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Status Updates posted by absolutionamethyst

  1. Hahha, what does yours even mean?:p (I is tired! If it's sommat really obvious, don't judge me!:chuckle: It's like 3am here and I've had a long day watching teh AFL... I am also hypo atm)

  2. Oh okay! :p Hahaha coooooool mate!:D

    Hahhaa, awesome, how ya doin', Matt?:chuckle:

    Indeed I am! It's pwetty here!:yesey: Come visit our lovely country!:D:yesey: Yeah, well, Sydney got all teh coverage cos it was red dust - our got teh slightest red tinge at the start, but now it's just full on dust everywhere!:eek: It looks like pollution! And yeah, it's travelled heaps - I'm in north Queensland - northern Australia, and Sydney's heaps down south!

    It's gwoss!:wtf:

    Hahahh, we get a good wet season, here in teh tropics, but mostly, it's GLORIOUS (:p) sunshineeee! It gets quite hot!

    I DOES HAVE THE RESISTANCE!!!!!!!:D:musesign:

    I haz teh limited edition box set - it's so perfect! The Resistance is truly amazing, me thinks!

    Yourself? What's your fave track?


  3. HAI!:D:kiss:

    Aaaaaawesome! I'm from this supermassive island, it's pretty hot here!:yesey: We call it...... AUSTRALIA!:eek: There's all this dust shit floating around here lately - and my city still has shitloads!:erm:

    Could I call you Matt instead?:awesome: Because your birthday is the same as his (is that your real b'day?:eek::D) and cos you're from Devon!:happy::yesey:

    I could also stick to the norm and call you Dudy?:erm:


  4. Haiiiiii!:kiss:

    I added you cos you're, first off, a Muser! (:facepalm::rolleyes: haha) And secondly cos you're 14, too!:happy:

    Where're you from, m'dear?:D



  5. Sweeeeeet!:D Ooh, you have Twitter? Username-me-up!:happy: Well tomorrow, we're all going to request Exogenesis, I think we've decided on!:yesey:

    Wait! I won't be able to! Shitttttttt!:indiff: I have my Eisteddfod performance tomorrow!:mad: I do ballet, see? And I'm competing tomorrow, gargh! No request for me then!


    Hahahh, sure thing! Yeah, we're all very welcoming of teh awes newcomers, and I see you've posted, and everyone's being nice! We stick together, us Musers! Spesh teh Aussie ones!:LOL::chuckle:

    Moving on...:rolleyes:


    Naww, pweety name!

    Sweet as - did you get any dust then? I think I've heard of that place actually - my old friend had family there. Pretty sure it was that place!:yesey:

    Woahhh! Really? I'm in grade 9! Ughhh, grade 9 is good, but shit! Grade 8 was win!

    I'm from Townsville!:D That's in far north QLD, btw... Ermm, it gets pretty boring here, but oh well! We're getting the dust now - it's pretty cool! Hahha, it's not really red - just a haze. Still col, but. If not a little freaky sometimes!

    Nothing much - just listened to I Belong To You - after listening to The Resistance. Am listening to Origin now, haven't listened to the full album for a while - sidetracked by The Resistance!



  6. Hiya!:happy:

    That's quite okay! Any Aussie Musers I see, I'm like, "ooh! Gotta add them!"

    :LOL:Aussie Musers are win, see?

    How are you, and what's your name? Erica-Jane, by any chance?:rolleyes: I'm an idiot!:LOL:

    Baiiiiii! :kiss:


  7. Bahaaa, heeeeeeeeeell yeeeeeeeeeeeah!:LOL:

    Yup...:indiff: I want to meet them, but I don't know if they are still Musers or whatever - and yeah...:erm:

    Hahah, yeah! Fucking hunts!:mad::fear:


    Ahhh, that's quite okay! Hunts won easy...:indiff: ... :shifty:Cheater...?


    Haha, well I didn't win (you would've heard about it if I had!:p), but I did come 5th and I will be receiving a merch pack - YEOOOOOOOOOOOP!:dance::musesign::musesign:

    How is you, m'dear?


  8. Sick!:D

    Well, I don't have any fave songs - I srsly can't ever chose a fave Muse song or album, but I has songs of the day!:happy::yesey: Today's song of teh day is off The Resistance, and it's MK ULTRA!!!!!!!!!!:dance: That song is wiiiiiinnnnnn! Yeoop!:stongue:


    What about you?:musesign:

  9. Hiya there!:happy: I is going gooooooood!:yesey: What about your fine self, how you doing?

    Haha I cbf replying in private - you can copy into here if you like!:p

    Hah, my username is sooooooooo original!:rolleyes: I sorta wanna change it too - but I dunno what to change it to!

    I've no idea how to change it - ask one of the mods or go to that help section perhaps??:erm: No idea!:LOL:



  10. Hello there!:happy:

    How is you?


  11. The "original" name, thing, I gather?:chuckle: Haha, yeah, I didn't know what else to put or how long I'd be on the forums for!:LOL:

    But it is pretty straightforward! :chuckle::musesign:

  12. Ohai there!:):kiss:

    Baaahahahaha, *dries eyes from laughing so much* baha, well yes, that's one way of putting it!:LOL::LOL::chuckle: I am that Amethyst! Haha there aren't too many "Amethyst"'s floating around, and the "Rosie's-best-friend-and-top-Muse-requester-Amethyst"'s are pretty rare! Hahahahh, have you heard me on before?

    Naww, welcome! Haha, have you found your way to Mission Control or Media Watch yet? That's where all the cool, Muse loving triple j listeners hang! Haha, I think it's fair to say - it's where the coolest Musers hang, actually!:chuckle:


    What's your name, and where are you from, m'dear?:)


  13. Hiya!:happy:

    That's quite okay - I always add Australian Musers - Aussie Musers are win!:yesey::chuckle:

    I know! Hahaa, so gay that there are only like 13 where I live (that I found on the map), and one of them was me, the other was my bestie... And I haven't seen them post before...:indiff:



    Aww, awesome! Yeah - I remember an Amy supporting my Resistance!:D Thanks so much bbz! Gargh, thanks. LOL yeah I wish I could win! *sigh* But hunts already has it in the bag!:'( Unless you have heaps of people on email that you would like to get to do it today/tongiht?:awesome:



  14. @musemom That's a horrible thing to say! Jesus!

    By the way, Matt - wtf's with that killing of chickens thing - ridiculous!


    Luff choo though, bbz!:kiss::musesign:


    Australia, what?:eyebrows:

  15. LOL the thread Matt made is mental!

    Ahahaa, the things people think of! Effing classic! :LOL:

  16. Riveon - *sigh* we know! :facepalm:

    Worth the shot, though! I don't think I have actually posted here before. So I'm going to now cos I can actually be bother right now. All I need to say is:


    Wait, no we already know you're coming, you just have to confirm!:LOL:

    BDO announcements on 29 September, I really wanna go to a pwoper gig tour as well as BDO!:awesome:

    Meh, I'm going to stop now. This is never gonna be read by Matt obviously! Ahahhaa :chuckle:. Ah well.


    Cheers, Amethyst x

  17. :eek:They must be!:ninja: I SECOND THAT!!!!:fear::shifty::eek:

    Oh, is that what it's called?!! Ooh, how embarrassing for me!:$:unsure: Who would name a song after big holes... :stunned:

    OMB! I know! It is totally awesome, not as good as Twilight though, I must say!



    Fight me!:chuckle:


    Aww, that's quite okay! I've been very busy with The Resistance too! (That might sound weird...?:wtf: Ahahaha)

    It's pure epic, innit!

    Yays!:dance: You're obsessing again!:kiss:

    I *still* haven't replied to megalong post! :O *sigh* One day, bbz, one day...



  18. Gotta go to school - will reply later!:):musesign:

  19. :awesome:YAYS!!!!!!!

    Thanks, bbz!:kiss:

    I thanked you on Twitter too!:D Haha, I doubt I'll win. Well, I know I won't - but at least I'm trying!:D

    Cheers. :musesign:

  20. Bahaah, that! Haha:LOL:.

    I was talking about Redemption and that's what came into mind to describe it...:erm::wtf::facepalm:



    But it srsly does make me "weep" like that. ROFL.:p:musesign:

  21. Really? I may have heard that somewhere... Or may not have, I dunno?!!:p

    Haha, do you have a link to it?

    ABBA aren't too bad!:yesey: Very catchy museic! Haha, they're not my fave band (obviously) but they can be okay!:chuckle:


    BUT, MUSE FTW!!!!!!:musesign:

  22. Yup - just created one then!:happy:

  23. Ooft, I cry at Exogenesis: Symphony Part III - Redemption every. Single. Time!:$


    It's just sooooooo beautiful!:musesign:

  24. I'm great!:D

    Really? Which songs are you not a fan of?:erm:

    I actually love them all! Haha, some took a tiny bit of getting used to, but otherwise - it's fan-fucking-tastic!:awesome::chuckle:

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