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Everything posted by Tesseract

  1. If they do stream the gig, I hope it's the whole thing! And yeah I thought the crowd was very loud and overall fantastic (except for some of the VIP people next to me).
  2. I already loved this song but hearing it in person at Webster Hall cemented it as one of my favorite Muse songs in a long time. Definitely a face melter.
  3. In other words, Matt rarely knows what he's talking about. I haven't listened to this yet but all the people I know that we're at the gig lastnight have said that the recording doesn't get close to doing the song justice, particularly the chorus which they've all said was much heavier than it comes across. So I haven't decided if I'll listen to the leak yet.
  4. Saw on Facebook, someone in a group I'm in went to it, said it was a "good blended rock song, very electric, not heavy but not soft, good bassline" And yes I was, I was 110 in line.
  5. Such an amazing performance. Did everything seem extra heavy to you? Might have just been because the venue was shaking but it all just sounded so beefy. Obviously the rarities were great to hear but this was also the first time I've seen the proper New Born with Matt on the piano, and it was definitely an unexpected highlight.
  6. I think I might like TOADA more as a song overall, but I also think TSP might be more fun live. I certainly wouldn't complain about either of them.
  7. I could see Fury, I don't see them playing FAWY or SFA, though that would be nice. AP and TSP are both amazing live (judging from videos, as I've never seen them in person).
  8. Yeah same. Would have vastly preferred something different as an album opener, but the vocal melody and solo are nice.
  9. From a guy that definitely met Matt...he could be lying of course but it's likely enough that he's telling the truth.
  10. You shut your mouth. No but in all seriousness, it's one of the first Muse songs I heard and helped me really get into them, so I would be very excited to hear it live. Even if I might rather hear Showbiz or MM if I had to choose.
  11. Of course idiots are already tweeting the link, and it doesn't seem like you need to be a member to enter. Kind of annoying. So much for keeping it quiet.
  12. I'd like barrier but I also don't think I'd be able to get there by 8am considering my 3+ hour trip.
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