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Status Updates posted by xxATLowxx

  1. :LOL: i tried to play piano man, i can kinda make it sound decent :chuckle:

    i tried playing the jaw harp / jew's harp (whatever you'd like to call it) and i think it's broken... it makes no noise. :facepalm:

  2. :ninja::ninja::ninja::ninja: *is sneaky* :chuckle:

    i also would like to play that harmonica after i gather his spit :awesome: i have a harmonica somewhere but i'd like to learn how to play :D

  3. :awesome: she loves chris :yesey: but doesn't really like dom or matt :supersad: "they're too little" :LOL:

    that would be awesome :LOL: i'd totally grow my own little muse-ys :chuckle:

    we should totally figure out a way to do this :LOL:

  4. :chuckle::awesome:

    so me and mom were talking about my muse gig in october :dance: and she came to the conclusion that if i can catch the harmonica chris plays before koc, we'll be able to clone and grow our own chris (she thinks he's very sexy) :LOL::facepalm:

  5. :eek: you should of gotten it! :LOL:
  6. vjklsdnm kljiomwieofnwaioejdfiowejf wiooijfaeiomf i'm bored :shifty:

  7. :LOL: i've got nothing much to do tomorrow anyways
  8. thought so

    if i get the time tomorrow i'll try to work on your song :D

  9. aww :kiss: you're too kind! :p

  10. o: you gonna go?

  11. :awesome: you get me anything? :chuckle:
  12. i caught a bunch of pwopa fish :happy:

    they were all brim like that one V but i did catch one crappy. :awesome: they've got giant mouths so they're really hard to catch

    dad caught a little bass but i didn't get to see it cause he was on the other side of the pond :(

  13. i just took a very very very long nap... :sleepy::LOL:





  14. *doesn't care at aaaalllllll*

    he even admits thet NSC is cheesy there. :LOL:

  15. :LOL: i'd probably be the person to film somebody falling, rather than falling myself

    i'm off to go fishing now :happy: talk to you later! :kiss:

  16. i don't quite enjoy crashing into things // falling over :chuckle:

    :LOL: ouchies i hope that didn't hurt too bad :chuckle:

  17. :yesey: victor is such a beast!

    i wanna snowboard :awesome: but everyone says skiing is easier for someone who's never tried either before so i dunno. :LOL:

  18. never been snowboarding either :noey: i was meaning to go over winterbreak last year but never got to, hopefully i will this winter :awesome:

  19. fishing is so much fun :dance: i'll take pictures of my pwopah fishies :happy: and i just drive around and stop at any pond usually :chuckle:

    ouch :eek: i've never been surfing or broken any bones before. :LOL: surfing seems so much fun though

  20. i'm hoping to go out on the lake & go tubing tomorrow with friends, but who knows what'll happen, i know i'm going fishing in the morning though :facepalm:

    i'd love to go to the beach :happy: i went 2 days in spring break with friends and a week last summer with family but i would totally go again :awesome:

  21. :awesome: i only get a 3 day weekend (monday off) and i've got testing all next week :shifty: and i got 13 hours of sleep last night... that has NEVER happened to me before. :LOL:

    this summer... hmm july 5-10 i'm going to a camp with my youth group :dance: it's gonna be super amazing as always

    and july 12-? i'm going to the mountains with my family... there i know there should be a water park, caves, and hiking. :happy: what about yourself?

  22. :LOL: if you listen to the interview before they premired nsc on the radio he talks about gaia. but the 'he wants her back' THAT I DON'T CARE ABOUT someone posted somewhere so it might not be all true
  23. :supersad: i don't have a larger version of my picture, but here are some bigger ones that are very similar:





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