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Everything posted by absolutionamethyst

  1. :awesome:(only one post!:eek::chuckle:)

    I KNOW! I KNOW! I can't wait to hear it officially! (Am I allowed to say that?:p:chuckle:) I shall be streaming Zane's show at 3:30am and then hearing it in the morning here and recording AN INTERVIEW WITH DOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!:musesign:

  2. :DIt's hilarious, aye!:p Woot, yeah Uprising will be!;)

    Oh sick, I think I've talked to someone else from there, too!:happy:

    Scotland is awes!;) *Half Scottish:yesey:Yeeeeaaah!:p*

    Haha, yeah... How's the neverending rain treatin' ya?:chuckle:


    *9hours and 20mins...:eek: YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH:dance:*

  3. :awesome:

    It's so hot, aye!;):eyebrows:

    And yours is mighty fine too!:eyebrows: Matt's multi-coloured hair for the win!!!!!:D:musesign:

  4. Hello there (we're called Muse and you're watching Rage. *laughs hysterically*)! Haha, anyway.:LOL:

    I'm great, thanks! Can't wait for Uprising!:dance:

    How are you? Where're you from/

  5. Hahaha, I know what you mean!:LOL: Our posts are so long!:chuckle:



  6. Herro! I am great!:D How are you?:happy:


    Where're you from, fellow Muser?:musesign:

  7. :awesome:Same! The commentator on the AFL (my team just won by a goal, yeahhhh!:chuckle:) said, "There's some collateral damage on the field!" He said that like 5minutes ago... I'm still grinning my arse off!:LOL:


    Haha, I sound sped, anyway. I'm very happy that it works and I have more than like 7 Muse songs now...:musesign:

    "i've lost the plot it seems - whats this projecty thingy?" :LOL:That.

    (Ooft, this douche on some cooking show, I just heard him say "la Resistance" for some reason!:awesome:) Anyway, umm it's like a project that some people are putting together... Here's the thread link cos I'm quite lazy right now...:dance:http://board.muse.mu/showthread.php?t=63370&highlight=video+project

  8. Haha (yes I did immediately think of Overdue when I saw you say overuse...:$).:LOL:


    Awesome... Erm, nothing. Just got my phone to work finally and put all my Muse songs on it and heaps o' other bands! So happy that it finally worked!:D

    Are you doing that video thank you project thing?:happy:

  9. *Thanks Muse for introducing Musers to using the word "cheers" absurdly!*:musesign:


    Haha, hey, what's happening? MUSE RULEEEEEEE! YEEEAAAH! USOE IS SO AWES!:dance:


    Umm, I was at dancing last night, and just as I got outta my class at 8pm, I felt my phone vibrating (it was on silent 'cause I was at dancing so I didn't hear Fury playing!:() and I got it outta my bag and it just said "New Call". And the other day when triple j called me up, it came up as that and I'm thinking, "What, no way! They can't be calling again??!" AND SURE ENOUGH, I ANSWERED AND IT WAS NAT AGAIN AND SHE'S LIKE, "Hi, this is Nat from triple j. Who's this?" Me: "Oh, errrm, hi! Umm, I'm Amethyst.":awesome::dance: And then she's like, (I'm gonna be lazy again and copy and paste): "WOOOOOO! USOE WAS MOST REQUESTED OF ALL WEEK AND I INTROED AGAIN! Nat called me just as I got out of my dance class and she's like, "Hello, is this Amethyst?" It sure is! "I thought it might be. Umm, now Muse is actually most requested for the whole week and seeing as you introed last night, we were wondering if you'd like to do it again for us tonight?" Err, yeah I'll definitely do it!:D "Okay, just hold on a minute." And I waited then heard the MOST REQUESTED drumroll,& went on air!:musesign: Fuck yeahhh!"


    It was awes! My brothers and sisters and friends are all so jealous that I've been on the rades introing Muse two nights in a row now!:dance: And my friends that listen to shit museic heard me 'cause I got them to put their radios on triple j 'cause we were all together after dancing!


    Anyway, it was awes!:happy:


    Naww, el stupido crap radio station and Americans! I really feel sorry for you!:noey:

    Protest against shite museic over there, I say. :) Just bombard them asking them to play Muse.:)


    Haha, I know you're not, and that's good! 'Cause yeah, as I said, most Americans are dumb fucks!:chuckle: But Europeans are the coolest after Aussies!:happy:


    How are you? Whatcha up ta?



  11. Oh, triple j is our good radio station, by the way.:)



  12. This is me being lazy... I posted this to someone else and can't be bothered editing it, I dunno if it says anything that I wrote specifically to them, but if something doesn't make sense, just ask;).... Here it is - the big Muse news(:awesome:):



    I HAVE BEEN TEXTING AND TWEETING AND CALLING TRIPLE J ALL TONIGHT REQUESTING MUSE, UNITED STATES OF EURASIA AND THEN THEY HAVE THIS THING; MOST REQUESTED AND IT'S THE MOST REQUESTED SONG OF THE NIGHT! AND JUST BEFORE THEY ANNOUNCED TONIGHT'S MOST REQUESTED, THE LADY WHO TAKES THE CALLS, NAT, CALLED ME UP AND SHE IS LIKE, "Hey, ........ Who's this?" (something like that! LOL) AND I TOLD HER MY NAME AND SHE'S LIKE, "Wooooo! Yes! We got you! Umm, would you like to intro Muse tonight for Most Requested?" OF COURSE I SAID YES, AND SHE TOLD ME TO HOLD ON (SHE SAID OTHER STUFF, BUT I FORGET) AND THEN AS THE PREVIOUS SONG WAS STILL PLAYING, THE AWES HOST WHO LOVES MUSE AND ME AND ALWAYS MENTIONS ME AND MY TWEETS AND TWITTER BACKGROUND STARTED TALKING TO ME OFF AIR AND SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT MY BRO'S AND SIS'S AND OUR UNUSUAL NAMES AND THEN SHE TOLD ME TO HOLD ON AND THEN SHE TALKED ON AIR AND THEN SHE'S LIKE, "And now it's timefor MOST REQUESTED! *talked about stuff* And we've got Amethyst on the line, How are you Amethyst?" AND I ANSWERED AND YEAH, SHE ASKED THINGS LIKE, "Who's your favourite?" And I'm like, "Aww, Rosie, of course I don't have a favourite! "And she's like, yeah I know what you mean!" And she asked things about how awesome HAARP is, and she got me to describe my Twitter page (with its indiv pics of Matt, Dom and Chris and then two photos of the whole of Muse) and I did!


    AND THEN WE SAID OTHER STUFF, I WENT OFF AIR AND SHE TOLD ME, "Now, you call again, alright?"



  13. Okay, I didn't want to have to reveal this, but I truly despise/hate whatever Americans! A large majority of them are all dumb fucks and they do so many stupid things!:mad::noey: Hahaha, had to get that off my chest!:p But the funny thing is that they love us, Australian, and we all hate them!:chuckle:

    Okay, some of them are okay, but I'm talking about the majority.:) American Musers rock!:musesign:


    Haha, it's so fun! When people see it I have to explain myself and then tell them that I'm defo not emo!:LOL:

    Haha, awesome silver!:D Haha that's so weird that your mum got up you! Hahahaha.


    Oh okay, thanks. And yeah, I'm sure Muse are into polygamy, then!;):dance:


    I don't watch Dr. Who but it does sound fookin' sweet, right!:musesign:

  14. Or maybe goodnight now...?:supersad:


  15. Haha well this is probs my fifth message then? (Can't be bothered to check it!:p)

  16. Not that cool for me!:p I logged on and saw "8 unread visitor messages" and I'm like, "Hahaha, what the fuck?! That's really weird!:LOL:"

  17. That's awesome! Starlight is so amazing!:dance:

  18. Haha, you should've just done it, pissed people off... Just for a "larf".:chuckle:

  19. I love Screenager!:happy::yesey: I love Muse!:musesign:


    Haha, nice, sounds like you enjoyed the movie, then? Just sitting there not concentrating on anything but pissing!;)

    HP 6 is awes, though really sad!:'(

  20. Haha, naww you're an idiot!:p:chuckle:


    I'll reply later as I'm in English and we're meant to be doing an analytical essay right now. It's boring, but the teacher's gonna bust me soon!:LOL: Bye for now!:musesign:

  21. Hey, I'll reply tomorrow! Sorry, I have big news too!:eek: And of course, it's Muse related!

    Muse are awesome!:happy::yesey:



  22. :eek:Wait, that was really big! Sorry!!!:kiss::kiss::kiss:



  23. Oh my, I've put off replying to this for a couple o' days; SORRY! It's just so long! Haha. Kay, here goes!


    Haha, that's okay, LOL I do that sometimes, too!


    Uluru's so cool, I really wanna go to it and see it! I reckon it's a "must-do" thing for at least every Aussie! Ahh okay, Surfers is really nice! Beachy wise... Oh, wow! That long ago haha, wait how old are you anyway?:happy:

    Yeah I know what you mean! Europe is defo the best place ever (but I can't say it's better than Aus! We're just so cool over here!:p) But yeah, I agree with all those things you mentioned for a reason to go to Europe! + the fact that Muse are there is what I would def add!:LOL:

    Haha, a "closet-geography-nerd", aye? LOL.


    :LOL:I laughed so much at that!!!!! Hahahaha, how awkward, only you in the class!:facepalm: Haha quite the waste of time, indeed. Yeah if I had a better teacher teaching SOSE (we are learning about the wars and that, and we do different things, including geography, history, etc.). Yeah well if she didn't look like a deformed wombat and was not a bitch, I would listen some more during those classes, but I do know stuff about European structures and architecture and that, and it is so amazing!:eek:


    DEFO WE ARE SEEING MUSE!:musesign: And yes, sounds like a great plan! Stealing Muse always appeals to me!:eyebrows: And of course, I have to go and marry them! Yeah, boy! Haha, yeah well I actually see Chris saying that and, "ah, what the hell! They look like awesome fun!" *starts running to catch up with us, Matt and Dom* Hahaha.


    Ahh, dang, you should like order online or something! It is so fookin' awesome, aye! Argh, my brother cracked his Showbiz case, too! I got ang 'cause I thought it was mine, and then I realised and calmed myself down! Hahaha.

    Argh, I don't like those types of people!:rolleyes: I havea friend like that! But she's promising to buy The Resistance! I think she's just too lazy, but anyway!

    Haha, what do you mean, why didn't you watch HAARP, ASAP?:supersad:


    Oh that's good, 'cause USOE is so epic and powerful and brilliant! Ooft, I cried when I first heard Collateral Damage, don't know why, I was probs having a hypo/weird day! Hahahaha. But it is really beautiful and the jet and kids screaming and that, just mixed with the piano is so cool, aye!



    Haha, my name is Amethyst! So much chatter! Umm yeah, it's unusual, but anyway!

    Your name is Sam, right?


    I HAVE BEEN TEXTING AND TWEETING AND CALLING TRIPLE J ALL TONIGHT REQUESTING MUSE, UNITED STATES OF EURASIA AND THEN THEY HAVE THIS THING; MOST REQUESTED AND IT'S THE MOST REQUESTED SONG OF THE NIGHT! AND JUST BEFORE THEY ANNOUNCED TONIGHT'S MOST REQUESTED, THE LADY WHO TAKES THE CALLS, NAT, CALLED ME UP AND SHE IS LIKE, "Hey, ........ Who's this?" (something like that! LOL) AND I TOLD HER MY NAME AND SHE'S LIKE, "Wooooo! Yes! We got you! Umm, would you like to intro Muse tonight for Most Requested?" OF COURSE I SAID YES, AND SHE TOLD ME TO HOLD ON (SHE SAID OTHER STUFF, BUT I FORGET:LOL:) AND THEN AS THE PREVIOUS SONG WAS STILL PLAYING, THE AWES HOST WHO LOVES MUSE AND ME AND ALWAYS MENTIONS ME AND MY TWEETS AND TWITTER BACKGROUND STARTED TALKING TO ME OFF AIR AND SHE WAS TALKING ABOUT MY BRO'S AND SIS'S AND OUR UNUSUAL NAMES AND THEN SHE TOLD ME TO HOLD ON AND THEN SHE TALKED ON AIR AND THEN SHE'S LIKE, "And now it's timefor MOST REQUESTED! *talked about stuff* And we've got Amethyst on the line, How are you Amethyst?" AND I ANSWERED AND YEAH, SHE ASKED THINGS LIKE, "Who's your favourite?" And I'm like, "Aww, Rosie, of course I don't have a favourite! "And she's like, yeah I know what you mean!" And she asked things about how awesome HAARP is, and she got me to describe my Twitter page (with its indiv pics of Matt, Dom and Chris and then two photos of the whole of Muse) and I did!


    AND THEN WE SAID OTHER STUFF, I WENT OFF AIR AND SHE TOLD ME, "Now, you call again, alright?:)"




    I hope mine wasn't bigger! With that whole Muse radio thing just then, it probs is! Sorry!


    Actually, I just had 38 smileys so I had to take heaps out! Haha, but this isn't even that long, I don't think! But I'm quite tired so I idn't elaborate much. Haha, which I usually do... LOTS! Haha, elaborating is so much fuuuuuuuuun! Anyway, Muse finally tweeted again! I was so happy when they tweeted! 'Cause it had almost been a week! :O Horrible times, horrible times!



  24. Hey!:D Yeah same! I was so excited and happy again!:dance:

    I actually called up atlike 6:15 and requested for Screenager to be played (just picked completely random some 'cause I don't have a favourite!:chuckle:), but I doubt it will be!:rolleyes: Haha, that's okay. Anyway, Muse are going well in the run for most requested tonight! Keep on tweeting (if you have Twitter) and texting and emailing and calling!


    Haha, I am constantly tweeting her with my Muse requests tonight (as well as every night!:LOL::musesign:) Okay, I'm relly hypo, so this is longer than I expected, sorry! Haha, MUSE FOR THE WINNNNNNNNNNNN!:dance:

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