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Everything posted by Cosmo57

  1. Ah.


    Yeah, he is a legend :)



  2. Jason is awesome. Do you just mean you know him as a friend on YouTube, or do you actually... know him in real life? :eek:


    FuryMuso is a bassist... look him up... definitely the best Muser bassist on YouTube :awesome:



  3. Umm... well, sort of. I was just messing around one day and thought I'd record. I'm not one of these guys who posts tons, like the mighty FuryMuso.


    So I don't "do" covers per se ;)


    And cheers =]



  4. Cool, haha. Cheers. I'm amazed at all the views... 24.5k in two days! Mind you, it has slowed a bit, because everyone's been putting up better quality ones. But hey ho, it's still the most successful vid I've ever done :p



  5. Same as my (stupid) username :p



  6. Last night, I dreamed that they brought out Matteh's Pwopa Cereal, which was essentially reboxed Cinnamon Grahams. It was nommy.
  7. Was that my vid? Haha.


    Well, I like it. It is a wee bit cheesy, but it's a great song, so :)



  8. At the time you wrote that comment, 1:02pm. It's now 4:32.


    I forgot all about NSC :awesome:



  9. Dirty cow :p


    Nothing's stopping you from playing. Takes quite a bit of dedication though :)



  10. Yeah, pretty much. But a production version. It's pretty much identical to the M1D1, but with a black or red glitter finish and an alder body. It's such a delicious thing to play :D

  11. Well, I didn't meet him per se. I just saw him around the shop, stocking shelves, chatting with staff, answering the phone, etc etc. Although he did ask if I needed anything, but I was cool :)


    The MB1 is Matt's signature guitar... basically, a production version that the public can buy. It was the prototype they keep instore for people to try out. But, since it was the prototype (and thus the first made), there's quite a fair chance that Matt had played it at one point.



  12. Yeah, not too bad thanks. Pissing down with rain though.


    Yourself? :)



  13. I'm really not sure. Exeter is just a few hours down the road, though. Went to Manson's place for my birthday! Played an MB1, and saw the M1D1, and also Hugh himself. T'was a cool day :D



  14. Dorset, England :)



  15. 'Tis all boring around here... absolutely fuck all to do. Just hanging about on the net :p



  16. Yeah, good ta. Nothing ever happens though :stunned:





  17. Well, you're a girl, so I just put x's at the end. I'll stop, though, if you want.

  18. Haha. This one time, I was sitting on my little stool working on a guitar, and this great huge black one scuttled across the room just where I was looking. And another time, I was on my old laptop in bed with the lights off, and this dangle wiry spider came down in front of the screen on that web string thing that they do. It was just this silhouette, right in front of the screen, of a spider... legs dangling and waggling... god, I nearly shat :chuckle:

  19. Hahahaha xD


    Well, you say you're a chick, but I don't know for sure because there's a bloody great camera in your face :p



  20. Erk... I'm a bit of an arachnophobe. Well, they're okay... I can actually get kinda close to them if they're just standing there... but if one scares me by scuttling across the room suddenly, I usually leap about and make a very loud sound.


    Actually, in the window today, I saw this giant fly trapped up in a cobweb, and this tiny little spider had it by the arse. It was so cool, this little guy was totally pwning this big juicy fly about five times his size :chuckle:

  21. Am good thanks... yourself? :)

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