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Status Updates posted by xxATLowxx

  1. wefdjowaehfownhvfouwvnoeurbvgoeragas

  2. sdfkfjoaisenfoeiwnvoervnowauighorfgtwea

  3. iueryiwuehfksdjvnksdjvnkadjncvaijfnask

  4. i know a friend that does like muse but she doesn't go to my school and all my friends at school either hate muse or like uprising/TiRO/UD and that's it.

  5. INORITE, i think that some of my friends actually do like muse but don't want to admit it, since i'm always fapping over them and stuff and they're like "muse suck gtfo".

  6. aww thanks :LOL: i actually didn't make it, but it's been saved onto my computer for a little more than a year and i used it when i made a messageboard account :happy: the photoshoot your av is from is :awesome:!

  7. your sig = the most amazing sig i've seen in a while :chuckle:

  8. :LOL: they have no taste then :p

    don't worry my friends won't even listen it cause it's muse related. :facepalm:

  9. :LOL::LOL: glad you liked it :D
  10. :LOL: get someone you know to cut it that or tell them if they're cutting it too short or not how you want it
  11. :LOL: nice did you get that friend of yours to style it for you?
  12. :LOL: how short? i wanna see




  14. not the same sets they're two different bands o.o

    and i haven't bought any tickets yet tyvm i'd have to save for a while

  15. o.o yess so do i

    if i end up going to VA i'll be going to two shows about a week or so :D

  16. yessssss they are

    especially if you're with awesome people :3

  17. i'm aware but road trips are fun :D

  18. meh if they don't come to raleigh i'll take a road trip :happy:

  19. still haven't watched it :LOL:

  20. :3 although i've only seen one episode it seems awesome :D

  21. :dance: i'll watch more when i get home from church
  22. will do :D:awesome: later though i'm going to bed within the next 30ish minutes :LOL:

  23. I WATCHED DOCTOR WHO TONIGHT and it was epic :awesome:

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