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Status Updates posted by Popelady

  1. Hmm, well g spot means ... :facepalm: we should take this to a pm

  2. You are more :awesome:


    Goodnight! :kiss:hug:

  3. Just to dinner? I will be here when or if you come back. :kiss:

  4. :kiss: Good night! Maybe. I might still be on later. umm. . . i dunno. Talk to me or something or other is i am!:awesome:
  5. What about over in tomorrow land?

  6. :eek::awesome: I must take this quiz!
  7. My attention span was replaced with Muse. :chuckle:

  8. :LOL: That is :awesome: I wish I had the attention span to sort stuff like that out. :(
  9. Not sure. I just like it when people correct me with cool facts that I had no idea about! :awesome:

  10. :eek::awesome: That just made my day! :LOL:
  11. Naw! I like your name! It reminds me of Hurcules! :awesome: Or something of the likes

  12. :awesome: Taylor is :awesome: with her :awesome:ness!
  13. :eek: I'm afraid I don't know your name!
  14. :chuckle: not on her part! She just leaves money lying around the house. Of course I'm going to take advantage of her! :awesome:
  15. I did too! :awesome: my mom still doesn't know I ordered them with her credit card! :awesome:

  16. :eek: I'm jealous! I have 3 pairs. :( and converse. :chuckle: But they are silver and shiny like doms. :facepalm:
  17. :chuckle: No colored skinny jeans or converse!
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