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Status Updates posted by xxATLowxx

  1. :LOL: you're fine :yesey:

    it's like, 92348901 different songs mashed up into one and written in about a week or so

    :facepalm: he wrote it for gaia, but i would think their relationship would of been not so cheesy. :LOL: maybe he'll write a song to get her back or something... i read somewhere that he's gonna do everything in his power to get her back NOT LIKE IT'S ANY OF MY BUSINESS OR ANYTHING :ninja:

  2. where is it now? :LOL:

  3. :LOL: i stayed up to watch SNL one night (the night muse were on it) and by the time they played starlight at the ending, my brother came home and saw my face just inches infront of the tv :facepalm::LOL:
  4. matt's voice > sex

    but that's the case in all of their songs :happy:

    i've grown to like everything but the overall style of the song, it just changed too much

  5. :LOL: yeah i was only up till 11.30 when it ended but then i texted someone special till about 1 :$ i was misreable in the morning lmao

    and before it came on (couple hours before) they showed a recap of every episode up til this point it was awesome :awesome:

  6. it really was an amazing ending :awesome: i haven't watched all 6 seasons but i plan on doing so soon :yesey:

  7. it's been a pretty normal monday, consisting of me dozing off during my classes :LOL: stayed up watching the last episode of lost :'( i almost cried :$

  8. that's alright :p

    i'm 16, guitarist is 15 i think, drummers are 30 and 15, pianist is 23 i believe, and lead is 21 or 22 (her and the pianist recently got married too)

  9. :LOL: sell one you don't want?
  10. :LOL: same in my situation, i can replace her for guitar but not the vocals by any means, but then we'd have no bassist :noey:

    we've got 2 dwummers. :chuckle: one's been playing for ze band a couple years and one's starting to play with us when the old drummer quits (he just turned 30 and wants a replacement :mad:) and the new one is my age i think (i'm 16) he's pretty awesome though :awesome: he has nice hair :$

  11. sounds like an ace weekend :awesome::chuckle:

    i've got to go hunting around town sometime and find someone who plays guitar and would sing for our band

    since the one we have now has gotten a big job and she has to travel a whole lot :supersad:

  12. we've had three other trees been hit by storms in the past beside our house, so no one freaked out or anything :LOL:

    on friday i went to the mall for 5 hours :stunned: and bought one thing. :LOL::facepalm:

    saturday... i took my brother's prom pictures and didn't really do much

    and today i went to church and waiting to go back in about three hours :happy: how about you dudy?

  13. :LOL:

    at the moment it's almost 2pm and 80, so i guess :LOL: was storming really hard this morning so it's humid right now

    lightning struck a tree and woke me up :ninja:

  14. Dracula II


    I goy myself some cool musical software

  15. :awesome: sweet but i don't know what goy is
  16. never really listened to them when i said that :p

  17. don't look before you laugh, look ugly in a photograph :D

  18. especially in the city of blinding lights :awesome:

  19. indeed


  20. cause it's good?

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