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Funky Phasers

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About Funky Phasers

  • Birthday 10/12/1993

Personal Information

  • Biography
    ¡Vivo en Auckland desde hace quince anos! Es bastante aburrido, pero interesante tambien. Je parle Anglais, Francais et Espagnol. Quand j’étais jeune, je pensai que vie était si belle! J'aime des choses et d'autres choses!
  • Location
    New Zealand
  • Interests
    Myooose, the interwebs, dinosaur comics
  • Occupation
    Professional Mad Scientist/Crystal Therapist
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  • Favourite Bands
    The Horrors, of Montreal, Radiohead, Florence + The Machine, AFI, The Naked and Famous, other stuff that I can't remember right now
  • Favourite Films
    2001: A Space Odyssey, Sherlock Holmes, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, Moulin Rouge
  • Favourite TV Shows
    Flight Of The Conchords, House, 30 Rock, Chuck, Frasier
  • Favourite Books
    House of Leaves, Riddles of Epsilon, Harry Potter, Will Grayson, Will Grayson
  • Muse Releases Owned
    BH&R, Absolution, Origin Of Symmetry, Showbiz, Hullabaloo Soundtrack, Hullabaloo DVD, Absolution Tour DVD, The Resistance Boxset, HAARP, SMBH single DVD
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    Big Day Out 2010, Auckland
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  1. I saw Tom Kirk! It was good. I was all "eyy, It's Kirky!" And then the concert started up and I found myself behind many different tall people. *sigh* As such I missed out on seeing Matt jumping around and Chris headbanging, and only caught glimpses. Apart from that it was great, though. When they started playing Nishe I felt the need to shout out "Nishe!!" To which I received odd looks. United States Of Eurasia was epic, it was all quiet and soft and then just exploded. It was totally great. Ah the whole thing was. It seemed to go really fast, though. I desperately want to see them again already!
  2. :) it's the best song EVER :LOL:
  3. haha, thanks! I'm glad you got the reference. :D

  4. Your username is wonderful! Flight of the Conchords are my heroes :awesome:

  5. okay, I just had one today, thought it was so odd that I wrote it all down! When I woke up I was kind of upset that it wasn't real. I'll just copypaste it: Okay well this dream was fairly odd. the main part of the dream was rather odd and seemed to keep repeating itself. The main deal was, Muse were playing a song. I thought it was Bliss but it turned out to be Blackout. Anyway, when they were playing it they all flew up in to the air, Matt had thrown a piece of rope of something which turned out to be what they were attached to. They were sort of lip syncing it though because they were just standing there in the air, but when they came down they finished the song by actually playing. Then there was darkness for a little while and they quietly played some of the song properly in the dark before leaving. It was pretty awesome. Anyway, later it cuts to something that happened before that- which led to me saying, or thinking or whatever- oh man, how can they have respect for you now? And laughing madly and whatnot. So we were in this rather fancy looking hotel, all goldenish and stuff, very nice, anyway something’s happening? It’s like a concert for Beyonce and Muse are going to be there? So for this, they seem to have to put on some rather odd clothes. Matt is wearing sparkly pants similar to the ones he has previously worn before but not as baggy, and some random black shirt that looks rather womanish. XDD Chris is wearing this green dress thing and Dom is wearing a pink one sleeved top with a skirt that is purposefully ridiculously short. And that happens. Around this time I eat a pill and start chewing it but not swallowing it, it tastes alright but then I spit it all in to a little bowl. Anyway then back to Muse, they performed a random song in those clothes. I don’t quite remember what the song was, something weird. At least, I think they danced around to the song, with Dom purposefully sliding around on the floor. So that was generally the gist of it, although it seemed to repeat with a variation each time, ie one time they did that there were random kids being superheroes, one time there was a confectionary shop that flashed a bright light at you when you entered, and one time there was a greenish room afterwards and I said “Don’t worry Chris, I’ll listen to heavy metal with you anytime.” Or something rather random and odd like that. And something about being in a car and being scared. So that was basically it? It seemed to start off as just watching a youtube video, but then I was there and nothing was in a particular sequence, just a lot of repeating of it. I seemed to be going “hahah that was funny remember?” And thus repeating it. Also at one point a girl gave a speech in my kitchen when it was dark with all these people here and it seemed to be about “how not to be a lesbian” or something odd like that. It wasn’t very good. It was about 30 seconds long and didn’t really have anything to do with lesbians. Just a scenario with some annoying guys. SO YEAH that was pretty odd and funny and weird and strange and vivid and when I woke up and realised it was a dream I was pretty disappointed, because seriously I want to see Muse fly around and dress up in dresses.
  6. hahaha your signature is made of epic win and it doesn't afraid of anything! :D

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