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Status Updates posted by IndigoListener

  1. OHHH Balloonatic!! You're sooo sexy! I want to lick your high heels and stroke your little hat. :LOL:

  2. Hey sweetie, no problem. I hope you find the link helpful... Have a wonderful day!

  3. I'm your only friend.

    I'm not your only friend,

    but I'm your little glowing friend

    but really not actually your friend- but I am..

    There's a picture opposite of me

    of my primitive ancestry

    who stood on rocky shores and kept the beaches shipwreck free.


    Blue canary in the corner by the lightswitch,

    who watches over you!

    Build little bird house in your soul.

  4. I know you've been lifting weights, right? LOL :)
  5. Hello. :) This is a really good resource for indigos. http://www.namastecafe.com/evolution/indigo/


    Have a great weekend!

  6. Nice to hear from you. I would love to chat with you sometime. I am in the chat most days.. I hope we can cross paths some time !

  7. BOO!!!! (don't get scared) LOL

    Love ya sissy.

  8. Awww. thanks... My computer died, but it's fixed now! :D See you tonight!

  9. I died... no actually my computer did, but I'm back now! :D

  10. Just wanted to say hello. Have a good week and don't work too hard. :D


  11. Ah, Dugarella.. I've always been on the darkside.

  12. DUG.. how did you get 90 friends?!!

  13. Yesh! LOL Pflower. How funny.

  14. It's good to hear at least SOMEONE around here has a life!! LOL


  15. We missed you in chat the last few days. Hope you are well!


  16. 'If you buy me a CD, I'll show you what a penis fish looks like.'


    Best pick up line eva!

    :D :D :D

  17. Your friends made me do it. They're a bad influence on me.

  18. Happy Valentine's Day!

  19. Happy Valentine's Day!

  20. Happy Valentine's Day!

  21. Happy Valentine's Day!

  22. Happy Valentine's Day!

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