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Status Updates posted by Popelady

  1. You don't like being all trendy? :awesome:

  2. Mrguy came up with Popelady. I liked it better :awesome:

  3. :LOL:! White ninja comics! <3
  4. :LOL: I am too. That's why I will just let you do all the work. :awesome:
  5. Thats a very much yes.

  6. Yeah I know, I've pretty much forgiven them already. I'm too nice.

  7. But I feel bad now! :( And I went and smashed their pumpkins too. ..

  8. Yeah I do, but they are not as fun to be around :(

  9. :LOL: I am! I think thats why they do it. They know I won't be mad or at least not for long. And if I am, I won't be brave enough to say something
  10. I used their toothbrushes to scrub the toilet and floor. I could have done worse, but I feel bad after just doing that. :(

  11. It did. I spent the rest of the night/morning and day getting it out only to discover they also used vaseline on the floor of my bathroom so I had to clean my bathroom too. But lucky for me, I got them back. Kind of.

  12. :LOL: no not real crap. just sticky stuff like syrup and whipped cream and shampoo and marshmellows and gum and peanut butter
  13. Yeah my dad made me get off. But at a party I fell asleep and they put crap all over my clothes and in my hair and stuff and took pictures and videos. It really sucked

  14. Hello! :kiss: Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Halloween and the people and just :noey: But I am back!

  15. you don't need drugs

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