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Status Updates posted by xxATLowxx

  1. wtf why would i?

  2. north carolina muser ftw! where ya from? :awesome:

  3. some idiots decided to set fire to the field by my house :indiff:

  4. lucky :p i just got home from the beach :D i didn't get burned for once :D got darker instead of red

  5. it's an april fools joke :LOL: i read something about the mods putting that and guiding light remix together for april fools :p

  6. :happy: i need a new acoustic guitar to bring to camp this year but i doubt i'll get one by them :indiff: i may borrow shelley's
  7. so pretty :D i like it

    and it'll be a really long car ride :indiff:

  8. i found a whistle is very nice :happy: will listen to the whole thing

    :awesome: what color?

    i'm leaving for the beach in the morning :3

  9. which song then?

  10. haven't listened to it :LOL: send me the best song

  11. rawr i hate my shyness around guys sometimes

    i wanna talk to him againnnn >.< [/pathetic]

  12. meh there's a part of me that says no though :LOL: we've only talked a couple of times and tonight was his first night at practice as our drummer

    but he's so sweet :D prolly the sweetest guy i've met in a while

    i'll keep my hands to myself though i want more than a first impression of him :LOL:

    i have caught him stairing a few times while i'm playing bass onstage though :ninja:

  13. eh even i'm a little young to call myself in love with someone :LOL: but it's all based on yourself and your views

    i do have my eye on mah band's new drummer though :$

  14. oh god :( i'm telling you boys are nothing but trouble

  15. true*

    :LOL: will you be recording stuff for cmcb? :D

  16. i don't remember i haven't talked to you a lot latley :LOL:


  17. oh i didn't know :D what do you play?

  18. you play an instrument?

  19. that's :awesome:! meh i want to see them :supersad:

  20. this whole week has been in the 90s it's been terrible :indiff: but today it was nice only 75 :D

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