopzkid stuff? :) Just came back from the second gig and tomorrow I'm off to Switzerland and I fear I wont be able to post in the PDT. :( I think it will take me a few days to catch up when I come home again. :LOL:

    Oh and because I saw your question in the PDT: Gigs Monday/yesterday were great, lots of fun. Can't wait for tomorrow, it's so great being on tour with friends and seeing your fav band :happy:

    Have a great day & lots of fun in the PDT! :D

  8. Sure I will :D Pretty hard to decide which ones are my favourite songs, I love almost all their stuff. But I will try... okay from their newest album I'd say the songs „Waiting for the waves“, „As long as I got chords“ (← this one's my favourite, absolutely love it), „The Living“, „Learn to drown“ and „The Lottery“. From the older stuff „Lyrically happy“, „Say no“, „Final Breakdown“ and „You don't bring me down“. Hopefully you can find the songs all on youtube.. if not, some of them are on their myspace http://www.myspace.com/itchypoopzkid.

    Let me know what you think of them :)

    I'm off to see them now, have a great day (in the PDT) :D:happy:

  9. Hey!

    Sorry for taking so long to write back, had to work and have been to my second Green Day concert, which was just plain fantastic!!

    My sore thorat is gone too, which means I can sing at the top of my lungs on sunday when I see Green Day in Zürich :D

    Anyway, how are you? What have you been up to?

    How I feel about the Resistance... well, it wasn't love at first sight, I didn't like the album when I first listened to it, but gave it a second chance and it clicked somehow and now I'm really in love with it. :) How do you like the UD video?? I think it's great. Especially Dom's random bum-shot haha xD

    Have a nice weekend!!

  10. Hey, sorry I haven't answered yet I'm pretty busy the last days and not feeling very well... I have a sore throat and tomorrow's the Green Day concert in Munich. Guess I won't have a voice after the gig. Oh well.^^ I'm gonna write you a looong entry on Wednesday! :)

  11. Hello Olga!

    wow you study a lot of languages! :D I've had italian in school for one year... can't really speak it, just the typical sentences xD Maybe I should start to learn it again... I always wanted to learn swedish & portuguese...

    Right now I'm writing a shoals of applications for next year. I try to find a apprenticeship as a photographer or event manager but it's quite hard to find something. To make some money I work in a clothing store right now... must finance the concerts somehow ;)

    I don't really like U2... don't like the music.^^

    Wow, you borrowed this book from a library??? That is so cool xD Haha, well Mat can pull off looks when everyone elso would look stupid... I don't really know many people who look good with blue, blond and red hair :D or in that chicken coat :LOL:

    Well how about green hair? :D Or have you dyed it green before?

    Oh you should definitely visit Berlin, I loooove this city. I always feel so good there. I'd love to move there, Berlin has something special. :)

    Hope you had a nice day in university! :)

  12. Hey!

    What do you study? I'm currently looking for an apprenticeship for next year, didn't have luck this year. =/

    You can call me by my real name – Claudia. ;) What's your name?

    Ah that's too bad, I also missed Muse in 2007 at a german festival because I wasn't a fan and rather watched a football game in a near stadium, well my loss^^ I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that Muse really come back to Russia! :)

    I actually have that book! Found it in London last September, just 5 Pounds xD Haven't finished yet but so far it's great :)

    Haha, I think the last outfits Matt wore were just... wow.. I mean the chicken thing and now this suit with the picture from the book... :LOL: I do love Dom's style though, he always looks gorgeous :happy:

  13. Hey, I'm doing well, how are you today? Of course I accepted your request ;)

    I'm soooo looking forward to their concerts, can't wait to hear the songs live. I really love Matt's voice, but otherwise I'm more a Dom fangirl haha ;D

    They haven't been to Russia? Ever?

    Hey you're coming to Germany?! That's great :) Where exactly? I don't know about concerts in winter (don't think so) but you never know what's gonna happen next spring. I hope they do some festivals here next summer.

    The think I love most about Muse is their music and the lyrics. Matt's such a great songwriter. They sound like no other band... Muse is just Muse. :)

  14. Hey, so let's be friends then! ;) I just got into Muse with their new album and I also wonder how I could live without their music before... I became addicted so fast! :D

    Have you been to one of their gigs yet?

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