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Everything posted by sdxfcg_ersxdtcfh

  1. Emma :happy:

    Which entrance are you for the Dublin gig? :)


  2. Yeah it definitely will. It's my dream to go to Teignmouth lol.

    I am indeed! Still have two years left of school! :LOL:

    I take it you are? :D


  3. Thanks for the request :)

    I see you're also in Dublin!


  4. I'll be seeing them in Dublin, where I live

    I saw them last year in Marlay Park, the bbest night of my life! It's unreal seeing them in the flesh :eek:


  5. Ah I'm well jealous :( If only I lived in the country... :(

    Yeah I'll be seeing them in November :D

    Have you ever seen them before?


  6. I'm okay now :D

    Ah, that's good to hear!

    So will you be seeing Muse this Autumn? :)


  7. Ah thank you :D

    I'm okay, got a bit of a headache, though :stunned:

    How're you?

  8. Hahahaha! I'm sure that's a false statement lol.

    Have a nice day ;)

  9. I've made some, yeah :D

    Are we friends on bebo?

  10. Thank you for the friend request :happy:

  11. Well when you're on msn I will :)

    Yeah, I'm back in a week and a half, which means I won't be staying up late on msn, i.e. I can't talk to you :eek:

  12. Stop it you, Daft Punk

  13. Chloe :awesome:

    How're things, love? :)

  14. Last night's was myself in some industrial estate. It was pitch black out and frezzing. I jumped up as high as the cranes, and when I was about to land all the way back down into some sea I saw Matt below me. After calling him for ages he finially heard me say, ''Catch me, Bells! Catch me!'' He started walking casually towards me and just when he was about to catch me, his face turned into mine!
  15. Well, when you're off school, I'll only be starting the school year. NOT NICE. Saves me bbz, please! :'(


    Your cat is the cutest! :awesome: Pepe is a bbz.


    I've some pictures to share with you when you decide to get your NZ arse on msn ;)



  16. In about two weeks :(:( I ENVY YOU!!


    Don't worry, look after it ;)


    Awh are you moving far away? :kiss: I promise it'll be okay :happy:

    I've a cat too :awesome: I love cats hahahaha

  17. I will, when I get it cut before school starts :LOL:


    Awh your grin!! :D:D:D:D What a cutie. I agree, it looks hot today :chuckle:


    How're you, my love? :)

  18. Hello, there :)

    Would it be possible to change my name to Bellamy'sSocket? I just need that apostrophe.

    Thank you ;)

  19. Ah well enjoy it while you can :happy:


    Yeah, the sad thing is I've another two years of school! :LOL: Ireland's education system is a pain up the hole :stunned:


    Still not locked?! Oh this is a strong one :eyebrows:

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