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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. B-but I do speak ingles. :supersad:

  2. "It's so crazy, it just might work!"

  3. I don't know. I guess I am just apprehensive.


    :fear: I want to work there so I can secretly overthrow the company. :yesey:

  4. It's not that it's "scary," I just don't know if I'd fit into the Banter crowd.

    :LOL: You know WMG wouldn't allow that. They want the extra fillers of people who will pay to see a band they know absolutely nothing about!

  5. Mhmm! :yesey: I may try it.

    Aww. :chuckle:

    Same! I was looking for Kirky and I finally saw him. Next time, I shall say something to him.

    Give us quizzes on Muse history, music, and fun facts! :awesome:?

  6. Right.


    It makes perfect sense. Like, when Am got Chris's harmonica, I was yelling "Gooo Ammmmethyst!!!" because I was insanely proud that dedicated people (who also happen to be boardies) get special stuff from them. It's like we're one big family and all three of them (plus Morg and Tom, of course!) are the patriarch.

  7. I concur. I love newbs if they are, as you said, learning about them. Otherwise, it sort of pisses me off that they would waste seats, air space, and money to be at a concert for a band they know nothing about. One of my best friends who went with me doesn't know a great deal about them, wanted to go because she wanted to see if they were really as great as I was boasting. And she actually took the time to learn most of the songs and ask me about them.

  8. :happy:


    Exactly. Or the people who bought lovely seats you could have had, but they don't even know any Muse songs ... well, except for that one twilight song. :vomit:

  9. :yesey: Not really.


    Yeah, the pit was sitting down politely before the show and they weren't moshing hardcore anything. They were energized, but weren't violent. I liked it. :happy: But there were some parts of the crowd that were apathetic and nonchalant. :noey:

  10. Both. ;) I snuck in to the floor halfway into it to claim something I "dropped." Then I returned afterwards to my original seating.

  11. Mkay.


    I am rather fine. I'm a little sore, tired, and groggy though. :LOL:

  12. Yes, just a bit. :p


    Oh, that's fine. Church it is then.:happy:

  13. :)


    Ahh. Sorry for my formalities.

  14. It is.


    Yes. Thank you, sir.

  15. Hello. I do. :)


    Well, I really should go. I have to leave at 6:30 am later this morning, and I'm already off to a bad start.

  16. Nah. I was just curious, is all.

  17. Because "old" Seth said it would take awhile. :confused:


    Good luck with Jon.

  18. Of course I can do that. But can you?

  19. Well, yes, but ... oh nevermind.

  20. I am very good.

    Only the old "Seth" would say answer with that. This further puzzles me.

  21. And still no boy. Yes, I love to keep and maintain my morals. To do otherwise seems extremely foreign to me.

    I am kind 99.009% percent of the time. It's rather hard to be cruel, it turns our forced if it is.

    Wow, this actually dead-on. I loved "Seth" but I don't know, it just didn't feel right at some point. But for the sake of someone else's feelings and emotions, I willingly kept put and mouth shut to avoid hurting "you."

    I feel insignificant. :(



    That was very introspective of "you," and every bit was correct.

  22. Oh really. How so? I often get this comment on my peculiarity.

  23. I suppose.


    Right. A "civie."

  24. I am sure it didn't.


    :rolleyes: For obvious, valid reasons.

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