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Posts posted by Hat

  1. now that he described it as “synth pop” the mystery is gone

    i also don’t ever trust non-music head’s descriptions of muse so i hope he is wrong or woefully generalizing the sound...



    but yeah I was about to say the same thing. I would never trust some random dude's description based on a first listen. I've heard Muse fans describe Undisclosed Desires as prog-rock, so I take every description with a grain of salt.

  2. After two listens it indeed is miles better than DD and SB. The grooviness is infectious. The chorus is maybe a bit flat. I think I slightly prefer TC but this could easily change in a few listens. What bothers me is that parts of the track sound straight out of a Kavinsky ep. (I have no deeper knowledge of the referenced genre so I don't know if it's actually more about general genre sound).


    It did take me couple of days to get around to listening to it, in fear of it being as disappoiting as DD and SB, so this is a relief.

    It's basically the general genre sound

  3. Honestly I find Chris rather anonymous on guitar. He can play but when you compare to someone like Matt, he really lacks his own style and it sounds rather stale (Blackout is a good example).


    But then again he would probably develop more of a unique style if he got to play more guitar live.


    Give me a performance where Dom plays guitar, Chris plays the drums and Matt plays the bass though.

  4. Noticed that too but seemed more like a generic beat than anything muse would've made so I assumed it was just that. Time will tell

    Yeah I would never in a million years think that it was Muse in any other case. Was just weird that they only played Muse songs for the entire interview and then that...

  5. Okay so during the entire interview they had Muse instrumentals playing in the background, but in the last part the instrumental wasn't any known Muse song. It sounded a bit too generic to actually be Muse but might be interesting anyway so I'll upload that part separately.

  6. Yeah, but while I still think UD was a nice attempt at making a downright R'n'B/synthpop song musically speaking, now it makes me cringe a little when I read its lyrics. "You may be a sinner / But your innocence is mine" is the worst offender regarding that for me, considering also the way Matt sings it. It really seems a pass taken from a teenage girl diary.

    Not sure what kind of diaries you’ve been reading, or how it makes it less of a pop song.

  7. We’ve not had any more descriptions or anything linked to song names so all you could really update would be that ‘Map 2’ ended up being TDS.


    Other than that, we’ve still just got:


    Algorithm - romantic classical piano w/ Blade Runner/video game synths

    Pressure - ‘classic Muse’, riffs

    Blockade - apparently similar to New Born

    Unknown acoustic driven song

    Unknown song w/ 7 string (could be Blockade or Pressure)

    Why not 7-string acoustic??

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