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Status Updates posted by xxATLowxx

  1. oh dear :LOL: i remember you talking about that show

    you know it's june when it's 100 DEGREES OUTSIDE OMFG D:

  2. :awesome: it's a small campus though

    very nice :D i don't think i'm going anywhere this winter :shifty:

  3. south carolina which is a 5 hour drive :shifty:

    will be staying in north greenville university again :D

  4. my dad has a really good old one but i need to buy film for it

    in two weeks i'll be in greenville :awesome:

    and hopefully that won't happen :p

  5. i can't afford any nice camerassss :shifty::rolleyes: i'm happy with this one it's very nice :happy:

  6. nobody knows, it wouldn't turn on or anything

  7. the camera i had isn't made anymore so they gave me $140 to spend on a new camera but they were nice and brought down the price of that one & gave me a new memory card free :happy:

  8. and the warrent got it for me for free i told you they would :p




    i'm actually gonna dress like her :awesome: since it'll be too hot to wear a suit... :happy:

  10. cause they won? i dunno

    and very nice :happy: but you're always on yahoo & not responding :shifty:

  11. :LOL: go portugalllll
  12. o: i've never played cricket! :LOL:

    i hope you do well on your exams :) and thanks, i'll be there in 2 weeks today :dance:

  13. yaaaaay for them

    i need to get a new camera battery :shifty:

  14. nah and i got a vuvuzela app on my ipod and annoyed my dad last night :3

    and how come? what'd they do? :LOL: not watching any soccer right now since nascar is on

  15. vuvuzelas are annoying :stunned:

  16. so epic :awesome::LOL: i have purple, red, teal, and pink :D i'm being the doctor who halloween and my friend's gonna dress up as rose :)

  17. i had exams last week :awesome: good luck! you'll do fine :D

    :yesey: i went to this camp last year and now my youth group's going again :awesome:!

  18. it's been going great, leaving for youth group in about 30 minutes :D

    i've been doing yardwork around the church & people's homes for money twords camp in 19 days :dance:

    how about yourself? :awesome:

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