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Status Updates posted by Animus

  1. i have a love boat!!!

  2. i have a love boat if you want to see it...

  3. me has a love boat!!!

  4. me got a love boat!!!

  5. bye bye now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. im AWSOME now!!! LOL

  7. i didnt think anyone would make me one!

  8. oh yeah the cheese tastes good!!!LOL

  9. ello new buddy!

  10. yeah i know my step dad is from norfolk so i know a lot about ebgland. im going into my 9th year!!!! (i live in the us)

  11. yeah i guess. i need sleep!!! its 248 am here! talk to you later byr!

  12. i guess but i canget a better seat here

  13. they wont come to new mexico

  14. na i cant we're going to europe in the summer and muse isnt doing any concerts next year..... i hope maybe at glastonbury though

  15. i hate muse...

  16. yeah man i got excited for a moment!

  17. not any more though im not happy

  18. never mind theyre supporting u2.....................................................

  19. never mind they are supporting u2...............................................

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