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Status Updates posted by IndigoListener

  1. Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. Happy Valentine's Day! I got you a balloon on a stick. :D

  3. Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. Happy Valentine's Day!

  6. Happy Valentine's Day!

  7. Happy Valentine's day!

  8. You are so intense.. Don't change! :D

  9. Dug.



    Random Comment.


  10. Saint Nick! Just wanted to leave you a random comment. Hope your day is going well and you aren't distracted by too many smurfy dreams. :D

  11. Random Comment :D




    Hope you have a wonderful day! <3

  12. Hi Sweets! Hope everything is going well for you! :D <3

  13. Hello queenie. I would grovel at your feet if they didn't smell of onions and sausages. Have a good day! :D

  14. HA! I Beeeattt yoooouu!!! LMAO. You killed the chat, by the way. :p I feel honored to be one of the few that has actually seen you log out for the night...It's kinda like a bigfoot sighting or something... People say it happens... but does it reeeallly?

    Lots of luvs <3


  15. Hi sweetie! How are things? Haven't seen you in chat in awhile. Hope all is well!


  16. Hiya hubby! (jk) I love chatting with you... you always have something interesting to say; even if not everyone wants to hear it! You keep the conversation rolling. Keep up the good work. ;):D



  17. Hi! How are things? :D Nice chatting with you!

  18. Just dropping in to say HAI! :D

  19. Hey man, where you been? Roaming the countryside with the garden girl? :) Have a good one!

  20. How are ya doing? Havn't seen you in a few!

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