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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. I've tasted Kor-Mex. It's grand. :yesey:


    :LOL: Especially since most do not know (or believe) the meaning of contraception. :facepalm:


    Don't we all. :LOL:



    PS- I should get sleep. I've got to fail a Physics AP quiz tomorrow! yayyyy. :noey:

  2. Go! Go! Go! And be sure to eat at the Austin Java. It's scrumptious.


    Yeah, I know. I also met an Irish-Mexican. ... That was strange, but neat. :LOL:




    It's okay. And understandable. :happy:

  3. Yep. Oh, and SXSW! I got to go for a bit this year .... and lemme say ... It's the shit.


    Flogging Molly? Really now. Oh! That reminds me. I found out whilst in Mexico one of my favorite music teachers I have ever been graced to work with likes (loves, rather) them. :LOL:

  4. Yeah ... I know that. :chuckle:


    Austin is probably one of the most interesting places ever. It's my favorite place, because there is sooo much stuff that one can unearth when they aren't searching for something in particular. :happy:!

    Cons: It's huge. Traffic is always bumper to bumper; even late at night.

    Pros: Healthy, eco concious, lots ride bicycles, nightlife, myooozic, Muse frequents there, culture, history, etc.


    You're welcome.

  5. IT WILL.


    Yes they are good! My top four choices are all here, but I shall transfer to either study abroad or go to the Northeast-ish area later in college life (like, Mass or NH ... or NY).


    Wow. Well, I'll be praying for you guys.

  6. Stop talk talk talking that blah blah blahhh.

  7. Well, camp will relax you. :)


    Yeah, actually. :happy:


    Oh noes. :supersad: Gosh I am so so sorry. How are you and your sister taking it?

    At least their arguing and such will not be present after it (if they actually go through with it).

    Plus, there are always pluses you can dwell on, rather than the negative. Try to maintain a positive outlook, and perhaps it will give your sister hope. :)

  8. Why hello, Seth. I am doing great. Despite being stressed once again, but that's normal.


    And, yes, I have been swamped with school work & AP tests & college entrance exams prep.


    How're you? :happy:


  10. No need to fret. I am too virginal and such to do things like drink tequila! Or smoke Cubans! Or have a sex on the beach (drink).

  11. OHMYGAWD. That really did scare me. :LOL:


    And you thought I'd tell you of my escapades with all the Senors? HA. Wrong.

  12. Yes way!



    It is plenty worthy. I have not used it in eons.

  13. Because I genuinely like it!


    I have been in Mexxxico. :eyebrows:

  14. Perhaps they are just ignorant idiots. :facepalm:

  15. So you are related to Palin? :erm:


    Well, I like that. It's a peaceful event, fishing is.

  16. Wow. Impressive. :awesome:

  17. Awww.


    There is actually someone on there whim I have been talking with for over ten minutes now. We both like fishing, apparently. :happy:

  18. Of course I remembered!


    Like, playing the part of a cougar ... the male variety of one, that is.

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