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Everything posted by Soljanka

  1. :wtf:

    Fans hoffen da natürlich auch auf eine Headliner-Tour der Britrocker.

    *für Ticketalarm angemeldet hat*

    Hoffen wir das Beste!

  2. Whoever said this.... was completely right. :$ *right click + save* :awesome:

  3. I found out how it all started :LOL:



    Corrected your post a bit, that's how I read it :facepalm:

    :LOL: :LOL: omg

    Admit it, you're a man :noey: Or more precisely, a man with a raging hard-on :stunned:

    Shit you got me. I'm Dom. Yes. It's true.



  4. They will think we're really insane. :chuckle: oh god I already forgot why I started being Dom. :wtf:

  5. It's getting kinda difficult pretending to be Dom! I make him sound like a total arsehole. :LOL:

  6. Oh no someone on the PDT asked if Dom's really there! This is getting outta control :LOL:

  7. War ja auch nur ein Scherz. ;)

    Hab grad paar Matt Bilder auf deiner Seite gesehen... oh my. :stunned:

  8. Aha, spionierst du etwa? :shifty::D

    Auf der Seite sindn paar gute... mit Rammstein, Beatsteaks... (allerdings nicht zusammen in einer, DAS wär wirklich weird :chuckle: )

    :wtf: Seltsames Pairing die beiden, aber bei FFs is ja alles möglich :LOL:

  9. Hej hei :D

    I have few job interviews coming up so I hope one of them will work out! :awesome: It'd be so great to finally know what I will do later on... I could relax a bit more, right now most of my thoughts are about my future. :noey:


    Yes, I want you to say „gay cheese“ to Dom! You'd be a fan he remembers. :yesey: Ah well they are strangers but also normal people and if we really meet them I have to keep saying this to myself to not make a complete fool of myself. : chuckle: In Sweden I saw this one swedisch band (Neverstore) again after one year and I was really nervous about talking to them again (It was so unreal seeing them again!) but when I finally gained enough courage it was so easy to talk to them :) I didn't forget how to speak english! :dance:


    Oh yes, is it okay if I make the muffins?? :awesome: My mom makes delicious ones, she can help me with baking.


    Okay, if my nurses are Dom and Matt and Chris is my doctor... hell yes funny farm! :awesome: I remember that chat thing that was so amusing. :chuckle:


    Oh please stop with the feativals. :supersad: There are so many I want to attend and currently don't have the money for. :'( You don't wanna come to the Frequency, btw? :D

    Yeah in a few days we will know if we have a sleeping place for Rock im Park or not, oh god I hope everything works out the way we want it!


    I'd frame that photo with Muse too. :$


    Oh dear yes! :LOL: I don't know how often I did the wrong thing when it comes to opening doors. :facepalm:


    Ah the fanfics... links:

    the funny one: http://www.fanfiktion.de/s/4b7815fd0001311606d00bba

    Dom & Claudia: http://www.fanfiktion.de/s/4b4ba75f000119d406d00bba

  10. Oh shit, I was like :eek::stunned: and got a weird feeling in my stomach. :LOL: But hey he's still my friend on myspace so he didn't think I'm too weird! :awesome::dance:



    OMFG HE READ THE MESSAGE! :facepalm::awesome::eek::facepalm::D:$:facepalm:


  12. Heya, hab im Atlanta Thread gelesen, dass du den Link zum NRJ Bändschreibenvorfall haben wolltest. (also dieses takeover auf deutsch) :D Keine Ahnung, ob du ihn schon hast, hab nicht alle Seiten nachgelesen, aber hier ist es:



    Ist allerdings schon älter, haben die letztes Jahr auf der Europatour in Berlin gemacht. :)

  13. Heeeeey,

    sorry for taking so long, I wrote a shitload of applications and the writing and printing distracted me a bit! :(

    I will :LOL: forever if you really say gay cheese! xD I so wanna see Dom's look then! What do I need to do to make you say that to Dom? :awesome:

    Oh god not this funny farm-thing please! :LOL: I'd rather be taken away by Dr. Howard and his assistant doctor Bellamy... :eyebrows:


    I'm sure if more important bands get added to the line-up I will change a few things... I don't want to run from one stage to another though... yeah better stop tempting me or I will just run around like a maniac trying to see as many bands as possible :indiff::chuckle:

    Well, then we have a problem. :erm: Either in my car, tent or we try to find a cheap hostel somewhere though that's gonna be tough. We will know more when she has asked himin the middle of March.


    :LOL: You have the best ideas, really. Make a twitpic please I have no camera with me... I'm sure Matt's totally up for it! :LOL: Gosh, a photo would be so awesome. I might die of happiness though.


    Yep, it costs about 10€ but the price includes shower gel, shampoo and towel. :happy:

    Well but if you really can't open the door anymore and not because you forgot you had to push instead of pull then I don't think people will think you're weird and try to help. :yesey:


    No idea when he said that... I could't believe it either and I really hope he didn't do it! :LOL:

    I found some nice german fanfics yesterday night and they made me crack up. No Belldom but so funny about Matt and a girl and one about Dom and a girl called Claudia. :D


    Oh and I never saw that ad you posted I think but it's awesome: :chuckle:

  14. Oh you never felt hungry or so? :wtf: I mean just a croissant?

    Hey you have to eat too at the Picnic! :phu: If we don't eat all the brie, we can Dom give some after the gig. :eyebrows:

    Yay cookies! :dance: I can bake some too if you want so you don't have to do all the work alone. :chuckle: We better meet Muse then or I'll throw the cookies at them if they decide to disappear in cars after 3 hours! :fear: Okay, not really but I'd be pissed :$)


    Well I'm sure I will miss a few bands because of the time schedule... too bad I only know a month before the festival when each band plays. :rolleyes: I can quit some bands that are not really that great to me... I just like so see some bands I don't know very well too so I can find out if it's worth to go to a concert.

    There are quite a few camping sites around the festival area but in the area itself where the 3 stages are you're not allowed to camp. However there's a camping site really close to the entrance and the Center Stage. Costs more though but even if you're not in the festival area you get to hear everything.

    :LOL: I know what Dom said but I hate camping so I'm hoping Claudi (yes that's how we call here since we have the same name) can convince her cousing who lives in Nürnberg to let us sleep in his flat. He's a pilot and probably not even there so it would be awesome!


    Yeah some bands did that before at Rock am Ring and other festivals I believe. I have no idea if there's a chance they might do that at the Park, don't know how's that been the last 2 years. :erm:


    No, just to sit down! :LOL: I think it were parents of kids standing behind me, I had a few nice guys next to me though so thank god I didn't had to buy beer myself I got it from this one dude. :D

    Haven't PMed the user but I saved the link for later when I probably have money to buy the tickets.


    I'm pretty sure I pissed off the girl too because I kept pushing here to the left since more people wantet to get to the barrier so I was pushed away to the right side... One time this security looked at me like :wtf: when I tried to push her away. He probably thought I was too mean to this girl but damn, she was annoying.


    I get a towel there at the airport I don't have to bring one myself! :awesome: Claudi's not there with me though because she will drive from Munich to Bern by train and we'll meet at the stadium too. I think she'll be there at around 11 am.


    That sounds like quite a public toilet phobia you have. :wtf:

  15. Woah you're like Chris with the not eating 24 hours before the gig! :LOL: I won't eat much too since I'm pretty much travelling for 48 hours... and I usually never eat much when I'm on the road but I need something in my stomach that day I doubt I'll get to eat much after the gig.

    I'm not sure about the bottles. Until the Muse gig in Munich I though you weren't allowed to do so but they let me in my my plastic bottle (0,5l) I guess it depends on the location!


    Home made cookies of course! :awesome: We also could use the cookies to corrupt the crew into giving us passes. :shifty:


    Yeah I know... too many bands! What if more bands I'd like to see are announced??? I know I'll be on the festival the minute it opens until the end of the day. :LOL: I hope on sunday there won't be any other bands besides Muse I'd like to see because Intro and I are planning to get right in front of the center stage when doors open. So maybe I shouldn't wish for an autograph session. :erm: But meeting them would be so awesome too... can't decide!


    Thank you for the link! :happy:

    Well the crowd sitting next to me didn't get up until New Born! And told me to sit down because they can't see anything. :noey: It was horrible to sit during Uprising and Resistance. Finally, when New Born started the people in front of me got up so I had an excuse to stand up as well and luckily no one sat down anymore for the whole gig. I wanted to be in the crowd so bad though. :supersad:


    I'm sure my swiss friend can bring us some good swiss chocolate! We should give Muse some too. Oh well, Intro and I have more than enough time. :LOL: train home goes at half past 4 am.


    No I've never been afraid actually... I don't really think of any consequences the long queuing without drinking and the pushing could bring :erm: I'm way too excited to believe something like this could happen to me. :D


    Aww yes you described that so well! A reason why I love gigs, you can completely go mental and everyone else is the same! :happy: Haha well they did sound like they're getting tortured! And it was annoying because she not only did it after every song but every time Billie Joe went over to our side. I do believe though that no one else could scream that bad (well, besides Tokio Hotel teenie fans :chuckle: )


    It wasn't that bad actually I was on the left side and far behind so there wasn't that massive pushing. I lost all my friends during the first songs though but after an hour or so we all found together again without really searching for each other. :LOL:


    That's my nightmare when I want to shower in Zürich! I read a story about a guy yesterday who got stuck in the shower because the door didn't open and some worked had to come and take the door off and he stood there completely naked and strangers around him. God, I hope this doesn't happen to me, I'd die of embarrassment!

    If you're stuck in a toilet though you can scream for help and I'm sure in the shopping centre someone would hear you! Plus you've got your phone with you to call help. Hope you never have to do this though!!


    Phewww, glad the ticket arrived! :awesome:

    Yay money would be great I want to go to the bank next week to get my swedish money for the tour in March.


    Message is still unread, his last Login was on sunday... hopefully ge logs inthe next days and reads it!

  16. Great! :D Well we probably won't eat properly during that day so tangerines are only good for us. Plus I guess we're not allowed to bring bottles with us so they might help too. :yesey: Oh, cookies :aweosme: Can you bring some? :D (If we don't eat them all we can still give them to Muse/Muse's crew after the gig ;))

    Yup, now 4 instead of 3 days... I don't know there are still lots of bands to come... now I know probably half of the bands... so far I have... 12 I'd like to see. Phew, tough days ahead!


    :supersad: I'd go for seated too if Ican see Muse! Although I swore to never sit again but the italian crowd can only be better than the german crowd in Cologne! :indiff: Link would be aprecciated though! :D


    Hmm maybe we'll have to bring presents so they put us on twitter. :chuckle: I know the swiss chocolate is the best they should def try it! Btw, how long will you be able to wait for them after the gig?


    :chuckle: Awww. :happy: I don't know why I had to think about it but before I saw Green Day the first time I talked to my friend and said „I have no idea what I'm gonna do when I see them on stage finally...“ and as soon as the lights went out, the intro started playing I screamed really loud. :facepalm: Could't hold the happiness back! Same with Muse... light out, Claudia screams. Not in a high voice though, luckily I don't have a very high voice. ^^ I had girls next to me though who sounded like pigs getting killed, seriously. Their voices cracked and it hurt my ears. :LOL:

    I've been in severall football stadium but only to watch the games :LOL: Oh wait in 2006 I was at a stadium gig... Die Ärzte in Cologne...I was in the middle of 40000 people :awesome: Okay Muse Wembley can't be worse than that... I hope. :erm: I see myself getting lost trying to find the toilets at Wembley, I swear!

  17. I'm totally not, please remind me on May 31st to pack some brie for Bern! :D You're right with the oranges though, maybe tangerines are better? They look like oranges, taste almost the same but are smaller. :happy:

    They didn't really change the date, God knows why they decided to already start the festival on thursday! :LOL: Means a lot of school students here have to skip school. :chuckle:

    Oh my yes... I don't really wanna know how exhausted I'll be. Maybe it's good I don't have money for Milan because otherwise I'd spend the next 3 days after RiP on tour again. :LOL: (I still want though :supersad: )


    She replied, it's okay for her and I booked my flight!!! :dance: I'm gonny fly with germanwings, sometimes they have such cheap tickets. And such a perfect time for me! Another brilliant thing is... the airport in Zürich has showers so it's possible for me to take one after I arrived there and Iwon't look horrible at the gig. :D:awesome: Means I'd arrive at the stadium abut an hour later... though 12 /half past 12 are still okay, right? When do you think you'll arrive? (I'm sorry if I asked before but you know goldfish memory! :noey: )


    Haha, that would be awesome that jetpack thing! :awesome: I really can't wait to see what the stage will look like. I'm sure I will be like :eek: the first songs. I'm glad I'll visit Wembley before Muse though so I can see how huge it really is and get a first impression. :happy:

  18. :eek: I'm totally not kidding with that brie. :awesome: What makes this whole Bern travelling even worse – Rock im Park starts at June 3rd now... which sucks because I will be at home at about 1 pm that day with no sleep and I just can't drive straight to the festival then... so I'm gonna miss the 1st day. :( As far as I know, Them Crooked Voltures are headliner so it's not that bad but it still sucks!


    Oh btw I think I found a way to Bern! :awesome: To the Beatsteaks gig I'm driving with a girl from the Beatsteaks board and I just saw that on the way back to her home we come across the Cologne Airport so she could drop me off there (I just asked here, hope she responds soon) and I could take the first flight to Zürich. Flight right now cost 20€ so it would be extremely cheap! If she can't drop me off in Cologne I hope she can drop me off in Aachen, from there I could take the train to Cologne and still get this flight. If everything works out I could be in Bern at around 11 am. Fingers crossed I can book the flight soon!


    Yeah first stadium gig, that is so cool. :happy: We'll be the first to see what they came up with! And it's gonna be really great no matter what songs they play or don't play. :yesey: I'm all excited again right now. :LOL:


    Aww, cute! :chuckle: I still love some og the Pokemon names they're so ridicolously funny.


    Okay,I have no idea what's that with the OK computer think! :wtf: Never heard of that before.... so I don't get it either! :LOL:

  19. Picnic in the Stade de Suisse! :awesome: I mean we have 3 hours before the show starts, lots of time to eat some good brie and oranges. :yesey: I'm sure I can bring some brie, I eat it almost every day. :LOL:

    Unfortunately, the only night train leaves at 23:46 and I'm not sure if the concert has finsished by that time, plus I'd like to meet the Beatsteaks guys again. :happy: I could drive with my own car but that's not really clever either because I won't be getting any sleep in Bern! Ah damn this is so complicated!

    I will look horrible if I won't be able to wash my hair after the Beatsteaks gig, because it's a small club and it will be intense... last time my hair was almost completely wet, I looked really bad. :LOL: (I still love the pics I got with the guys afterwards though :happy: )


    I kinda have the fear that because Bern will be the first stadium gig, they will use it as a rehearsal for the other stadium shows.... :erm: Which means either we'll get lots of fantastic songs because they want to try how they work or by that time they won't be able to perform all the songs like they want to. :supersad:

    Nah, I won't fall asleep no matter how slow the song is or how somniferous Matt's voice will be... at least I hope so! :LOL:


    Yay for being officially nuts! :awesome: I'm too because of thw whole travelling. :chuckle: I think it's great to have bands that give you a special feeling when you listen to them and you can't get enough of their live shows.

    Of course my kids will go to rockshows with me!! :awesome:


    Pokemon! Haha, I watched that too! And I even had the Gameboy games and was really good :LOL: Ah I remember being a huge anime fan yeeears ago...


    OK computer?? :wtf: No idea... could you show me the lolz and the twitter thing maybe then I'll get it because for now I have no idea what you mean!

  20. Yes, PDT-talk! :yesey: Who brings the oranges and the brie? :D

    Btw, I looked up flights and actually I could get away cheap... I'd fly to Zürich and take the train... actually! Only problem is I can't get to the airport in time and an overnight train isn't possible either because the other concert won't be finshed by that time... I really have to think about how I get to Bern in time. :erm: And manage to get some sleep so I won't look horrible there. My german friend joked that if we meet Muse after the gig and I look terrible in the pictures I'd complain for the next 3 years. And she's right! :LOL:

    Oh and I sent your ticket today! :awesome: Let me know when it arrives. :happy:


    Hmm.. then what does Chris when his wife's not on tour with them? Maybe they have a own masseuse. :chuckle:


    I don't want to melt. :supersad: I might as well if they play the whole Exo symphony though. I bet I'd cry then! :supersad: (Or fall asleep at Redemption because I will be tired as hell :LOL: If so, please wake me up!)


    Aww, I'd be seriously disappointed if my kids don't like Muse! :LOL: I'm not sure what will be in 30 years if I will still travel around for gigs. Maybe then the kids wouldn't be surprised by the huge amount of pics. :chuckle:


    :LOL: That's a cute story how your german started! What cartoons did you watch?

    And congrats on your 85%! :kiss: That's really good! :awesome:

  21. Luckily they're not Matt-Maniacs either, they just like the music. :D My german friend though, she likes Matt the best but I'm sure she'd join our Dom talking. :chuckle:

    Well, doors open at 3pm and the gig starts 3 hours later... they simply don't want to hang out in the stadium for such a long time doing nothing but waiting. Means I have to get my ticket before the gig... :shifty: btw yours arrived at my friend's house, she's gonna bring it to me on Friday and when I'm back home on sunday I can send it on Monday :awesome:

    They've been to the Zürich gig last year and they arrived more than hour after doors openend and got into second row. That's great but a stadium's a bit different... I know we can't get right into the front because of the GC but there'll be a second barrier and I'd like to be there... from there you should be able to have good sight...


    I wonder how Chris' neck survives all the headbanging! Seriously, he must get good massages after the gigs. :chuckle:

    In Cologne Dom came to Matt's side to say goodbye and in Munich I though he'd do the same but he went to Chris' mic. :supersad: Anyway hearing his voice = <3

    Melting into a puddle at a gig is a bad idea. :chuckle: I managed to sing right into Mike's face one time and afterwards it just felt great. :D Actually it's quite cool if the bands see you're having fun, means they do something right! I should tell that myself the day Dom or Matt will look at me during a gig,. :chuckle: Oh god if they talk to me during a gig I would melt into a puddle. (I like saying that :LOL: )


    Eh, what's selfish about that? Being on a Muse DVD would be... let me say AMAZING! In 30 years or so you can show that to your kids! „Look kids, there's me rocking out to one of the best band's ever! Yeah your mum was wild in the past!“ :awesome:


    Oh I love to spend my time on gigs rather than at home! I can't wait for the weekend, I'll be gone :dance: Aww, means I'll miss 3 days of PDT again. :( I can't lurk in there or else I'll scare my swiss friend again. :chuckle:


    Yeah I'm kinda worried he might have to answer stupid questions about 2004. :( If there are interviews I hope Matt and/or Chris will do them.

  22. Oh great I bet we will talk so much my friends will tell us to gtfo. :LOL: They also don't want to get to the barrier :indiff: I guess we + my german friend will be the only ones there when the doors open, my swiss friends will come later.

    How come you understand german so well? Is it because you learn it in school?

    Oh well, german TV can be crap too but there are quite a few good films... well sometimes. :LOL:


    It was an amazing feeling... also being so damn close to them and Mike (bassist of Green Day) making a funny face just for me and my camera and smiling at me and Billie Joe looking at me, damn, that IS great. :LOL:

    It wa so unreal being so close to Muse too. The barrier was close to the stage... I actually felt like a creep sometimes because I caught myself starring at Dom or Matt for a while and afterwards I thought it's pretty embarrassing, what if they saw me looking like that? :facepalm: Yeah I worry too much about the smallest things. I didn't care though that the Green Day guys saw me going mental :shifty: (yeah I noticed Mike looking to me more often but hey I was right in front of him) I guess Muse is a whole different story.


    Well maybe you can see yourself in the next Muse DVD?! :awesome: They filmed every gig and the audience often enough. :chuckle:


    I just counted, three weeks was the longest break between gigs in 2009. :D Wasn't hard to survive the gigs. Usually I'll go for barrier or standing on the side... I think I've grown out of the moshpit age, I care more about good sight and dancing without being pushed around. So, it's easy to survive. :happy:


    Ireland, that's amazing!!! I've always wanted to go there too. :awesome: I'm sure you will have a great time and probably won't think so much about PDT. :)


    I need lots of alcohol to forget what I write... which is def not the case after a few glasses of wine. Maybe they're not used to drinking so much? :erm: Although drunken ramblings are not so rare. :chuckle: I don't drink much either, just when I'm out but I'd like to keep control over things I do and say.


    Well, shopping centre is a nice place, too! :chuckle: Yeah please no June I really dot have much off-days (and no money with spending a weekend in London and Paris). August would really be great, I have enough time there! July would also work – but please no June!

  23. Autria def deserves one gig, they didn't tour there last year, so a stadium gig would be :awesome: And I'de be there too!!! (Yeah I have no idea where to get the money either :LOL: ) Vienna would be great, I've never been there but I've been told it's a beautiful city. :happy: I hope they announce some more gigs I can go too. :D

  24. Answering your last post :D

    Well, I do the talking then :D When I'm excited I always start talking about the gig and stuff to forget how nervous I'm actually. :LOL: So just tell me to shut up if I talk too much! :D Oh we can talk in german?? Cool :D

    Yep the Green Day Munich gig was filmed by Mtv for Mtv World Stage. :yesey: If you know where I stood you can actually see me. :D Was quite funny, I was watching it and went „There's me!“ „Oh wait I can see me again!“ :facepalm: I even was on the big screen on stage because during one song the camera filmed the first row... that wasn't shown on World Stage though. Few weeks later I could see myself on Matt's upper tower druing one song I think it was Plug in baby... Was great. :D

    Yeah you never look good during a gig because you're alway in motion and pics just look horrible. :noey:

    We heard... 4 songs I think.. I wanted to storm the venue so badly :D


    Last year I went to 63 gigs, 2008 40. :$ I'd say usually around 30... 14 are already planned for this year but i'm pretty sure I will get up to 30. :D


    Noooo, where and when are you goin in April? :supersad:

    Doris, yes that was the name! I liked the How much longer until you break? better too.


    Btw, I saw your typo and smileyfail walls of Delia and Aurora... god I had to laugh so much! It was brilliant to read! :LOL:

  25. Wait, that's a girl! :LOL: The drumstick fight was in Munich... the only thing I know is that they guy was from Graz, Austria... I don'te even remember his name, but I would recognize him when he's in front of me.. I guess :erm: Maybe he's in Bern too since Autria has no stadium gig (yet) :D

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