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Status Updates posted by xxATLowxx

  1. :awesome:

    i'm about to go see the other guys :3 it looks funny

  2. nice :D lemme see what it looks likeee

  3. :LOL: yup

    eh i doubt i'll ever get one i'll probably just get todds when he doesn't need it anymore :p

  4. :LOL: then that's what he probably got

    the one that's $499?

  5. that's what todd said he was getting o.o

  6. 8gb*

    i dunno if it's 3g

  7. I'm on todds ipadddddd :3 it's nice

  8. :LOL: yeah, he did. :3 but cedric was cool, though.

    now he's a glittery vampire.

    my, how things have changed :noey::facepalm::LOL:

  9. :noey: :noey: :noey:

    he's only good as cedric in harry potter. :awesome:

  10. :LOL: i was singing along to that part.. that's the only part i enjoyed. the rest was terrible. :shifty::facepalm::LOL:
  11. ..i was dragged to see eclipse. grossss. :vomit::LOL:

  12. it was in the 90s, but thankfully we had shade. :p

    i need to go to the movies.. i haven't been in a really long time. :LOL:

  13. ack that's a long ways away :eek: :'(

    inception looks like an amazing movie. :awesome: today iiii had a lemonade stand. yeahhh. :LOL: i'm such a kid. :p but 4 and a half hours in blistering heat raised $30. :happy:

  14. :LOL: thankfully i still have my itunes & i'll get my ipod back before school starts. :p
  15. i just woke up, and doing aboslutley nothing today, besides practice tonight. :awesome:. :shifty: i don't even have my ipod with me, my boyfriend's going on a long trip and he left his mp3 player out in the rain.. i saved him from boredum. :LOL: but now i don't have it for a week. :(

  16. :chuckle:

    i need somebody to teach me piano :shifty::awesome:

  17. ah, i hate those.. i like normal chords better. :LOL: bar chords on acoustic hurt like hell to get a good sound... meh. :LOL:

  18. ha, i see. :p i'll have to look into it sometime, but now, i am going to bed even though it's not even 9pm. :LOL: i need to make up for no sleep in the past 36 hours. :shifty: ttyl! :happy:

  19. link works. i'll join, but i was never really big on the games threads anyways. :chuckle:

  20. :LOL: yeah, the people that used to be on chat were hillarious... did you go on when james was still there? :LOL: he was amazing. then he got banned, more than once. :chuckle:

    yus, i play bass and guitar, that's it. just brought out the good ole acoustic. :happy: wheeee.

    i'm at a friend's house and it's 5:45 in the morning, i haven't slept at all,we're watching movies :3 whehehhehe i'm not tired at all, actually... :facepalm::LOL:

  21. i'm on a a macbook right nowwww o: it's pretty cool

    i hope you're having a wonderful time on vacation ;D talk to you laterrr

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