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Posts posted by Hat

  1. Honestly I think that's exactly what they need. Returning with a new single after a longer break will always get more attention than a new single every now and again. If Dig Down hadn't been released at all I'm sure that Thought Contagion would have received a lot more attention and listens. Now the buzz just kinda...fizzles out.

  2. If Drones had better lyrics, I would absolutely put it on par with Abso.

    If Drones has better lyrics I would like/love Reapers, The Handler, Drones, Dead Inside and...yeah that’s probably it. Mercy and Aftermath are at a level of shit that Muse didn’t come close to on Abso, despite songs like TOADA and TSP. Defector is pretty much on that level though, while The Globalist is their most unoriginal track to date.


    Oh and Paycho would still be way too long.

  3. Let's just put it like this: Muse did dubstep a year after Korn did it.


    And for everyone who was a Muse fan back in 2012 it was obvious Muse came out with Unsustainable when everyone was already going "ugh everyone is doing dubstep these days".


    Muse definitely did dubstep after it was "cool". They even did it a few months after everyone had been criticized for turning dubstep. The issue isn't how many years behind they were, they issue is that they keep following trends AFTER they've blown up. They're like that trope from tv-shows where someone tries to be cool by getting the latest toy that everyone else is playing with, but when he finally gets it, everyone has already moved on to something else.

  4. For most modern artists, song popularity is based on mainstream appeal, and to appeal to as large of a group as possible the song needs to be catchy but still fit within the same pattern as the rest.


    I am not trying to be mean when I say this, but I find it quite strange that you claim to have no idea what popular music is. Do you never come into contact with the radio? Or YouTube? Or media news? Or do you just avoid all of it?

  5. Yeah I accepted that Muse won’t rotate their set that much a few years ago, and they’re not alone in that. But the fact that they’re doing sets with less songs than they did back when hey had three albums is ridiculous. But now that Matt has admitted that his voice is the reason, maybe it’s time to...oh I dunno...do some cardio?

  6. Well, because I love the album, it's one of my favorites ever, and I also love the melon and appreciate him as a reviewer, so I'd like to know his elaborated opinion about the early Muse albums. He usually rants for minutes about things in that section, and for muse I got just a smirk.


    It's weird to me that he gave a neutral rating to Drones (a 5), he didn't love it, but he didn't hate it. He has said that The Resistance appealed to him... and now he says that Muse are terrible even in the early 2000s...

    This might be a good time to learn that other people's likes and dislikes, review format or not, don't really matter. You already know that you like Muse, so the fact that a reviewer that you appreciate don't like them...is quite irrelevant.


    And he didn't say anything about Muse being terrible. He showed a quote by another person, which can be interpreted in quite a few ways. He mostly made a big deal out of the strange wording of "incredibly listenable". In fact what he said was that Muse were indeed listenable, which goes pretty well with his reviews of Drones and The Resistance.

  7. It's just Algorithm, "between" is just a part of his sentence. Matt talked about it last month or maybe even earlier this month.I think it was the piano driven song with the almost 8-bit sounding synths or something like that.


    EDIT: Musewiki delivers: "Algorithm: Name of the song Matt mentioned while speaking with Matt Wilkinson on Beats 1 Radio on February 16th, 2018. According to Matt the song blends a bit of classical romantic piano with 80s synths/computer game music."

  8. wtf is Between Algorithm
    It's just Algorithm, "between" is just a part of his sentence. Matt talked about it last month or maybe even earlier this month.I think it was the piano driven song with the almost 8-bit sounding synths or something like that.


    EDIT: Musewiki delivers: "Algorithm: Name of the song Matt mentioned while speaking with Matt Wilkinson on Beats 1 Radio on February 16th, 2018. According to Matt the song blends a bit of classical romantic piano with 80s synths/computer game music."

  9. Kendrick Lamar is praised by huge rappers and long-time rap fans alike. But I guess you see through all of that and can tell that it's just random beats and typical rap lyrics. Although to be honest I don't doubt that that's what you hear when you listen to a song like Institutionalized.


    And no, mainstream music isn't game changing. That's not really how it works. And it's not really a realistic expectation to have on music. Especially not as an Arctic Monkeys fan.

  10. It’s not an insult nor intended; it’s just a fact that Muse don’t fit in with what’s popular in the mainstream music market nowadays and whether their sound is pop or rock it doesn’t seem to matter.


    And you’re having a laugh if you seriously think Kendrick is less generic than Arctic Monkeys!

    But then what's the point in even adding the word mainstream here: "I’d rather watch paint dry then listen to literally the same song every time from overhyped mainstream artists like that"? Seems kind of pointless otherwise.


    Far too many :(


    I really tried to get into him and embrace the hype but it’s just not my thing and I see no reason to get excited about his music.

    And you don't need to like it. I personally only like 'To Pimp A Butterfly'. But not liking it is not the same as calling it generic, a word which you seem to use as a synonym for "music I find boring". You can dislike Lamar all you want, but what he does still isn't generic.

  11. Both. They tried to replicate their old style with Drones and it was very hit and miss and they probably don't wanna keep doing that (thank god), but they don't really seem to know what the next step is for them. Genre-jumping is a great way to avoid evolving.

  12. It depends all on how they want to make this genre hopping sound, though. It doesn't have to be bad.

    If DD and TC are of any indication, I think there will be some key sound elements glueing the whole album together, like the hip hop influences and production.


    Meh, at this point I don't really care for flow from them, as long as it's gonna be a collection of good songs.

    So either it will be random genre jumping with nothing connecting the songs, or they will share key sound elements with Dig Down and Thought Contagion.


    Not sure which is worse.

  13. The demo does have basically the same thing though, doesn't it? He's doing something different in the first few seconds before the drum and bass kicks in but he's still doing the same riff:


    And yeah I definitely think he was playing the Grace riff more regularly back in 1999.

  14. Pretty much insignificant to 99% of people but I was looking through Manchester Academy footage a little while back and realised Matt played a wee bit of Grace (Jeff Buckley) before TIRO. Only other time I’ve ever heard him do it is that Spiral Static performance at Plymouth Soundwave back in ‘97 I think, unless there’s some obscure bootlegs with it out there.



    I'm pretty sure the Spiral Static intro from 1997 was literally a part of the song though, otherwise it would be a pretty bad cover, especially considering Matt CAN play it properly*


    Here's another time he played it btw:



    *and then I listened to the Manchester Academy performance. He really fucked it up didn't he :LOL:

  15. I find it weird that BH&R is probs the hardest pre-TR album to see rarities from.

    Honestly I only think it's hard because it's the album with the least requested rarities. There is no shortage of fans asking for every song on Origin and even Showbiz, as well as songs like Fury and B&H, but who requests CoD besides a few people on the board?`


    We will probably see for example Hoodoo being played in the coming years. Assassin for example was thought to be dead until people started requesting it (after 2013 ofc. Muse never listened to requests before that)

  16. There’s also not a lot of room for inflection when you’re shouting “oh” at that range. You kinda have to hit it the same way every time, which is why you hear that exact same “whoa” in every rock song this decade.
    I would say that has more to do with the fact that every popular rock song uses the chorus "whoa", instead of just doing...anything else.
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