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Everything posted by Magnolia86

  1. I like this interpretation much better, hadn't thought of it. Now I can enjoy listening to Dead Inside more than before. Thanks.
  2. I guess what bothers me about it is that I know it's a personal song for Matt, unlike Psycho, and the fact that he says he has learned to kill with no regret doesn't sit well with me at all ! A bit crazy, I know, but it actually bothers me.
  3. Thanks for the reply. I thought it kinda came out of nowhere, because the song is clearly autobiographical to a degree, so I didn't see it coming at all. Besides, the whole getting brainwashed to be a killer hadn't even started, but with that line it seemed like our character was already there, with the help of his lover .
  4. I've grown to like like the song, after the initial shock & disappointment, and now I find it to be quite emotional actually. "The greatest guy" bit I can somehow ignore, but I just don't get why the " You've taught me to kill with no remorse" line is there,are we supposed to take it literally?
  5. I know, right? "You've taught me to kill with no remorse" What the hell is that supposed to mean?! and I'm the greatest guy on the outside bit is just, I don't even have the words.
  6. I don't know, I still find it weird. This is pretty much the tragic sequel to Madness, but I just can't make sense of these two lines whatsoever: " Unleash a million drones" Where did "drones" come from?! and "You've taught me to lie without a trace And to kill with no remorse" Kill with no remorse?! Surely we know who hasn't done that, right?
  7. How can an obviously personal song fit into a concept album with this story anyway? and what drones are supposed to be here?!
  8. On my first listen, what bothered me was that I couldn't find the heart and emotions in it, that I always expect from Muse. Then the solo came along, and i was like, there it is.
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