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Me Rug I Sty

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Everything posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. Yes, well being male, I don't to pornogrnic pictures :p

  2. :awesome:

    The quality is a little shoddy, so I may make my own. I've been thinking of creepy lyrics as a screen saver for a while (previously it was a screenshot of the guy sitting in the corner if the SS video).

  3. I'm can't remember....:erm:

    But Tranquilize and Shadowplay recorded for showbiz :yesey:



    I had the same obsession too, I listened to it in repeat for ages!


    Mmmm. Tiny teddies :happy:


    Anyways, I should sleep now, so bai!

  4. It's true and sad :noey:

    14. 15 in Feb. Which is why I couldn't go to BDO :'(

  5. Shit. I posted on my profile again :facepalm:

  6. They re-recorded a few.



    Get to bed/breakfast!:LOL:


    When I first heard UTG, I only looked for cathchiness in a song. I found it illegaly and I was like "omg, what is this track. I love it. Best TK song I've heard. It must be unreleased. Can't wait for the new album:D"

    I'll watch it now. :happy:

  7. WYWY; ossum :happy: I love all their abbey road versions.

    I wish they'd take the piss of GJWHF:LOL:

    Hotel California is SOO bad.


    They should "killersify" their covers more. They just sound like the originals really.

  8. Well sawdust was done in a lot less time, yet so much better than Day and Age.


    I'll watch 'em in a sec;)


    11.30pm only, but I had a big day and night :LOL:

  9. I am on my iPod...

    There's a YouTube app.

  10. Oops. Rookie style mistake there :$

    Well sawdust>D&A.

    What song did they do?

    Well I hated the original so it couldn't get worse...:chuckle...or could it...:erm:?


    Yeah, retarded was the wrong word. When I'm tired my vocab dies. Along with a lot of other things :LOL:

    No I will never understand it :LOL:



    Yup. No I haven't. I hope there is though :p

  11. Folk sucks. :phu:


    Yeah a whole album of covers would suck. But maybe it's like a reincarnation of sawdust; something to give the fans to chew on while try do something proper. Though they should devote their time to being awesome.


    They did a Cyndi Laupner cover!?:eek:



    Yeah I heard about Hotel California. Haven't heard yet tbh, a non-fan friend told me about it, but he said it was quite cool...*shrugs*


    I have a feeling that every member of TK is retarded :LOL:

    I mean, have you heard Brandon talk in interviews? He seems a bit slow...

    And they all act a bit "odd". :LOL:


    I HATED R&J :mad:


    I still haven't gotten all the way through :LOL:

    There isn't even a DVD menu :noey: maybe there is one after the feature :erm:


    Each time I watched it, I had to go before finishing it :LOL:

  12. Though if they do folk, I might be too ashamed to even listen to the album :noey:

  13. Thanks!:happy:

    I would prefer they didn't though, I'd prefer a heavy album (which I also heard Brandon say they were doing). But maybe when he said it was their heaviest he meant they were covering heavy songs. Who knows.

    But a cover album almost seems like a step backwards, I don't think it'd attract many more bands or get them much radio air play. I could be wrong, it could be a stroke of genius. At least they have balls eh? We'll just wait and see.


    I watched RAH again, and I changed my mind. It's ossum. With a few heavier songs their shows night rival muse. :happy:


    Your WYWY link doesn't work :( it just closes the spoiler. Give it to me again?

  14. tell your friend that she is now my iPod screen saver!

  15. Oh :LOL:


    How do you break so many computers? Viruses?

  16. Knows I'm on a hard moment right now:'(

    what's wrong nat?:(

  17. delete some space in your inbox.

  18. Well I do :phu:

    And people my age too :p

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