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lensip max

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Everything posted by lensip max

  1. A free toothbrush you're advised not to use, as you're meant to shell out for oral b heads at $20 a pop anyway, no less. Especially when your teeth are absolutely fine and they just tell you so. Though that's still better than them freaking out and sending you on to a specialist, I guess. Anyway, have fun. Damn, I was totally hoping that Auckland Uni would have some kind of a dentist somewhere... Totally spending all of my course-related costs on dental things this year.
  2. Not tired of our non-existent heat? It's been very grey and cool and rainy here. I even got to wear my favourite cardigan jacket thing today. I'm having to postpone my journey to Auckland until like, the day before semester begins though, because of the dental work I need done in the meantime. Which, coincidentally, is probably going to pwn all my savings. My mum's quite upset, but at least I won't be spending it all on rubbish like clothes and food. (My parental situation is such that neither of them have money to help me pay things. In light of my family's world, it's all quite interestingly Victorian. Or Gossip Girl-esque. So is my life generally though, tragic as that is to acknowledge) I've also got a fancy dental-happy diet to follow the rest of my life.
  3. It's not upsetting when she gets angry, just rather time-consuming (I'm too pedantic not to answer back, and she always wants the last word. We get trapped). It's all good now though. She cooled off and apologised for being out of line and stuff. I feel you on the holiday away thing though. Going to the Gorillaz before Christmas was a godsend Christmas trees look so out of place after Boxing day. But ours is so lovely this year I still don't want to take it down.
  4. Merry Christmas/New Year/So on <3

  5. :kiss: Hope you have a lovely boxing day.


    (You celebrate that in Canada too, right?)

  6. Happy Christmas lovely!





  7. Man, me too. Family, though. People die in waves. This year there were 16 funerals. Had to get a bangle repaired in town. The jewellers got all excited and Antiques Roadshow-y over it, because it's liek, fancy and old school and Russian and stuff (apparently. I had no idea. All I could say was like 'Uh, yeah, I guess that would make sense. We've got Russian and Hungarian heritage... Idk what it's made of, my aunty gave it to me...' and so on) And then they told me off for having broken it in the first place
  8. I have to sell my ticket. Some family stuff has come up - well, actually it's residual family stuff from when my uncle died in August bubbling over again - and I can't make it. Beginning to think I might be under a no-big-day-out-for-you-ever curse.
  9. Congratulations! It sounds very flash Last invoice for the year goes in tomorrow at noon. I have to wake up at 5 and start work at 6. Not fun, but it's Christmas. I need the cash. Especially because my bangle snapped the other day, and I had to take it into the jewellers to be repaired. They were impressed though. Apparently it's very old and baltic. Given the Russian/Hungarian side of the family, this makes sense and is nice because I'd kind of been worried they were going to look at it and be all 'Lolplastic' or something
  10. And a fortnight after the election, there are Iwi/Kiwi billboards up in Wellington again. (I saw one today. They make me upchuck a bit in my mouth, ngl. It kind of kills me that they're allowed to stay standing. And that tonnes of people don't see anything wrong with that.)
  11. I bullet-pointed everything, but then I felt silly. Basically, a bunch of shite things happened this year, and whenever I overcame them, something new got thrown on the table. I totally thought I was clear with only a fortnight of 2010 left, but something new happened today and now I have to hustle to fix it before it fucks up everything for the rest of my life - and I'm fond of hyperbole, but I'm not exaggerating. The circumstances of my immediate family read like every house on Wisteria Lane - in every series - combined. And minus the voiceovers. I just wanted to work the next 2 weeks and get this year over with - I'm copy editing. The pay is wonderful and the work is neat and mentally engaging and it's the best job I've ever had. Thanks for the sadfaces and shiz though guys. Less than three.
  12. No, but being recognised for your playwrighting, or your artistic abilities, or at sundance for your badassery, or getting signed to Flying Nun, or being in nicely successful bands already, does. Which are some of the things other people of mine have done this year. And for a number of years. My life is sucky and surrounded by extraordinary people.
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