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Me Rug I Sty

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Everything posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. Great. Now I have cooties. Thanks a fudging lot.






  2. 15. Well 14, I turn 15 in a couple of weeks. Yourself?

  3. *stamps ground*:'( tell me

  4. Gah. Never like seinfield. :erm:

    Yeah I've seen the animals ones and the politics ones. Not suitable for under 10's I realised petty quickly :LOL:

  5. But...how do you pee...?:unsure:

  6. You mean my...thingy? *giggle* only if I can see your spear too...*giggle giggle*

  7. Wanna see my spear? I made it with a knife. It's really cool. I stab the ground when I feel real tough.

  8. She's a..*whispers*bi...bitch. *giggles after using new word*

  9. She says 28 is too young to start talking to girls :supersad:

  10. *nervous giggle*eep*jumps around in excitement*I have to tell mum:awesome:*runs away fast*

  11. Well...um...i was...like...wondering....Doyouwanttogotoamoviewithmecauseithinkyouaresexyandihavebeenwatchi gyou.

  12. Err...umm...*awkward shuffle*...so...I was like...wondering...

  13. Err. Thanks for the request...friend?

  14. I should go there :awesome:


    You said you were feeling masochistic..

  15. No there's still girl drama :LOL: the girls school is just down the road. It just makes meeting people harder, and the girls expect the guys to to all the work:facepalm:


    So your blaming yourself for something that is out of your control?

  16. Nah, it's always harder when your inside that sort of situation, than being someone trying to help...oh well. Your just lucky you go to a mixed school-I've been going to an all guys school since I was 11. That really makes things hard :noey::LOL:


    Anyway; I'm tired :p


  17. :LOL:

    Sorry. I can stop tryin now if you want.

  18. I thought you had school stuff to do?

  19. And he is to right?

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