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Status Updates posted by Popelady

  1. And falling from your graaaace! yeaaaaaaaaah!




    fire away!





  3. So that makes mine awesome bullets from an awesome gun? :awesome::awesome:?

  4. :LOL: so your pretty much saying that New Zealand sucks? Well if its just now airing that commercial then, it must be pretty . . . behind to put it nicely. ;)
  5. Why can't they show it? Yeah i posted over in the "where have you heard muse" thread :awesome:

  6. :LOL: The only radio stations we have here play country music. :( So I steal my dads satellite radio thingy and listen to radio 1 until I hear a Muse song :facepalm: Or my dad tortures me and replays The V commercial over and over again and laughs when I get excited
  7. 2 billion? Thats pretty winner right there. I'm pondering giving you another million for already winning so much.

    And, yes! Yes I am! (unnatural selection)

  8. :awesome:!

    That win just got you a billion win points. That means in the game of :awesome: you are the :awesome:est.


  9. :LOL: the kid that stormed out was just expelled and moved on to the next school, and finally the alternative school where all of the problem kids go. We were just glad that he wasn't moving up with us, because he was a fairly nasty kid. not :awesome:
  10. :LOL: that would be cool! the farthest any of the students here have gone is to push over all of the desks, say every word in the book to the teacher, and then just leave
  11. :yesey: And they have a pretty important job, so the chances of them being fired is low. But dealing with all of the obnoxious kids would drive me insane too! :LOL: the best time in class is when the loser kid disrupts class and the teacher freaks out :awesome:
  12. :LOL: I was drinking punch. This party was very closely watched so nothing like that could have happened. I think there is some sort of teacher work day on friday, so the students don't have to go :p they have a lot of those :yesey:
  13. :LOL: It's never too early to celebrate halloween! this party was just a fun party that one of my friends planned a hotel ballroom. once it gets closer to halloween, the more serious, scary and crazy parties will start to pop up. and we dont have school the friday before halloween so anything can happen this year! :aweome:
  14. a halloween party!

    :awesome: very fun indeed :yesey:

  15. I would've been here sooner to help you, but I was out partying :awesome:

  16. lolwut? what do you mean?

  17. that love boat is :awesome:

    very nice job

  18. a love boat is a love boat

    and now, im off to go and post there!

  19. but shhh it needs to be a surprise!


  20. lauren! seth needs a love boat!

  21. Ah, pugslry. Yes that is pretty good! I'm going as the fat cat from alice in wonderland :)

  22. well, its awesome to say the least. everyone dresses up and there are parties and free candy and spooky stories and bon fires and venturing into unknown cemeteries and forests. its great fun.

  23. You mean to tell me you don't know about halloween?!

  24. Ya know, I haven't heard from here today

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