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Becca Of Cydonia

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Everything posted by Becca Of Cydonia

  1. God I know, this week has been so slow *sigh*

    I'm good, thanks, just tired :)

  2. :awesome: Mine are pink with purple, grey and white hearts on :facepalm:

    Got to go now, I'll talk to you later :kiss:

  3. Yes *sigh*

    I bloody hate the stuff :indiff: It's all wet, and crunchy, and slippy and cold, and ruins my socks :'(

    We had a chat about options and careers and all that crap today. Got some funny looks when I said I want to design socks :LOL:

    Some teachers ask to see my socks when I leave the classroom and my friends call me socks :facepalm:

  4. Radiators, what would we do without them? (Freeze :p)

    In Yorkshire, well, it's cold, and dull, and grey. It even made it to 3 degrees yesterday :eek: It was a miracle!

    :LOL: It's boring, nowt happens up here :noey:

  5. I'm great, thanks :happy:

    Been looking for red skinny jeans up here in Yorkshire for about a year now, and now I've finally found some :dance: I knew I shouldn't give up :party:

    Yeah, random.

    Anyways, what's it like down there then?

  6. Lozi :awesome:

    Long time no see :eek:

    So how's you? :happy:

  7. Hey, glad you made this thread, very useful As you can guess, I'm a pit/GA n00b, and am actually quite worried about going to LCCC now Okay, I'm about 5:7 ish, so is my friend, I'm not very strong but my friend is, could you please tell me where the best place for us to stand is?
  8. It's alright ;)

    I'm Becky by the way, nice to meet you :D

  9. Don't forget to pray for Muse!

    Bye :kiss:

  10. :LOL:

    Pray for Matt, Dom and Chris when we wake up, before meals and when we go to bed?

  11. Naww, I say we should all be kids forever! :facepalm:

    Me, I dunno. Listen to even more Muse, or listen to a band other than Muse?

    :LOL: Nah, maybe to pay attention in all my classes, but that's boring...

    So the first one :p

  12. :LOL: Naww. Some of my family live in Austrailia, dunno where though.

    So, do you have any New Year's resoulutions? (Yeah, I think I spelt that wrong :erm:)

  13. Same :D

    I was upset last night

    1) Because I wasn't in Sydney to see their :awesome: firework show :(

    2) I loved 2009

    3) I was cold in my sleeping bag listening to Exo ;)


    I got randomly excited 30 mins after the firework display and thought

    'I've just lived through my first decade!'

    So I got Pringles and toffees and had a random celebration on my own :LOL:

    /wierd, random story over

  14. Happy New Year!!

    This year better be good...


  15. :party: Happy Birthday!! :party:


    :dance: Happy New Year!! :dance:

  16. Okay, have fun :LOL:

    I'll be alone in the livingroom wrapped up in a sleeping bag watching the countdown :facepalm:

    See you next year! :kiss:

  17. I'm good, thanks.

    Christmas was good aswell, thanks.

    I got three Muse calendars, perfume, money and socks! :D

    How about you?

  18. Thanks, same to you! :happy:

    2009's been my favourite year, I don't want it to end :noey:







  19. :awesome:!! Nice :yesey:

    And yeah, I've got them up on different months :LOL:


  20. :awesome:

    I got a Muse hoody and 3 Muse calendars. My family know me so well :happy:

    (I've had to put the calendars on different months :facepalm:)

  21. Well hello :)

    How are you?

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