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Status Updates posted by Popelady

  1. :LOL: yeah, I usually tend to just stay out of that whole thing until me and my friends make fun of it which leads to us making our own slang
  2. Bad Ass! Way for teenage slang!

  3. :eek::awesome: this smiley is BA! :dance:
  4. Yeah theres not much to do in wyoming but leave. We do have Yellowstone, but its really not that cool and its up north quite a bit.

  5. So what about nz? Is it a nice place?

  6. Oh. Well sure! If you ever visit America, don't bother with Wyoming. It sucks here.

  7. :LOL: Its actually my bass and amp and somehow my trash bin got in that picture too.
  8. Yes :D I play bass (but I fail) and piano (getting better), flute (:awesome:), and a little bit of violin (super fail)

  9. I usually don't like P.E. because I'm claustrophobic and running around with all those people in that limited space just creeps me out :noey: but I usually don't mind soccer and basketball and running. But I fail at baseball and football and volleyball. I'm not very good at tennis either. :LOL: actually I'm pretty faily at all the sports

  10. yeah I guess my school is pretty cool about letting people skip. Even a parents note will get you out. And it just so happens that I have the same last name as one of the towns doctors, so a parents note could also be a doctors note! and they never know the difference. :awesome:

  11. :LOL: You get out of P.E. with stress and a doctors note :awesome:

    What do you have to have?

  12. :yesey: stressful situations do not go well with me or my tummy. But its my excuse for not running in P.E. :D
  13. You are human! that is why your avy is a little person! no computer could be a little stick figure that makes up smileys. :yesey:

    And paranoia is only fun until you get ulcers from the stress :(

  14. No! I don't want another virus! My dad bans me from the computer when I get viruses! :supersad:

  15. Your not a computer bot. You are paranoid. Computers are no such thing

  16. yeah, and I'm borrowing my friends old one though, so I still have music at least

  17. No but would charge it almost every night

    And no, my mom still has it :'(

  18. :erm: My ipod actually has never died

    Only gotten very close :p

  19. :LOL: yeah I figured your ipod died when you went offline
  20. are you writing a novel or something?

  21. I found the amish website. :LOL:

    Do you just sit in your room and go on the interwebs with your :awesome:ness and ipod?

  22. :eek:

    Your kidding! I must see this! *google*

    Did you know, it's 2:20 here?

  23. Falling Down is my least favorite for sure. :yesey:

    :eek: This was all planned by the zetas! It has them written all over this!

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