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Status Updates posted by Animus

  1. ?????? where did you get that from???

  2. you cant say that it isnt true that we AREN"T twins!!!!

  3. i had a dream where matt and i were playng poker before i knew he liked it and played it plus i LOVE poker!!!!!

  4. ummmmm... remember when i told you that matt and i were like twins because we had so much in common??? well i found another thing...

  5. idk... i want something a little more like forgotteninjune...


    HEY HEY!!! you know how you said that i was matts twin??? well a few months ago i had a dream where matt and i played poker without knowing he played it!!!!!!!! what the hell!!!!! this is freaking me out!!! can i read minds or something???


    so thats

    1 piano notes the same

    2 chedder cheese lovers

    3 poker players

    4 both like space

    5 have the same thoughts on religion except im atheist

    wo thats a lot....

  7. oh...

    somebody already has easily and fucking mother fucker!!!!!!

    what do i request for now???? help me please!!!

  8. but i love it!!!!!!

    maybe it's because im a violin freak...

  9. nice!!!!! whats your band called???:?

  10. well just listen while your on muse.mu!!!


    LOOK LOOK!!!!

  12. i love the sea!!! r u the keeper of the international soundtrack??? no wait that was the inspiration right??? OMG I WANT THE INTERNATIONAL SOUNDTRACK!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. ummmm, setty???

  14. quite well... but since i wasn't wearing my dc's i was kinda girly... i can't walk in flip flops!!!!! i hate them!!!!i embarrassed myself!!!! :( but it was nice to get out of the az heat for once... i posted a thread in off topic muse if you want to see it...

  15. hey setty... how r u???

  16. LOL!!!! see i don't know that much about pink floyd...

  17. oh cool!!!!!!! i want to go to glastonbury SOOOOOOO much!!!!!!!!

  18. I KNOW!!!!

    i always do the bad stuff....

  19. ummmm...

    thats hard...money!!!!

  20. ha thanks!!!! how r u???

  21. ello im back!!! it was fun!!!! had to walk around half naked though...


  22. i have to go!!! im going to a water park!!!

    BYE SETTY!!!!!!!

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