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Everything posted by helenabird


    haha seriously, thank ya

  2. Happy New Year, Tricia! :D <333

  3. Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year! :happy:


    *tosses some dom at johanna*

  5. happy new year! :D <333

  6. happy new year ;D


  7. happy new yearrrrrrrrrr :p


    oh nine baybee :yesey: jussir

  8. Raise our champagne glasses to the new year! '09, huzzah!



  9. happy new yearrrr :D


    Nice avatar, she's a hottie. :yesey:

  10. Happy new year! I love you! :kiss:

    Let's get shit-faced tonight...? Eh? In honor of the new year, of course. :yesey: ohhhh nine! :party:

  11. also, happy b-day =]

  12. May this new year bring you plenty more encounters with hot musicians.:eyebrows:


    :party: 2009! wh00t

  13. Happy New Year, from one Dom stalker to another ;D

  14. hay gurl hay


    Happy New Yearrrr :party:

  15. Happy New Year:party::party::party:



  16. nice picture ;D


    Happy New Year to you too xD

  17. Nothing wrong with having a life. :p


    Glad to have you back.:yesey::kiss:

  18. helloooooooooooooooooo<3 :happy:

  19. :happy: Oh yes, but for right now it's just you'n'me! ololol
  20. Whatevar. You win either way, with an avatar like that. ;)


    But yeah, wouldn't we all like to take claim for that genius? lol

  21. INORITE:eek:


    Yes, finding the 3rd person will be hard...:shifty::ashkoney:

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