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Posts posted by Hat

  1. Thank god.


    Also, I saw a post on /r/Muse claiming that the vocal track for the globalist and the beginning of take a bow were replaced with the studio vocal tracks. Is this bollocks? Seems crazy to me to jump over touching/over dubbing straight to studio tracks.


    I couldn't go but I hope they release it digitally, would like to take a peek.

    Now I haven’t seen the film and have no comment on whether this was overdubbed, but it’s worth mentioning that Muse overdubbed the ending note of Survival on the Rome release.
  2. I didn't even read the interview until just now, and went on what the other poster said about the release. I feel vaguely sad, but I just can't be arsed most of the time anymore. :(


    His use of "augment reality" seems like just really awkward wording, basically just saying they were able to augment the visuals, not that it's any special tech or anything.

    Just fixing one of the things they failed on.

    Which I still believe falls somewhere between just plain weird and downright shady considering this is supposed to be a showcase of what a Muse gig looks and feels like.

    Yeah to me it just felt like a phrase to avoid simply saying they make it look better than it was in real life by adding things that weren't there.



    "So in a way it’s a kind of enhanced and more complete version of the show that we’re doing on the film"


    Yeah, basically visual autotune.

  3. You know they played Psycho.

    You know they played The Globalist.

    You know they played Knights of Cydonia.


    So...why is it a problem? Aren't the teaser videos only like 30 seconds anyway? It's not like you're having the plot of an exciting new film being given away here...

    He’s not complaining about spoilers though, he’s complaining that they’re already giving us what would probably be the highlights of the show, the parts that would be the biggest moments of seeing it in the cinema. Personally I don’t care that people who won’t pay for it get to see it, but it certainly will dampen the impact of actually seeing it in July.
  4. Indy had first dibs on reporting it, hence, exclusive. Clip published on Muse's YouTube as the article published. I fail to see your point, good sir.

    I mean I'm sure you don't really fail to see my point. That the word "exclusive" is pretty meaningless today isn't news, and it certainly doesn't work when it's uploaded on social media at the same time as it's reported by one news site.

  5. Maybe a workaround of the crowds being fairly flat in general on that tour.
    That's what I thought as well. I wondered how they would work around that in general for this release but quick cuts seems to be their answer.


    That cut at 0.34 is jarring as well.

  6. Yeah I listen to a lot of music as well, but I feel like listening to a lot of music only makes me realise how much there is out there that I HAVENT heard. I don’t think anyone could possibly make definitive statements about every single band out there. Not even every single band out there on a label.

  7. For the record, I'm 100% for Muse recording with a marching band. No one's done that since Fleetwood Mac's Tusk in the 70s.

    How on earth would you even know that? Anyway I’m pretty sure OK Go used one for This Too Shall Pass, and I don’t doubt that there are loads of other examples.

  8. Yep. Basically why I can't connect with most of what Muse have done for the past 3 albums. It feels like "let's try this genre now!" (Well Drones is different, there it's more like "let's take this song and make it about Drones")


    I get back to that point at least once a year though so...sorry.

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