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Everything posted by mels734

  1. (((((((((((((((: <------beating the system!!

  2. Girl, Girl PLEASE, Girl breh! You do not say things like that here! Matt Bellamy>Chuck Norris. I dedicate that use of an inequality to D'Lingling.

  3. Hello. Thanks for the invite:)


  4. I had a really weird dream that included some songs off Showbiz... I ran to this auditorium place and they made me wait in line. We were waiting in line to get to some kind of carnival... Apparently my mother also wanted to go to the carnival because she was in line about two people in front of me. They started playing music while we were waiting and I thought OMG it's knights of Cydonia!!! But it was actually Showbiz... I yelled to my mom, "MOM!! It's Knights ofCydonia!!" She yelled back to me," Oh, This could be anything!! This isn't that horrible Muse song." We continued arguing until the song was over. She ended up convincing me that it wasn't Muse:( Then Muscle Museum started playing but there was something wrong with it. Then when Matt was supposed to start singing I realized that it was an Alvin and the Chipmunks version....
  5. The clicky stuff is pretty much everywhere:) Click on forum up there ^^ and look for a thread you think is interesting. DUH!! I think you would enjot the Matthew Bellamy Facts. They are like the Chuck Norris ones only better because it it Matt:)

  6. People who hate Twilight. Look under other Muse topics in the forum. And it will soy something like RAGE (twilight).
  7. I dont really know. I comment on a lot of stuff. Just click on something and write.

  8. Just saying, they are NOT the Twilight band. They are Muse. That is why we love them:) I personally love the new album with the exception of one song that I am not so fond of. And there is a Twilight hating thread somewhere in the forum. Probably more than one.
  9. OMG. Shaunee!!!! It's MEL!!!

  10. i had a dream the other night that matt was in the kitchen at my house cutting a pizza with a pizza cutter. I walked in to get some pizza and matt started singing 'it's the circle of knife!!' y'know. like the lion king...
  11. you live in cleveland??!! i was just there like a week ago!! i live in cincinnati.

  12. i had another muse dream once. they were playing a song at my 14th birthday (i was 12 at the time) and they were playing new born. Behind the sage there was a huge grocery store. I dont really know why but i was certain that they needed ice cube trays(?) i ran through the entire store looking for them and then i found an enormous line of people in an aisle loking for ice cube trays. A kid walked out of the aisle with about 12 in his arms and i stole all of the and ram back to give them to muse. when i got there they werent on stage but the were in the front of the store. i started walking towards them but the the little kid appeared out of no where and kicked me in the shin. I dropped all the ice cube trays and fell on the floor. then i tripped the little kid and he fell. then i woke up. no one got to meet muse in that dream.
  13. ok this is really weird but in my dreams...french people can't swim. im sorry if you are french but they just can't. well my cousin talked me into running a marathon with her and when w were supposed to start running i couldnt find one of my shoes. i kept running and i got to this farm sort of place. i got reallymad that i couldnt find my shoe so i stabbed my foot with a pitchfork... then this water balloon came out of the sky and healed my foot (?) after that i saw matt he was walking towards a lake and then he triped and fell in the water and drowned. i sat down on the ground and started crying. my cousin made me get up and keep running. then i got to my best friend's house i walked in and started asking all of her brothers and sisters where my other shoe was. i walked out of her house and my shoe was in my hand. i didnt put it on my foot but i did keep running. then i got to mexico. i ran up the side of a mountain and i jumped from the top of that to the roof of a hotel. there was a car on the roof so i got in. there were 2 old ladies sitting in the front seats of the car. my best friend was siting next to me. one of the old ladies said,"everyone's here...floor it." we went flying off the roof and i was screaming but everyone else was real calm. my friend yelled at me,"RELAX. it's a plane!!" so i stopped screaming. then the plane exploded and the ghost of another one of my friends told me to jump (she is alive though) i jumped out of the plane and then as i was falling i saw matt again and he was walking on the sidewalk. so i said to him," i thought you were dead." then he got really angry with me and said,"I'M NOT FRENCH I'M ENGLISH!!" then i landed on my back and i died. real happy right?
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