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Everything posted by kueller

  1. My opinion > your opinion > her opinion > Fabri
  2. Why don't we just accept that I have the perfect system.
  3. Also, you'll have 30 seconds to answer the questions to make sure you don't look it up onlne, and if you answer no to question 2 you need to provide identification. This is a good time to get a fake ID, Fabio Provolone.
  4. 1. What year was Dead Star released? 2. Are you Fabri? If you answer "2002" and "no" you are eligible for tickets.
  5. What if they end up selling to locals first like The Den?
  6. Yeah but Follow Me is the worst editing of live footage I have ever seen. This includes that guy who made a CE at Earl's Court proshot using 2 videos that change angle every 3 minutes. That was still a better editing job.
  7. Yeah but all their promotional edits have been terrible. I'd rather they not try to emmulate those for a full DVD.
  8. I would like electric more if the crescendo was as good as on the acoustic.
  9. The lighting might be a problem with that. Dom's ideas of just skipping fast could work. It's not like Muse are new to seizure inducing DVDs.
  10. After last year I assume entry rules mean absolutely nothing so go for it
  11. It'll be like Huckleberry Finn except it's a boat instead of a raft and there's no black people since it's a Muse gig we're going to.
  12. Rent a boat. Sail across the Atlantic. Make way to Teignmouth via hitchhiking. Muse or bust. Try not to bust.
  13. Let's sell Fabri to the Italian crime lords for extra money.
  14. A lot of things have to go wrong before you turn into Fabri.
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