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Everything posted by Soljanka

  1. I think it just happens at queuing.. someone makes a comment, you say something too and tadaa - you have a conversation. :LOL: Reminds me of the Green Day queuing I actually loved the last hour, we heard GD soundchecking inside the venue and the queue on my side started singing, that was awesome. :awesome: MTV was there too and filmed our singing. :LOL: I had a camera right next to my face when doors opened and I started running. :facepalm: Luckily it was never shown on TV... or I just never saw it. :D Anyway we can just talk about Dom all the time in Bern! :awesome::chuckle:

    The only thing stopping me from going to gigs is having no money. :yesey: Other than that there's not really much, I also love travelling and it's great if you're able to do both at the same time. :happy:

    I'm not really sure, my first concert was at age 18 but it took 2 years until I really went crazy on going to gigs.. 2005-2006 I just had a few gigs in a year, probably around 7? Then I met the Itchys and I blame them for my addiction, seriously. :p It somehow clicked and I realized how much live music means to me and what a great feeling it is. :yesey:


    Okay 300 pages in 5 days could be even too much for the PDT... oh no please no drunken ramblings without me. :supersad: Then I can't laugh at alle the typos and smileyfails! Well maybe Bertha ehm no.. what's the new server's name? Will have a breakdown again and be offline for days that I wouldn't miss anything. :p Nah, I don't wish that. Just don't write too much pages I already know I'll spend hours catching up.


    Got your address, wrote it down and will tell you when I got the ticket and send it to you. :happy:

  2. :kiss: I'm always glad to help fellow Musers. :happy:

    I was queuing alone for two Green Day gigs and just had my mp3 player with me but still, 7 hours can be a long time when it's really cold. Luckily there are always some people you can easily talk to. :) I'm so glad the Muse gigs are in June and it's gonna be warm, makes queuing a lot more comfortable. :yesey:

    Learn to drown! :awesome: One of my favs too. I love the guitar solo and the end <3 My absolute fav really is As long as I got chords, I fell in love with that song the first time I heard it. It's such a shame they won't play it live... they say it doesn't really work live but maybe they'll do an acoustic show and play it there. I really hope to hear that song one time!

    I got two more friends into them who've also been to some gigs with me but I'm still the biggest freak when it comes to gigs. :LOL:


    You've been to Stockholm before? I wanna travel half the world, I hope one day I will be able to visit all the places I want to, even if it takes years! :D Yeah hopefully I can find a way to visit PDT. I'll be gone for 5 days I will miss 300 pages. :supersad: I can lurk with my phone but it takes ages to load the pages because of the pics. :( Oh well it's still a month until that we will have yet another PDT and as long as there's no new one while I'm gone it's okay. :happy:

  3. So first of all, check your mails and change your sig then! :D :D

    I usually only queue in larger venues like Muse or Green Day play in. I think the earliest I've been to a venue was 8 hours before the doors opened... you need a lot of patience, something I don't really have but when in comes to queuing and wanting to be front row I have a lot. :LOL:

    Ohhh that's great do you have a favourite so far on the album? I'm always so happy when I introduce the Itchys to someone new and they like them. :happy: I discoverd them through a friend I've met 3 years ago March 07, we often drove to football games together and had their older album played in the car so one day I asked which band it was. I was kinda shocked when I found out they were a german band to me they sounded like a band from the US. :facepalm::LOL: 2 months later I went to my first gig and I'm addicted ever since. :D

    I hope the hangover won't be too bad we have to check out of the hostel at 10 am I think. :erm: And I really don't want to feel like shit when we spend another day in Stockholm then. :D I'm so excited. Little bit more than a month to go!

  4. I go crazy too, especially in the last hour! Then I'm always worried if I get to the barrier, what if not, etc. :D And drive my friends mad as well :LOL:

    How's the ticket buying today?

    Sure I'll tell you. :D I'll write it down so I don't forget to ask them! Oh well if I do, I'll write them a mail. They were once in Ljubljana during their Bandtrip (it was a show on MTV, Itchy Poopzkid was up against another german band and it was some kind of race through different countries, of course the Itchys won :D )

    Yes, i'm going to see the Itchys in Sweden. :happy: Together with the swedish group Neverstore, who were support a year ago and also really great. Can't wait, we'll be a group of 8 people + it's the bassist's birthday at one gig so I'm sure there will be a party :awesome:

  5. Queuing is always the worst! I hate the minutes before the doors finally open and the run to the barrier. Such a rush of adrenaline but if you're at the barrier all troubles are forgotton in a second. :D

    Oh damn, stupid ticketsite! Well I hope it'll work today, I want you to add another gig in your sig! (rhyming ftw! :chuckle: )

    Yeah sure I'd come! :yesey: I already flew to the UK, I'm gonna be in Sweden in March... and Slovenia's not that far away. :)

  6. I'm sure you'll survive. :yesey: You already survived one show! Plus if it gets too bad you can always stand on the side ususally you're pretty safe there. Btw, did you buy the ticket today?

    Of course I will ask them! :D I don't know if it will happen this year though because they'll be recording their next album in summer but you never know! I really hope they do play there and I can go too :D


    Yes I have! I like the first song but they're not really my taste I have to say. :erm:

  7. I hope too. :erm: So far nothing bad happened to me in the past 5 years I've been to gigs. :D

    Woah no GC in Milan? Now this could really be dangerous in such a big stadium. But I'm pretty sure there will at least be another barrier in the middle of the standing area, otherwise there'd be too much pushing.

    Ah you really like them??? :awesome: That's so great! :happy: :happy: On their last tour they had a slovenian suppoert band (Elvis Jackson) which means they're planning to play in Slovenia as well. :awesome: I should ask them on saturday when this happens. :yesey:

  8. I have two GA tickets for both Wembley gig yes but I don't know if there's gonna be another GC. :erm: I sure hope so, then the pushing won't be so bad! And I hope I'll get in but I want to queue very early anyway. I survived some gigs with a few thousand people behind me so I think I'm prepared for Rock im Park/Wembley. :happy:

    No I don't go to every gig Itchy play, would be too much. :LOL: They are a little bit exaggerating when they said that but we're there really really often at their gigs. Always fun to be there. :D They were so happy so see us in London last September, they played there for the first time and of course some friends and I flew over, was a blast. They even slept in the same hotel so we hung out a little bit more in the morning which was quite funny, the drummer had a massive hangover. :LOL:

    Yeah the Beatsteaks are an amazing band too!! I'm so glad they're finally back and playing shows again in June :awesome: You should check out more songs!

    Okay I try to not post so much of Itchy Poopzkid, not sure how that will work out :D



    Anyway. From their most recent album „Dead Serious“:

    Learn do drown



    1st single The Living



    My favourite song :D As long as I got chords



    Waiting for the waves



    older songs (2007 and before)

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYhyiZpStDc couldn't find a proper studio version :indiff: Though I love the song live, it's a pity they don't play it anymore. Hope you don't mind the talking, they tend to talk some shit on stage :chuckle:


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCVHy-FWdf4 Ignore the video, couldn't find another good video of that song.


  9. Yeah that's why I always fail to explain to my family how a gig went. :indiff: Because there are no words to describe that awesome feeling during a concert. I'm really the only one in my family who travels around and visits tons of gigs. :LOL:

    Barrier is the best place ever! :awesome: It's actually not that bad there, you're safer than being in the middle of the crowd. And the pushing wasn't that bad at the Green Day gigs, Dortmund was so easy. :happy: I'm trying for barrier at one of the Wembley gigs and maybe Rock im Park.

    I'v seen the Itchys.. wait... 62 times. :happy: 63rd will be next saturday :awesome: Yep, we talk at every gig, they always greet my and my friends with hugs (same with saying goodbye), we talk a lot after the gigs, they often put us on guestlist and pay for some of our drinks at festivals/concerts. :chuckle: Really awesome nice guys and they have the best crew ever. Their tourmanager is one of the sweetest guys, he actually told us at the last gig that my and my friends are actually part of the crew because we're always there. Awww. :happy:

  10. Oh I do, they make me the happiest person every! :happy: Plus it's the best feeling in the world, standing in a crowd and singing the songs at the top of your lungs! :awesome:

    I do take lots of pics and video yes! :D Well not so much of Itchy Poopzkid, I've seen them too often for this, but I like to take pics of bands I haven't seen that often like Green Day. I took about 200 pics at each of the three gigs I went to last year. :facepalm: But I was always at the barrier, I had to take advantage of that. :D

  11. If I have the money I'll def try for a standing ticket... hopefully in a few weeks (or months :erm) there will be some on MuseBay.

    :D Yeah touring is great. :awesome: Best tour I had was the Itchy Poopzkid Tour in February last year, I was at the first 5 gigs and it was so awesome to be in another city every day :happy: I loved it. I want to do such a Muse tour: :awesome: Though the queuing and dehydration might kill me. :LOL:

  12. I will try my best! Milan is not sold out yet, right? That would be one hell of a tour though. I could fly straight from Nürnberg to Milan on the 7th. :LOL: But seeing Muse three times in a week is :eek: I HAVE TO DO THIS!!! :LOL:

  13. I'm sure you'll get a ticket. :yesey: If it's not sold out by now I don't think 99 people will buy tickets now. :LOL:

    Aww, Rock im Park would be great and Nürnberg is only 2 hours away from Stuttgart. :D I can't wait to see Muse twice in 5 days :awesome: And if I'm able to find another job soon I def. want to try for Milan and SdF too. I so want to go. :supersad:

  14. Now that sound awesome!!! :awesome::dance:

    Parents never seem to understand that, I know mine don't but whatever I can drive whereever I want if I pay it with my money which I do. :D

    Yes it says 99 Plätze in the Saalplan but on the site itself it say Mindestverfügbarkeit, which I understood means there are at least 99 tickets still available, in some categoriere there are way more.

    Flights are totally expensive don't ask me why. I wanted to fly from Cologne to Bern and the price was 600€. :eek: No way, trains's only 29€ if you book early enough. :D

    Hey if you come to Germany on a short vacation you should stay until June 6th and try for a dayticket at Rock im Park in Nürnberg. Would mean you see Muse three times :D

  15. Kein Ding :)

    Ah ich sehe, du warst auch in Köln. :awesome: Steh oder Sitzplatz? Und du bist auch im Wembley dabei, cool =)

  16. You're welcome :D but be careful, a few minutes after I had Matt's laugh on msn it somehow crashed :LOL: works fine now though but I was worried for a second!

  17. And I don't even care! :D I'm proud to ba a doggy-hair fan :awesome:

  18. Hell yeah we did! *High5* Hopefully Aurora will like it! :D

  19. This is so fucking awesome! Great job! :D Now you can post it and Aurora can return. :happy:

  20. Alright! :D This picspam is gonna be :awesome:

  21. Phew, that took some time. :D

    Oh text in pic would be even more :awesome: Don't know if Aurora's getting impatient though :LOL:

    Do you want to write the texts on the pics?




    Just joking Hendrix, look this is our new friend!


    p><p> Dommmeeeeeeh, we don


    http://i50.tinypic.com/2009p28.jpg' alt='2009p28.jpg'>

    Good idea! :awesome:


    /The End? :LOL:





    Awww, this one looks cute!




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