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Status Updates posted by Trilateral_Symmetry_Com'n.

  1. I think the video's probably on YT by now. I'll be putting up the pic in the lolz thread in about 2 minutes.

  2. Hi.

    You posted this in a VM on my page: "So you're saying that MMers criticize Muse? I have not seen one post by a legit MMer that has anything negative toward Muse.

    Mockery and rude humor have a major difference. Grant it, some things in "Lolz" are giggle-worthy, but for the most part...not so much. I try to be as open-minded as I can at all times, so I can see the general direction of where the humor comes from, but I don't find it funny or original."


    Re. the first point: R U serious?!? "Legit" [??] MMers are just as critical of Muse as Banterers, although the latter camp is probably more snarky about it on the whole. Check out any gig thread, where the setlist beef sets in, for ex.


    Re. your second point as to humor, that's how I feel about the Banter forum subculture here. A bit too 4Chan-y for my taste. If you have a jones for spoofing off of Muse, you might want to try the caption thread in Other Muse Topics. The humor there is often very lolzy, only they don't bother with actual text superimpositions. (Their hit-and-miss ratio is probably about the same, though.) Also, their takes are strictly single-panel, so there's none of the annoyingly long storylines, point-by-point pop culture parodies, etc. that sometimes pop up in lolz. Different strokes for different folks...?

  3. So I take it you have no FACTUAL objections to my post... that you're just peevish from my criticism? For someone so unforgiving for my not taking your "jokes" and mean-spirited insults more lightly (but why should I? You & yours don't seem to be insulting me lightly), you sure don't take criticism well yourself.


    Pot/kettle/black, ad nauseum.

  4. In the "Muse in the Media" thread about their recent mention in New York [magazine], you posted: "It was a U2 gig, not a Muse gig. They don't deserve any collumn space when it isn't their own show."


    But like I pointed out in my post, Muse at the time was sitting on top of the charts in about 19 countries... so it wouldn't have killed the critic to have dropped a line or two about this rather distinguished opening act.


    Your determination to cut me down at every opportunity, even at Muse's expense, is pathetic. As is your spelling ("collumn"?), you ignorant, semiliterate little twerp.

  5. Happy Birthday (this month)! 17 is a milestone year, for sure...

  6. Thanks for saying so, but right now I'm feeling like a bit of an idiot, because I failed to pick up on it being a "joke". By the time it was revealed as a joke in the Muse.mu thread, I was writing my response. Not that it would've mattered; I only read the first page before racing off to check it out and counter his ridiculous posturing.


    That kind of humor really bothers me, though, especially given his injunction to use force to put an end to Muse's propaganda. That blog could remain accessible on the 'net for decades, for all we know, and absent a context of Musers explaining the joke (apparently Keir himself is being less than forthcoming on his blog), what are others to make of it out of context of the debunkers? (Who hasn't played the hypothetical fantasy of assassinating Hitler, or ask 'what would I do if I was like Christopher Walken's psychic character in The Dead Zone,' etc.? I have a new nightmare now: that someone will read that blog and get The Wrong Idea, big-time!) So for that reason alone, I'm now glad that I went ahead and made an uncool fool of myself.


    That Keir a-hole may have intended it as a joke, but he's in such poor control of his craft and message that there could've been unintended consequences.




  7. Hi, do I know you? You don't post much on the boards, do you?

  8. I did enjoy the Helsinki gig, although I've been kvetching about its setlist (for both content and length) on that thread, and been catching some flak for that, too... but I'm afraid that without being goaded and prodded a bit, the lads may just get too complacent and start slacking off, y'know?

  9. Um, sure,and thanks again! I actually did find once some mode where you could crop, retint, rotate, etc. the pics but don't remember now how to get there... Have pity on me, I only learned how to Lolz a few weeks ago!


    The short series I wanted the pic for is almost all ready to go, but I've been so caught up with Helsinki and some other current affairs that I haven't gotten around to it.


    On edit: I can't believe you remembered my photo request! Even I had almost all but forgotten about it!


    On edit redux: I've "friended" you and made it reciprocal; no hard feelings if you decline, though.




  10. THANK YOU!!! I think the last one will be just the trick, after I figure out how to rotate it... Again, THANKS A MILLION!!

  11. Thanks! It isn't what I need, but I might use it for a different Lolz someday... Matt's a real cutie, even when overexposed in a cam flash!

  12. Thanks, melon, but I need one with all three. I'm sure I'll find it eventually, but it's no biggie (no pun intended) if I don't.

  13. Hi Dominooo,


    Just to let you know that I've posted LOLZes of your Matt B. figurine (the subject of this thread of yours), after someone bumped it. You're work is gaining a lot of admirers!

  14. Thank you, and I'll see you in the Equal Representation (USA wing) group!

  15. I just put in a request to you to "friend" me. [The cheek!] Of course, all of us here are your friends (and cyberspace minions, Muse proselytizers, and wannabe manservants/slaves-in-waiting), but it would be beyond awesome if you went along with this -- for me it'd be like hitting a Muse.mu lottery or somesuch.

  16. Hi, Forwen. I just joined your "Older Muser's" group, but there's one thing that bothers me about it: the unnecessary apostrophe in the group's name! As older Musers, shouldn't we be setting a proper (not pwoper, ha) example to the young'uns?

  17. Oh, hi, mortallatrom... have we met in a thread?

  18. Well, I plan to attend... do you want me to email you on how it went? And do you have any particular interests or details WRT this production that you would want someone to pay extra attention to?





  19. Thanks... I keep screwing up on details like that... and I haven't completely figured out Twitter yet, either!

  20. Okay. I keep screwing up on various, uh, webby details... and I feel I haven't quite figured out Twitter yet, either!

  21. Thanks, so's yours!


    Apologies for the delay, but I only now just noticed I had a message! ::headsmack::

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