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Status Updates posted by xxATLowxx

  1. :LOL: awesome emote ftw! :chuckle:

    i can play plug in baby. :awesome: and SS, if i try... very hard... and fail, very hard. :facepalm::LOL: i can play all the chords, that's the first thing i've learned.

    i've always wanted to play piano, though, i end up failing all the time. meh. D:<

  2. pictionary ftw! :LOL:

    i'm trying to figure out a song on piano... i've got the first 5 notes so far! :dance::facepalm:

    (i do not play piano, but i do want to learn. all i can play are bass guitar & acoustic guitar, never been coordinated enough for piano. :facepalm:)

  3. i remember about 6 months ago all i ever was on was chat :facepalm::LOL: it is very entertaining, though. :chuckle:

    storms are one of my favorite things, ever. o: so relaxing... once it was downpouring & lots of lightning and booming thunder, i sat outside under my porch playing guitar.. one of the most relaxing things i've ever done. :happy:

  4. :happy: i'm fine fine, waiting on the weekend to come. :shifty: and it's to slow... meh. :LOL:

    how about you? :)

  5. i am enjoying it. :happy: i'm starting to get used to the weather at 100 and humid, though. :noey:

    :LOL: i just got up... it's almost noon... :eek: i've never slept in this late before! probably because i stayed up till like 3. :facepalm: it was storming like crazy, never seen so much lightning before. o: it was awesome. :chuckle:

  6. that's alright. ;):chuckle::kiss:

    that's :awesome:!

    iiii am helping with a soccer camp / league thing for little kids at my church this week & next week. :happy: it's going great so far, but it's sooo hot out :eek:

    how about you? :awesome:

  7. :facepalm::chuckle: i've never dropped my phone in the toilet, but i know someone who has, many, many times :LOL: (it fell out of her sweatshirt pocket.) :chuckle:
  8. awweeee :supersad: i would of died! :LOL::chuckle:

    my phone's a trooper.. i've spilled many, many things on it, including milk, nail polish remover (which has caused paint to wear off...) and salsa... :facepalm: i'm getting a free upgrade for christmas, though. :yesey:

  9. winter > fall > summer > spring.


    my ipod = my best friend.. i love it more than my phone. :LOL: i would never let it drop down the stairs. :supersad:

  10. :LOL: winter = the best. :yesey:

    :eek: i would like an iphone.. but the idea of my ipod & phone being the same thing would bug me. :LOL: the new iphone does look nice, though.. :LOL: better than my phone, probably. :p

  11. :eek:

    i WISH it were 60F... i love cold weather more than anything. :happy:

  12. i'm getting used to the hot weather, which is a good thing for this week. :LOL: i used to not be able to stand it above 90F, but now i'm seeming to be fine with it being 100F. :wtf::LOL:

  13. :D i'm fine, just talking to people & playing some bass. helping out at a kid's soccer camp nights all this week, excited to see how this goes. :awesome:
  14. :awesome: hiya! how are you?
  15. :LOL: this is giving me a headache... going to bed now. talk to you tomorrow. :LOL: :LOL:
  16. oh shit. :LOL: i could never be up that late.. i have once but i crashed at 8am. :p it's midnight here, & i've got to be up early for church in the morning.

  17. hehe good. :LOL:

    gah, i'm exhausted but can't go to sleep. :shifty: i already tried several times. :LOL:

  18. :supersad: you'll have to watch the last half soon, then :D
  19. :LOL: wait till after that season, tennant comes after this one. :yesey:
  20. both very good episodes. :yesey: i think that chris eccleston does a very good job as doctor, but not many people tend to agree. :noey: tennant & smith are by far the best, though. :awesome:

  21. :dance: yes! good choice :awesome: which episode?
  22. :LOL: :LOL: moms sometimes. :shifty:


  23. oh dear. :LOL: my mom would of freaked. :LOL: that must of hurt though. my boyfriend got shot a dozen times in the ass, it was hillarious. :chuckle:

  24. :LOL: just a tad. ;)

    my head hurts.. someone shot at my head like 5 times today. :shifty: and i've got a massive welt from where i got shot in the bare arm.

    goo battle scars! :LOL:

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