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Status Updates posted by Popelady

  1. totally simplified that.

    i am grateful! XD

  2. you totally confused me.

  3. you caught me again!

    that thread is so addicting!

    im surprised you dont!

  4. also makes fun of the emos?!

    im impressed :yesey:

  5. lol yeah they are pretty great

    . . . i guess

  6. haha when they fail yes. XD

  7. it relates to the whole family thing

  8. naw! my family is known for dropping out of college!

    all of my siblings have dropped out.

    my dad dropped out 3 times!

  9. ah hah! a non procrastinator i have found

  10. :$ shhh no one needs to speak of my homework.


  11. thats good! so are you going to do that english assignment?

  12. so how is that project of yours coming along?

  13. noo! a slug brain just sounds weird lol

  14. sluggish brain.

    ew. :(

  15. :eek: but sleeping is so . . . important for me!

    i can hardly figure out how to pee if i dont have at least 9 hours of sleep.

    :noey: this school thing isnt working out for me!

  16. i usually like teachers like that.

    but my teacher is very loud and very obnoxious so it makes it hard to sleep in that class!


  17. yeah and lucky for me my teacher cant shut up (at all!) so that wastes a lot of time too!

  18. its a pretty good time waster when you dont want to present a speech or something lol

    (^-- happened to me today!)

  19. haha! thats exactly what happened to my english teacher! we now play late for work almost everyday! (its awesome)

  20. do your homework!

    lol but no . . . well kinda. i found who knows who on youtube and now im addicted! :$

  21. haha you are so right . . .

    anyways enough about what i did!

    how are you doin?

  22. haha yeah there are more than just mormans in utah! and yes of course i had fun! i got to miss monday.


  23. haha its not a moab! its just a small little tourist trap town in south east utah. its a pretty nice place!

  24. holy crap! i havnt talked to you in forever! ive been in moab

  25. That is neato! I knew you would do good. With a project that cool it's pretty obvious that you were bound to pass!

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