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Status Updates posted by Kitarii

  1. Speak for yourself! :awesome:

  2. Graaaacee.

    Where's your boat?!

  3. Oww, I thought you might have made them yourself. :p

  4. Where did you get those ravens in your signature?!

    They're awesome!

  5. Haha! Like some kind of cleaning smilie... Love it.

  6. I'm glad!

    I shall continue to spread the joy. :D

  7. Sorry, but how could I not click on "Befriend some random person"?!

  8. Woah that's so cool!

    I really wanna visit more countries but I need monies. :(

    Yeah I like Oasis, not enough to even see them live in my own country though, apparently. :p

    Only reason I'd go abroad to see a band I guess is if there was no other way.

  9. Kitarii

    Is it A-levels stuff?

    I never did that much revision for those.

    But then again I didn't do that well!

  10. Kitarii

    Uni has given me lots of work and tbh I'm not thrilled about the whole episode. :(

  11. Kitarii

    How're you doing?

  12. Ohh nice where did you go?

    I'm alright, just loads of uni stuff to do at the moment, it's a bit annoying.

  13. This is a secret so you can't tell anyone...

    But I am an internet detective. :awesome:

  14. Lol, love the censored pic... :p

  15. Lo Grace! How're you doing?

  16. Hey, is your name Debbie? :D

  17. Easy Chizzle! How you doing? :D

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