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Everything posted by absolutionamethyst

  1. Haha, really? I have like a texta thing that smells like men's deo! It's meant to - not just a coincidence! Haha, but yeah, it's really strong! :p I think I want your pen now!

    He's a sexy man!:eyebrows::p Haha, well I was "accidentally" touching his arms (filled with muscle *musesum whattt*) in the pool the other day! :awesome: He high fived me, too!:happy:

    Wait, wouldn't he be the one in trouble, not me! :chuckle:


    Yeah, it's cool as... Actually wearing my Muse tshirt atm!:D And the bag is my new ballet bag!

    Haha, also, my hot PE teacher knows Muse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:musesign: Doesn't hate them, thinks they're okay. But he knows I'm obsessed!;)

  2. Ahhh really!? Wonder where Chris is, cos Dom was just here doing special things to me with his drumstick..... JEALOUSER??! :p


    (good choice in words that don't exist, Amethyst!):rolleyes:


    :LOL: so Matt can't take his eyes off you? Mupun!

  3. (In reply to the one that I thought I'd replied to:rolleyes:)

    Yeahhhh! It did!:D Shit was so cash!

    Hahaa, nah, that sounds incredibly straight of you, having a pink, smelly pen!:chuckle: Hahha.

    Oh, I meant AFL at school!:D My phone doesn't let me do really long posts... It was fun! I tackled lots - and kicked, was so awesome! Also perved on my hot teacher.. WHAT!? :p


    Umm, not much, but it was still bloody terrific!

    I got a Muse shirt - the black one with the Muse logo written in The Resistance hexagon things, and also that bag with The Resistance artwork on it! SOOOOO AWESOME!

  4. HIYA!:happy:


    Sorry, I don't know your name!:eek::facepalm:

    But I'm not too sure if I even get it here, either, ffs!:mad: I had that Hit List bullshit on my TV the other day, and I missed the first half hour of the Muse interview special on VH the other day for some political bullshit show! :fear::;( GARGH!


    Someone will probs put it on YouTube, or if you wanted it as a file on your comp, you could ask someone to put it on their comp (if possible) and send it to you using SendSpace..?:)


    Hopefully it'll be on for me, if not I will murder the closest thing to me! But I will defo be watching Rock In Rio on ABC2!!!!!!!:D:musesign: You? x


    You can't do this to me! :'(


    I has been very busy with phones that don't even enter the reply (I tried like twice to send you a reply but my phone wants some death time!:awesome:) and also, dancing, school, and umm I just moved house back to my mum's... So you can't use any of those sad smilies on me, hun! :supersad:


    :LOL: I'll reply to your half comment now, bbz! ^^ *hugz*


    :awesome:.......... but............ :noey::'( Mum's being a total jerk and not letting me go! FMFFFFFFFFFFFL:mad:! I'm still holding onto the fact that I can somehow get to it! But yeah, I will be an emotional wreck at the time of the BDOs! Spesh if Muse don't do sideshows or they do and they're 18+, and they'll be in MY country and I won't be even seeing them! :O


    Did j00 get ticketz to eet?!!!?!?!?!? :O


    :phu: Jealous if you did! But also very happy for teh beautiful Sammeh! :kiss :


    Haha, YES! I LOL every time I watch HAARP cos he's such a pwoper Englishman, innhe? Saying "going to" instead of "gonna"! It'll sound so out of place is he doesn't say "gonna" in Australia, though! :chuckle: SPEAK BOGAN FOR US, MATTHEW, BBZ!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahha.


    PHWOAR! I am?!:eyebrows: Hahaha, I won't go too far into that! Hahaha. Oh, honey! I know you're *such* a :musesign: fanboy inside! No point in denying it! Haha, it's good that the fanboy is coming back out again! YEAHHHHHHH! THE RESISTANCE IS SEX ON A CD/RECORD/COMPUTER FILE-Y THING!

    Being obsessive over Muse is amazing fun!


    Nahhhhhh, you'll get it! You can't lose faith in me, hun! Jeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!:rolleye s: I'm nearly there! ;D


    Love ch00 and your overall presence on earth! .............. :O :kiss::eyebrows: xx

  6. Ahhhhhh! Bloody phone! It didn't post my other one!:mad:


    The reason I love you (:kiss::chuckle:) is cos the poster arrived todayyyy! :dance: THANKS AGAIN MANNNN! :D It's awesomely sexy, and he's had a long time travelling, so I fed him and he's sleeping now! He's adorable when he sleeps!:happy:

    :LOL:Baha! Nice note! :chuckle: Haha, you made me smell the paper!:erm: Bahaha, it only faintly smelled... But I could mainly sell paper!:awesome:


    Hahaha, came home from AFL(school) & found that+Muse merch pack!:D

  7. I'll start off by saying that I love you, and will explain later!:p


    :D Why that's quite okay! Haha, you are genuinely brilliant at it, so yeah, thought I'd let cha know... Haha :happy: LOL naww :supersad: Trixie ftw! I have a cat called Cyclone, she's win! Yeah, I think that would be the case - if anything! Haha, well, Mum said she'd take me to a sideshow, & I know more Musers in Melbs, so I'll try make her take me! She did say she would, after all!:phu::p

    Ah,kay! I'll check that movie out, then!:yesey:

  8. Umm... I use too many smilies! Sorry!:p Haha.


    Oi, btw, you're really good at photography! :D I went through your photo album thing before, and you're really, bloody, tops! Your cat's really cute, too!:p:happy:

  9. :eek: You changed your name! :eek::p Haha, who's Mark Renton..?:erm: Is it... you!?:ninja: In that case who is dugaldmuse.?!:wtf:


    I'll stfu now! Haha, and yeah, still nothing in the mail!:indiff: I thought I got it on Friday, but that was another Muse thing. Hope it, and the merch pack, come soon!:D


    :musesign:Whatcha reckon about sideshows, btw? I'm freakin'! They still haven't announced them!:mad::p

  10. Hiyooooo!:kiss:


    Haha, that's quite okay! I'm having some internetz fail timez too!:eek::'( We ran out of internet credit, and I have to use my phone atm, but my phone is effed and drives me cwazy!:indiff: Awrly?! Not a fan of BDOs/festivals!?:eek: Cwazy! :chuckle: I really wanted to go for MUSE HEADLINING AT LAST! And The Mars Volta, Karnivool, Grinspoon, Powderfinger, Lily Allen, Kasabian, etc are a few of my fave bands ever!:eek: Bloody age limit + my mum!:mad::'(


    They'll be here in their sumertime!:D

  11. Ohai!:D


    Hahahaa thanks! :awesome: It's soooooo sexy, innit!?:eyebrows::eyebrows:;)

    Damnit, I can't see yours!:facepalm: (on my phone) But I'm sure it's :awesome:!


    Anyway, my av is one of my fave pics of Matt of all time! Talk about hot!:eyebrows:

  12. HIYAAAA! :D


    That's quite okay, aye! :happy:


    Nice to meet you, too!:kiss:


    Haha how're you goingggg...? Are you seeing Muse this year?:musesign::awesome:

  13. Oh okay! :p Aww sick! I own 'em too! :D Watch it soooo much! :p

    Haha, ummmm, I dunno! :p I'm really indecisive, so I can never really choose faves!:erm:

    Haha, but today I found myself quoting "look at that vein" an awful lot! Haha, must've been my Micallef quote of teh day! :awesome: That was quoted today as well as "that supposed to sound like me, is it? Shithouse!"


    Ahhhh so many amazing Micallef sketches!:chuckle:


    :LOL:BAHAHHAA! I effing looooove that sketch! MAJORLULZ!:LOL:

  14. Ohai!:happy:

    I'm very good thanks!:D

    Just still enjoying my box set full of win! :happy: Are you a fan of The Resistance?


    Woot! I entered some Aussie comp to see Muse live in London.:awesome: Haha I didn't win, but I came 5th and am getting a Muse merch pack for it! :D

    Are you seeing teh Myooze this year? :D



  15. Eugh, nah Mase hates sugar cubes! :vomit:

    She prefers teh carrots - takes after Matteh..... ;)


    I wanna horse now... :supersad::LOL:

  16. :D


    Oh, okay. Well that's fair enough! I actually have one at the moment name Mase... Will that pass, or does it specifically have to be Muse?




    .................... :stongue:

  17. :supersad: Nawwwww! You're too very kind! :awesome: *hugs* Thank youuuuu!:kiss:

    I'll PM address now, then.

  18. Nawwww!:supersad: That's heaps nice!:happy:

    Haha, no I trust you, it's just me being paranoid!:ninja::shifty::awesome: Anyway, I'll be moving out soon anyway!:p

    Did you want any money or anything?:erm: And I'll just PM ya my addy?

  19. :awesome:HEY THEREEEEEE! :D

    Sorry for late reply - just being a lazy jerk, I am!:p

    Haha, how are you? :)

  20. :awesome: I love the Micallef Program! :happy:

    In my top 3 fave shows! :D (I have a few, none of which are on telly anymore...:facepalm:)

    They don't make tv like they used to!:LOL:


    Do you own it, or just used to watch it?

    Sorry for late reply!:p:kiss:

  21. Srs?:awesome: Would that be okay?

    *freaks out about posting address...:erm::eek:*



  22. Nawww, sorry! Haha, naww, it felt sorta real too! GARGH WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE HAPPENED IN REAL LIFE?:'( But yes, it was cute! Same. Except, it's mainly my daydreams that I remember, and I'd like to remain innocent looking!
  23. Nah it's all good, all good, I is just being a dick! MAJORLULZ! Same-ish! Depends what sorta mood I'm in! But the part where Matt stroked my collarbone, and the part where Dom hand his hand on teh small of my back, and the part where Chris was sorta like protective, I found that very sweet indeed! Must've been in teh mood for romance! Yeah, good point actually! Sometimes when our dreams get very intimate, perhaps it's something to keep to ourselves? :chuckle:
  24. Hey! Shuddup you! You love my elaborating skillzzzz! Haha, naww really? Haha, I thought it was seeeeeeeek as! I would've loved a bit more dirtiness, though! But it was more a, say romantic dream! What with all the gazing into Matt's eyes and all! hahhaa. Bahahhaa, yes, yes, I know the one! You should post that here, I wanna read the full story! Yeah, same! It was quite weird for me to remember that, actually! I had an awesome one the other week, it was dirty or anything, just effing awesome, but I completely forget it! Sure thing! Haha what about Chwis?! That. Is. AWESOME! Haha, the Bowie thing is quite random.... But so's the cookies thing... Wtf! Hahaha, randomness is awesomness! And that is soooooooooo cute that Matt and Dom were fighting over you! Nawwww , haha lovers tiff, anyone!?
  25. :LOL: BAHAHAHHHAHA! I missed the part where you said "Dom" at that spanking part, and I thought you were talking about me... MAJORLULZ! Naww, well I barely ever has Muse dreams! At the start of that dream though, my family and I were on yet another planet, and we were at like a jungle resort place, and we were swimming, and then I felt this nudging on my back, and completely freaked out! Cos we'd seen crocs swimming in there earlier (and we were still swimming?) Anyway, I called out to my brothers and sisters, and just let it push me around the water cos I didn't wanna piss it off... Then Kirkeh came and somehow saved me... yeah, random...?
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