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Me Rug I Sty

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Everything posted by Me Rug I Sty

  1. Thanks. :happy:

    Actually apparantly indie isn't a particular sound, it means indipendent artist or something, and recently people have been calling bands like the Killers and FF indie (when they arent apparantly) and have called Indie a sound.


    Explain a little further-pretend you are a music reviewer (my dream job 'cept the pays crap).

    So what other bands do they sound like?

  2. Umm...well I was reading a music magazine, and I read about a few bands that I thought sounded interesting. I just wondered if you could search then and tell me what they were like....

    They are; "white rabbits", "Decoder Ring" and "Isis".


    Also; you like Modest Mouse right? I've heard a bit about them...what are they like?


    Smooooth :chuckle:

  3. I was going to get you to search a couple of songs. Doesn't matter then.


    "probabñy"? I think your keyboard switched languages :chuckle:

  4. Teehee. Are you trolling YouTube?


    Tap Tap hurts your thumbs too :noey:

    It's probly pretty similar to GH on phone...

  5. I don't want to know :facepalm:


    Oh right. Yes, I guess it is. They have a dance version of Tap Tap too. But it's probably more of a rip off of GH.

  6. Exactly. If he is dead he will a limp biscuit, an you can use him as a breathing toy :awesome:


    Dance dance revolution?:erm:

  7. We all know he could just wink at you and you'd be straight on him.


    You jus tap your fingers on the screen :chuckle:

  8. :yesey:

    I bet you will pleasure him now :chuckle:


    It's like Guitar hero for iPods. And it free. Though the latest version you have to pay to download tracks.

  9. Possibly. :( we won today though :awesome:

    Did kuyt do enough running for ya?:chuckle:


    Lots. The best ones are Tap Tap and Jelly Car.

  10. A keeper is only as good as his defence ;)


    I have them...

  11. So he's having a bad season?


    I haven't played either so I can't really comment.

  12. But you are worse.

  13. You are so full of shit.

  14. Reina was like keeper of the season the las few years though:eek:


    Apparantly Rock Band is a bit shit :erm:

  15. :eyebrows:


    Yes they need Alonso. What's wrong with Reina?:(


    Nah-Playstation is better. Especially for sports games.

  16. Well I reckon Carragher can handle that pressure, but Gerrard is more of a key. We haven't had any mirracles this season from him. We should expect one soon. :yesey:

    And yes you wrote pleasure :chuckle:

    I must admit I haven't seen a game for AAAGES.:$


    Don't worry. I own neither :LOL:

  17. They'll be expected to win that. And I don't know if they can handle that pressure:(


    Do you have PS2 or PS3?



    It's a very sensistive issue.

  19. Well, I reckon pro Evo only used to be better. But I haven't played the last 2 so I can't judge I guess

  20. FIFA is SO much more realistic though! And what do you mean "the characters are more real"?

  21. Did you already know that site?


    Pro Evo sucks. :phu:Get FIFA

  22. You know how you were complaining about the price of CD's?

    Well the place I get mine from is CDwow. Which is the cheapest place I've seen cd's. They ship worldwide (for free) so you might want to have a look. The website is http://www.cdwow.com

    Just thought you may be interested :)

    Just so you know, as far as I can tell the NZ store is cheaper than the UK one, but you will have to look at each of them to figure out which is cheapest :)

  23. Quick question about Torrents (out of interest);

    You know how you download it in a torrent file(Which is usually less than 1mb) and then import it into uTorrent to get the files. Well does it download the files, or are they compressed into the torrent file? If that makes sense...


    And once again, thanks for helping figure out how to do this:happy:

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