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Everything posted by absolutionamethyst

  1. Nup...:supersad:








    ...I DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO CONVINCE!:awesome::dance:

    Mum just said yes and said "Merry Christmas!":eek::dance::musesign:

    How awesommeeee!:D Cannot wait til it arrives!

    I had some problem with email addresses and all that... And it seems it's all fixed now, sooooo! WOOP! Hurry up, September!:LOL:

    Only a few short weeks now... Waiting is killing me!:chuckle:


    Did you say you were getting it?:D

  2. DID IT!!!!!!!:dance:


    :eek:I must love you!:stunned:


    Haha, wow that was hard! I thought I wouldn't finish cos I had to keep on editing out smilies!:facepalm: Ffs, I can't stand that 15 per post limit s/times!:rolleyes:

  3. Aaaaaaaaand, here goes my afternoon!

    Nup! Our absurdly long comments to eachother are special!:awesome::eyebrows:

    Gargh, I know! I am in love with zee smilies! Gargh, I'm gonna have to edit out like 15 000 smilies by the time I finish this!*chuckle*


    :eek :NOWAIIIIIIIII! Uluru may be that, but it is *our* giant red rock!:awesome::yesey: And, and, and... Sammeh is just jealous!:phu:


    Then again, who am I to judge, once you've seen a few bushes, a mountain, a lake and a sheep, you've basically seen New Zealand! FECKING AWES QUOTE!!!!!*dances*

    Haha, valid point! Nowait, I want to go to a place like (looks at Sammeh - ps, I'ma call you Sammeh cos it sounds cool:yesey... If that's okay! :p) Western Sahara!:awesome:

    16, awesome!:D How's life at 16 treating teh Sammeh? Gargh!You're lucky! I so wanna go overseas!AND YOU WENT TWICE! xD Luuuuuucky! But, but, but, we are going to Europe around September, aye! And if that doesn't go ahead (:chuckle:), my mum might be taking me to Europe next year or sommat! :p

    Haha, and I've absolutely no idea where Rarotonga is, but the name sounds awes, so I'm sure you shall enjoy it!

    Hmmm, yes! But, but, but! Australia is my hooooooome! *starts singing horrendously... I STILL CALLLLL AUStRALIAAAA..... HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME!* But I think I love teh Moose a bit more than myself (well a lot more), so I may have to say Europe and Australia are equal in their epicness! Then good ol' En Zed (NZ), of course!

    Gah! Radiohead are bullshit are even their museic is boring!:vomit:

    Like, Thom has a good voice and all, but they could smile every once in a while... And make some better museic! *rolls eyes* I WENT THEREEEEEEE!

    Haha, that's odd! Usually, bassists are the most mellow 'n' that! *unsure* (fecking sick of this "only 15 smilies allowed" bullshit! Haha). And, no I'm not saying Wolsty is boring! Chwis wocks! *yesey*


    Ah! You're lucky, I have to do fucking SOSE! I had it today... The teacher's clearly got issues! Jesus! You should see all the work she makes us do! Baha, and she goes off at us for no reason a lot of the time!: Quite funny actually! EWWWWWW! No, maths NOT for the win! Haha, but yeah, you should love english!:D It's my favourite subject! Just after sport and probs dance - sport, dance and english ftfw! Heehee.


    Hell yeah! I mean, how could you not be! Look at the place, it's effin' beautiful!xD Of course we are going to visit them! I reckon, that is defo a must do!:yesey:

    Fucking hell! That's a lot to do! BUT I'M UP FOR IT!!!!!!!

    Wait, wait, I'll be hunting down Chris, Dom *and* Matt! How could you forget teh Matteh?!! Haha. Yup, Scotland, family, friends, Lochness (it's a must do whenever you go to Scotland!:chuckle:) Woop, "or twenty" sounds great! Haha, yeah stealing them... And doing, ahem, things to them...:eyebrows:

    YES, WE MUST PERSEVERE, SAMMEH! *dances with Sammeh*


    Bahahah, orly? Baha, well I bought a Hullabaloo CD the other day, cos I didn't have my own - borrowing my brothers' - and I was sick to death of the way he treated his CDs! :O (okay, it had like a few scratches on the case... BUT ZAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE ON A MUSE CD!!!!!!) Hahaha, naww that's kay... I swear I have OCD... Perfectionists and OCD sufferers, we sound like the fun, carefree type!*rolleyes*


    YESSSSSSSS! I FEREAKING LOVE UPRISING *AND* UNITED STATES OF EURASIA! They've been getting played *so* much over here! Thanks to teh awes triple j!

    Speaking of which, yeah I've been on 5 times in 2 weeks now! Hahaha, proooooo! It's awes fun! Yeahhhhhhh!*dances*

    Haha, everyone else has won a jmag (triple j's monthly magazine) and some even won the Hottest 100 Of All Time CD, and they'd only been on once... I'VE BEEN ON FIVE TIME AND STILL HAVEN'T WON ANYTHING! :O Bahaha, nawww all is good, all is good! Haha.

    Bahaha, well have you *cave*d and listened to Uprising yet then? :p

    ZOMB! HAVE YOU LISTENED TO THE 30 SECOND PREVIEWSSS?!?!?! Umm, on the day they came out, I listened up til Unnatural Selection... Then I stopped. And iTunes was all jumpy and I didn't hear it very well at all, so it was basically like I hadn't heard it at all... But then I just gave in, couldn't *resist*, and I listened to them all! OH MY BELLAMY! I love them all! *dances*

    LOL, Undisclosed Desires makes me fucking crack up everytime!*LOL* I mean, it's freakin' awesome and I love it... Just something about it, I dunno it's ghetto-ish haha, and I just literally crack up everytime! Bahaha, it sounds sooooo cool, though!


    ZOMB! I fully love The Resistance artwork!*dance**musesign*

    I agree with everything you said, aye! Colours, optical illusion! It's so amazing! Haha. But yeah, I'd like to see what it'd look like with a black background - see if it is more effective or not... But I still really love it how it is anyway! Hahahaa.


    Yeah, well I've tried not to (m)use (aye, aye! See what I've done there?!!!*rolleyes*) too many smilies... :S Muse messageboard smilies are just so fulla win, though!


    Bahaha, naww fankoo!:p

    I think naming people Sam is adorable, too! Cos you can change it to Sammeh! Or Teh Sammeh! And that's is just adorable, I think! Hahaha.




  4. LOL I just forgot about it... AND I'VE ONLY SO MANY MINUTES LFEFT!!!!!!!:eek:




  5. Oh fuck!:supersad:

    I''m sowweh, Sammeh!:( Don't be sad... You'll make me sad...:'(



    Naww, I must finish this!:awesome:

    *works hard*... The deadline is 6:30pm tonight. If I don't finish, then I don't love teh Sammeh, which I obviously do (:eyebrows:;)), so it will be finished!:happy:



    PS, how could we start again?!!:wtf: Too much important shit in other convo!:LOL:

  6. LOL I just realised I said "Fruck"... ;)


    PS, my URL http://theresistance.net.au/amethyst_muse


    Cheers! Oh yeah and sorry for the long post... I've sone longer!:chuckle::ninja:


  7. Hey!:kiss:


    Oh really? Gargh, yeah I'm not so much into the cricket!:$ I sort of only knew the Ashes were on when Chris mentioned it in the triple j interview!:facepalm: I know, I know... Here is the hopeless Aussie coming out! Hahaha.

    Ah jeez, I usually stay up til then on weekends anyway, but to watch the cricket...?:erm: Shit it gets so boring!:rolleyes:



    :awesome::kiss: Yeah we have time, comp closes on 20th September!:dance:

    Don't worry, I won't..!:ninja:


    LOL, that's awes! LOL naming USBs ftw!

    I know!:facepalm: Bloody twats that hate Invincible and Unintended! Something's wrong with their minds/ears...:LOL:

    LOL I was on the bus on the way home from the soccer on Saturday - my team the FURY! Fruck yeahhhh, haha and this guy said behind me, "together we're invincible"!:awesome::yesey: I know, I know! It was amazing! Haha, so I turned around and grinned at him thinking he was a fellow Muser... Turned out he'd just said that for some strange reason and I looked like a twat just grinning at him!:facepalm: baaha.


    Life up here is gooooooooood! I had double dance and the double sport today, and it was *very* hot here, as well. Ah but I'm used to it, so it wasn't too bad! Haha.

    Yeah, well in Townsville/teh tropics, we basically get, if anything, a couple of weeks of actual cold weather, and then the rest is just summer! I like it like that anyway!:D


    LOL Rosie is DMing me! LOVED! Hahahhaha

  8. LOOOOOOL. I'm already following you!:happy:

    You should follow me back - amethyst_muse and then support my Resistance http://theresistance.net.au/amethyst_muse


    :DI love them a lot!:musesign::dance:

    Yeah, I was gonna wait, then I'm like "Ah, fuck this! They're giving us the chance to hear 30seconds of it, why the hell would I not grab this with both hands ASAP?!!:LOL::p"


    Oh really? I love it. It's all guitar-like!:dance:

    I think when you hear the rest, it'll probs be grand, as it is Muse!:yesey::musesign:


    Bahaha, MK ULTRA is "awesomesauce" innit?:chuckle:


    Oh really?:supersad: I think we go on our September holidays in a few weeks!:awesome: Simply cannot wait! I'm so sicka school, and on the holidays, I can just spend all my time on teh comp on teh boards!:dance:

    Okay, I do that anyway, but still...:LOL:

  9. You thought about me?:supersad:

    Nawwww, stop it!*blushes*:$:chuckle:

    Gargh, I've been waaaaaaaayyyyy too busy trying to win this bitch of a competition! Do you have Twitter/wanna make one to help me win a trip to London to see Muse live?:awesome::yesey:

    I've still been on the boards, mainly I'm on the Aussie Muser threads, but which one you on right now? I'll come join!:D:dance:


    Life is great!:D:dance: Umm well right now I'm eating pasta (:awesome:*yummmmmmmmm*) and I just finished watching heaps of YouTube clips of Muse, and now I'm repeatedly listening to the 30 sec previews... I listened to them up until Unnatural Selection... And the I forced myself to stop, but last night I caved and listened to the rest - too hard to resist!:chuckle:

    And they are full of sooooo much win! :musesign:

    Have you heard them?

    How's your life?:kiss:

  10. Hey I'll reply tomorrow cos I'ma head off to my bed to listen to Muse for an hour+,(:musesign:) but I was just posting to give you my Twitter, but I went to yours and saw you're already supporting hunts4... I know his/her plan, and I'ma steal it:ninjs: (don't worry)!

    I'm following you now though.:happy:

    And I'm currently at no. 9 on the leaderboard for the Top 10 Resistances!:dance::dance:


    I shall reply to the other comment tomorrow - MUSE TIME!:musesign:



  11. Yeah I lve 'em all lots, they're so different to anything else, and that's really great that they're moving on, I think.:):yesey:

    Baha, one thing though, in Undisclosed Desires, I have no fucking idea why, but whenever I hear that preview, I just start cracking up... I dunno, it's all ghetto or something...:erm: I DON'T KNOW!:p But I've listened to all the preview no less than 10 times tonight and everytime I heard UD, I would just be like :LOL::LOL::LOL::chuckle:. And it's not that I don't like it, I really love it, it's hot, funky and all that... I dunno, it's weird but yeah.

    I love them all!:D:dance:


    Can't wait for Muse to announce an Australian tour!:eek::musesign:




    Onya bike, mate!:p:LOL: Kidding! Haha, but if I was old enough to drive, and lived where you do, I'd just drive there easy!:D:yesey:

    If I had the money!:LOL:

    Ah okay, well I've sorta used up basically al the downloads downloading that Muse stuff, so I'll check it out some other time:happy:.


    Whatcha think about The Resistance so far?

    Have you listened to the previews?:awesome::musesign:

  13. :D I just sent a request!:happy:

    Oh true! Dank. Baha, how pissed off were you for that?!:erm:

    You should have gotten tickets to the Teignmouth gig!:musesign: (If you're anywhere close actually! Baha, this is me assuming that, if you're in England... You are close to every single place!:facepalm: Don't worry about me - I'm just a wee bit mental!:awesome::dance:)

    I've no idea who that is!:chuckle: Is it a band or just a person?:kiss:

  14. :DCheers!

    (got Twitter?:eyebrows:)


    Baha, 'tis "the land of the rain" indeed!:LOL:

    But it's still awesome! I really wanna win this London thing, obv for Muse, but I think LDN would be awes!:D

    Are you seeing them this year?:kiss:

  15. Ew. I'm a complete fail!:facepalm:

    I'm sorry, I haven't replied in forevsssss! I so am a bitchface!:chuckle:

    I shall reply now though, cos you're just too awes to resist (:eyebrows:) replying to!:D:kiss:

  16. HEY THERE!:eyebrows:


    How are youuuuuu? Haven't talked to you in ages! Sorry I haven't replied!:supersad:

    I've gotta get back into the habit of talking to lotsa people on here and replying back ASAP!:D



    ZOMB! You should *so* vote for me, yeah?



    Baaha, I just looked around randomly on my desk and I looked at some USB and it says "micro" on it!:awesome: My heart skipped a beat there!:LOL:

    I'm listening to Invincible - HAARP style!:cool:

    Heel yeeeeeeeee!:musesign:

  17. Why hello there!:happy:

    I sure did! Haha, sorry I haven't replied - I've been working my arse off trying to win this Muse comp... Haha, feel free to help! And if you don't have a Twitter, feel free to make one, all you have to do is click the link!:D

    Link: http://theresistance.net.au/amethyst_muse


    How are you/where are you from?:happy:




    How are you?:D

    The weather in QLD, well the weather in north QLD is always the same - hot. So not much different to whenever!:p We usually get like a week or 2 of actual coldness in our so-called Winter. Mainly nights, then it's back to good ol' heat!:facepalm::LOL:

    You're from Melb, aye? Isn't the weather like constantly changing down there?:erm::rolleyes:

    Is it too hot or cold right now?



    Hmm, I dunno sometime next year probs. Dom said something about going on tour for like a year or two 'round the world, so it's very likely that they could come here then!:happy: BDO would be grand!:dance: But I really want a supermassive tour of Aus too, just them!:yesey:


    Oh awes, yeah triple j is the best!:dance: Awwk, I love radio cos JJJ is just the best! Plus they play Muse quite a lot!:musesign:

    I don't know, it was a while ago, I was probs just wondering!:p




    Oh yeah, o you have Twitter by the way?/would you consider making one to be completely awesome?:happy:



  19. :ohmy::awesome::yesey: Yup, the Sammeh!:eyebrows:

    Teh Sammeh is so full of win - it's hard to believe!:stunned:


    Nawww, I luffz teh Sammeh back!:eyebrows::eyebrows::kiss:



    *works hard on reply...*

  20. :eek:SAMMEHHHHH!:kiss::kiss:

    I'm very sorry, indeed!:supersad: I'm still trying to think up a reply that would be good enough for the Sammeh!:eyebrows:;):p


    I'll work on it tomorrow, promise!:ninja:


    I luffz teh Sammeh!:kiss::eyebrows:

  21. If you reply, I shall reply tomorrow or something - laptop is dying!:supersad:

    Off to watch some serious Absolution DVD now!:D:yesey::musesign::musesign::musesign:

  22. :awesome:SAMEEEEEEEEEEEE!:musesign::musesign:


    Oh awes!:happy: What the- why are you moving to England? Who does that?:p

    Haha, ZOMB! Do you have tickets to see them when you move there?:awesome::yesey:

    Haha, I ordered that, too!:dance:

    I'm having a wee bit o' trouble with my order though!


    3:30am ftw - I has no lifeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!:dance:

  23. HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!:dance::musesign:

    Yeah, Aussie Musers are so full of win, aye! Hahahaha.:LOL:

    What's going on, where're you from?:happy:

  24. :chuckle:All good, all good!:yesey: Same aye!


    I'm 14 from Nrth QLD.:happy:


    I reckon! I really loooooooove it! I mean, it wouldn't be like Muse to go back to recording another Origin... Like Muse = moving forward and all the rest!:musesign: Those stupid jerks dissing it can go back to listening to their multi-talented Britney and Gaga; :vomit:! Hahahaha.

    You listen to triple j?


    PEACE! :D:p


  25. :awesome:That's okay!:yesey:


    Haha, yeah thanks! I don't really understand what's in it that's so special, though. And I doubt they'll buy it for me if I just say; "For collectable-ness.:yesey:". Hahaha.:LOL:

    Gargh, dunno what to do!:p

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