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Status Updates posted by Animus

  1. agitated??? does anyone have that song???!!!


    no someone told my someone had it...

  2. i don't know abot you but i didn't see it...

  3. yes it is!!!!!!!

  4. ill help you look too...

  5. i was the one who was over dramatic... sorry

  6. na its fine...

  7. :dance::dance: WOOOOOOOOO!!!:dance::dance:
  8. i want to be a keeper of motp...

  9. do you get it???

  10. so does someone have motp???

  11. k you can write now thanks:D

  12. ummm i think you r the one who was confused... because i said that i wanted something that was kinda like forgotteninjune meaning something depressing...

  13. im just not going to say everything i wrote...

  14. i just hate this system...

  15. no no.... just do write anything for a while k.... sory

  16. im not mad at you....

  17. i just wrote this whole paragraph and you sent another comment and now i have to write it again.....


  18. i want map of the problematique....

    OHHHHHH!!!! i get it!!!! you got confused then i got confused because you got confused about my confusing question which wasn't very confusing but yet you still got confused because my question was confuning for you right???

  19. OMFG!!!!!!! wait wait!!! youre confusing me!!!! i know that my user name isn't in any muse songs... if thats waht youre talking about... plus i know the map of the problematique lyrics by heart!!!!! im asking you if some one has this song!!!!!! OMFG!!!!! im SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

    confused right now.....

  20. ummm, don't freak out! youre confusing me..

  21. the first two verses are in my sig....


    ummmmmm... does someone have map of the problematique???

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