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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. I wouldn't know.

  2. What could you possibly tell me?

  3. What? Seth, seriously. What the fucking hell.

  4. No. :LOL:



    Ooooops! I just realised it WAS Helsinki Jam. :facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm: I am too blurred in the mind right now.


    I am. :$ But, I don't know ... it didn't move me to tears, oddly enough. Everything else does.

  5. Aw.

    No. I can barely hear, nonetheless could I listen to them now.




    Hey now!

  6. Oh. Cute. :chuckle:


    :LOL: I was squeeing the entire day. And through the queue. And through the opening act. And through the whole show. And after the show. And right now I am still dazed and squeeing. And my ears and voice hurts, but that's okay because it was Myooooozzzzsssse. God, I am in love with them. :stongue:


    I almost did, but I was too dumbfounded to hear the Osaka Jam and a random Irish tune all in one gig. I was on the verge of tears of joy throughout the show's entirety. SS was amazing though. I am amazed.


  7. Ahhhh. How unfortunate. :(





    :awesome: I literally almost combusted out of pure brilliance.

  8. I know I will. :happy::D


    Are you going?

  9. Thank you for the well-wishing.

  10. Yikes! I better go, I've got a tedious, workaholic day tomorrow ... And I'd rather not be half dead whilst trying to debate over transcendentalism and the like. :noey:

  11. Aren't we all? :p


    Oh, dreams. They are incredibly silly.

  12. Starting is always the crucial step.


    :stunned: Well, that's inaccurate. I fail at spear fishing!

  13. That's wonderful. :yesey:

  14. Oh. :LOL:


    I am doing very well. :happy: And you?

  15. In all honesty, it's probably going to be locked. :p

  16. Okay ... :happy: Thank you.

  17. Well, it makes perfect sense. :happy: Happiness shall come in time, love.

  18. I am not trying to push you away again. :p I just don't feel like hurting you anymore, even though I know you enjoy pain.


    I am fine with talking like we used to (we had :awesome:ly lovely conversations!), but I won't until I know it won't affect you. :happy:

  19. Ahh shit. I am drowned in my own conceit again ... I never stopped to realise how this "talking" thing is hurting you. Fuuuuu-



    Well good night then. And be sure to just follow that huge heart of yours. It's about time someone could provide some tender love and care.

  20. :erm: This is rather odd talking to you about him, but thank you for the kind words and advice. :kiss:


    Mhmm. I never said anything about them though. :p Stargazing is sexy. :eyebrows: NOW GO AND FIND HER AND DOOOO IT.

  21. It would be a relief. I still doubt he could ever even remotely like me, but whatever. I think I'll just go on my gut instinct with this one. Forget logic!


    Knew it. :yesey: Actually, I always knew that. 'Twas another reason why I let you go. I knew I wasn't for you. Besides, you and Teegs have always really connected.

  22. :LOL: I'mma prude, I know. :p

    Good idea though ...


    Go visit Teegs and Sair and Books or Am or Elodie. ;) Any of your banter entourage you've been maintaining since god knows when, would be a good plan.

  23. Hahaha, you're joking right? I have never been kissed in my life, and forcibly planting one on him would be something totally out of my comfort zone. :LOL:


    That's the spirit! See, once you've worked out the kinks to all that go and do something about it.

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