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Everything posted by lightisbright

  1. YES. And it hurts worse because I was literally just there in Austin not one day ago. I ate at Stubbs on Tuesday night. :stunned: I should have just stayed in an alley way or something.


    IF they come back in the fall, I am going to grovel to get tickets. I will make sure I get floor too. :yesey:

  2. Horrid. :supersad: I want mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooreeeee. And, knowing that I could have seen them at the SXSW secret gig and Houston really makes me depressed. Le sigh.


    Well, at least there's always next album. :'(

  3. Yeah, the battles and the people and documents are what intrigue me. Dates and such are trivial at times, I think.

  4. History = love. So, yeah I know some facts. :p



  5. I excel in my Spanish studies. :nerd:

  6. Actually, it derives from the motto of the United Farm Workers. In 1972, during Cesar Chavez's 24 day fast in Phoenix, Arizona, he and UFW's co-founder, Dolores Huerta came up with the slogan. But, I've seen that film before. :LOL:

  7. Well, acknowledging it is always the first step. And working on it is next. So, it seems you're on your way. :happy:

  8. Clingy is ... alright ... but only in moderation.

  9. Mmkay then. :)


    Well, if you see one girl who could even remotely be a candidate for your heart, test the waters. Not every girl has to be "the one."

  10. Sorry. :$:facepalm:


    Woooork at it. Like I said, force yourself to.

  11. Thing? :LOL: "Vibrator Becomes Church's New Love Interest..."

    Sorry, I know I shouldn't laugh after a melancholy subject, but still..

  12. It was a tragic occurrence. But, life has to go on some day Church.

    The least you can do is try. Pain will onset, but that is the abyss of a plateau you have to drudge across. Once you've passed that, it will ease up some and you can start to move on. If she was in love with you, she'd certainly want you out having a good time and savoring life. :happy: Trust me.

  13. :( Don't think that.

    Just try this: Force yourself to think positive thoughts about your future. Because the more you state something is the way it is, it increasingly becomes true with every statement. So stop saying you're done and try with alllllllllllll your might to start over again. Perhaps it might work.


    Thank you. I value my integrity and old-fashioned ways. :happy:

  14. I can certainly relate with those girls. Is it weird that I don't even focus on guys too often? I mean, I love the opposing gender, but I feel like there is no one who is right for me at the moment. So why waste time having my heart broken and feel like shit in a relationship where I feel like I'm not with the right person nor do I feel good about myself?

    But then again, that mentality sparks from the virtues and moralities I've upheld all my life.

    People find me strange and old-fashioned, but selling myself to men who fuck you a couple of times over like a ragdoll and then throw you under a semi-truck doesn't sound appealing. I'd rather just wait until the timing is right and focus on finishing high school and the start of my future. :happy:

  15. No. It's not wrong at all to make a person feel special. It might be a little odd that you want to make girls blush, but whatever. That's my own opinion, I guess. :p



  16. Thank you. :$ :$ :$



  17. Yes it would have been. :LOL:


    I am just a bit skeptical and puzzled.

  18. *shrugs*


    Thank you for the deletion.

  19. :happy:


    I was just curious. The other ... one hadn't seen it yet.

  20. Mhmm. :happy: Some things I cannot answer with just a 'yes' or a 'no.'


    Oh so you have seen Titanic.

  21. Hmmm. :happy: Better than James Cameron? :p

  22. Ahh. :)


    Tarantino is supposedly one of the world's finest directors. Fact?

  23. I was being pretentiously sarcastic. :happy: So don't worry about people skills, I certainly do not excel at this trait either. :noey:


    Unfortunately, no. :( I have always wanted to.

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